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Everything posted by HAWKSFAN89

  1. I love Bibby and hope he stays here until he retires -- but i'd love to see Teague be his successor after he's gone. Hopefully Teague won't disappoint, I think he has major potential.
  2. hopefully they cut john parker wilson, I can't stand that fruit
  3. Some of the posts in this thread are humorous.... I saw Joe tweets and didn't think anything about them, except for the occasional chuckle. Joe's young and out having a good time, you guys are ridiculous.
  4. LOL yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw that part.... just started laughing when I saw it.
  5. That Detriot trade was no one of the most retarded trades i've ever seen though. There was no point in Detriot trading their leader off for another SG when they already had RIP.
  6. Word has it he's signing a lucrative deal with the Thunder..... 5yrs/60mill.
  7. Yeah, ok. I think I have a better chance getting struck by lightening.
  8. I like him. Can't wait to see him play with that jersey on ;)
  9. still very happy with this signing. if we make one more move I will be very impressed.
  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4400517 official
  11. Smoove..... there's something about Boozer I just don't like
  12. You guys are d*ck riders..... Brandon Roy will have an MVP caliber season next year, just watch.
  13. Joe Smith, I think he's a better player than Wallace at this point. He's long and could give us what we need. Bowen would be the worst, he's a small forward, something we don't need.
  14. Spoke with Solomon Jones yesterday. He's going to be a Pacer as soon as this week. Two year, minimum deal. Good fit for Solo and Pacers. 30 minutes ago from web -Sekou Smith woo woo, clear some way for a nice big man sorry if it's been posted
  15. bring him on!!! hakin warrick, joe smith and siler sounds nice for me
  16. YES!!! Can't wait to see this. What's sad is that this whole thing is being blow out of proportion.... if he wouldn't have pulled the footage this s*** wouldn't even be happening.
  17. Hopefully we make something happen with Siler. I've heard nothing but good things about this guy.
  18. I can pretty much guarantee Crawford will have better numbers than Flip Murray. Why? Because Crawford will definitely have more minutes. He will be our 6th man but I see him playing 30 minute games ah la Manu Ginobili. I understand what you guys are saying by comparing stats, but it's gonna be a whole different ball game with Crawford here in Flips place.
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