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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Im reading the thread wondering why nobody was thinking this. It was pretty obvious choice if you ask me. Hill will still get heavy backup minutes, and hopefully Snell becomes a factor too. I think this may allow more minutes for OO honestly, with Hill getting less PF minutes, and Gallo getting more of Hills PF minutes, that opens us backup Center minutes for the rook.
  2. Oh yeah man. He had a non surgical procedure done on his knee. He is being "re-evaluated" in a week, which is Hawk speak for out for a week, AT LEAST. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-hawks/deandre-hunter-undergoes-non-surgical-procedure-on-knee/34IGKS7IS5CRVAQ3DMKVAAD45A/%3foutputType=amp Based on our history, I predict it will be much longer. Just like how Kris Dunn is being evaluated every two weeks just for them to say, "he looks good, we will check back in two more weeks." And that's all the update that we get. Expect Hunter to go at least 2 weeks at best before he gets back to practicing again. And Im being optimistic. I think he is fine, but we will be so precautious that we end up sitting him for a bit. I'd say a month based on nothing but patterned behavior from the medical staff.
  3. Exactly, this the wrong time to lose Hunter. Games against struggling playoff tested teams like Dallas and Toronto are fools gold. They still have the firepower and BBIQ to hang with us despite their records. Those will be tough games without our best wing player on both ends of the court.
  4. I really need the Lakers to win tonight. No way we have a chance if they lose to Boston and come in town on a 3 game losing streak. We may catch the big guns off guard once and a while, but top tier teams are too good to have long losing streaks. Guarantee if they lose tonight, they come out blazing Monday and put us away by halftime.
  5. Trae already put the beef thing to bed, but nobody noticed or cared. Negativity will always overshadow positivity. https://www.google.com/amp/s/basketball.realgm.com/wiretap-amp/261345/Trae-Young-Insists-Film-Session-Incident-With-John-Collins-Overblown
  6. Beal was getting them right back too
  7. This is on coach. He is just standing by watching the lead shrink. He needs to light a fire under their butts. Unacceptable to play lazy basketball like this.
  8. 13 point game. We are BSing around with these guys. Got to play smarter to close this out.
  9. We letting these guys hang around too much for my liking. Game should have been put on ice already.
  10. We need to get the heck out of DC before this negative energy starts to rub off on us. That is a toxic team over there.
  11. Games a little sloppy, but a great chance to get Gwu some extended playing time. Can't believe we would empty the bench in the 3rd quarter.
  12. They have a very potent offense, I don't know if our defense is just that good tonight, or if it's self inflicted struggles by them. But boy does it feel good to shut a team down over and over.
  13. I feel their frustration man, reminds me of our long losing streak last year where our season was over before it even started. These dudes are ultra competitors, and losing doesn't sit well.
  14. Im legit worried about the man. I'm a little worried about facing him too, he is about a hungry for a win as they get, We can't afford to drop this game on some poor effort BS.
  15. I watch a lot of the games on Fox Sports Go via Xfinity subscription. I too am curious how the platform will change
  16. Go for it, I deserve it for falling for the trap again lol
  17. Okay, So, in the offseason it was just playoffs. Many of us would have been fine with 8 seed. Now, I would say after the contenders: Philly, Bos, Mil and BKN, we are somewhere in the pack of 5-7 hopefully. So for me, avoiding the play in round by securing a 6 seed or better is a comfortable expectation for us. That accounts for injuries and continued struggles getting guys back in the rotation while also taking in to account that at our best, we have enough talent to beat most teams. That to me, going from 8 to 6, represents raised expectations.
  18. You are wrong again dude. I said EXACTLY because you implied that expectations for our team never go up and his response immediately shut that down. I have always stated we weren't built to win last year. There were no playoff expectations. This is the first season the organization has placed those expectations on the team and coach. Nothing in his post that responded to your question about EXPECTATIONS matches your summary of the exchange. You: when do we raise expectations? AHF: We just did this year ME: Exactly
  19. Bro, I answered you directly, in plain English, with detail TWICE. I am HOPING for 6th seed or better with a series win. Orlando was an 8th seed that lost in round 1. How is that not clear to you, my hopes for us are higher than what Orlando did? Semantics game: "Happy with?" No, I'm not "happy" until we win a ring. But my objective expectations, aspirations, hopes, whatever you want to call it, are 6th seed or better with a series win for this season. You have successfully dodged my question for like 4 posts now while succeeding in making me repeat myself 3 times and counting. I'm clearly the jackass for entertaining you. But I would appreciate you state your expectations for the record since you insist on shading anyone else with an objective opinion.
  20. There are quite a few names out on the street right now. https://basketball.realgm.com/nba/current_free_agents
  21. My brother, if you didnt get a "feel" for where I stand already, based on my extremely long-winded prior responses, then I don't know what to tell you man. I could not have been any clearer about the topic up to this point. I talk too much as is, Im in no mood to continue to repeat myself.
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