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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Is he still injured or what? With Marvin out we can atleast give him 5-10 minutes a game and see what he can contribute to our team, if anything.......
  2. How do people not realize smith is not at his best at the 3 position? He can't space the floor, and his perimeter defense is just horrible.
  3. Wow, I actually like this trade. We get Prince a defensive specialist and Bynum a decent backup pg who can play D.
  4. The Hawks will make them eat their own words when we beat ORL tonight.
  5. The thought of Corey Brewer makes me gag. Marvin is better then Brewer so no need to downgrade. And NO, Brewer does NOT shoot better then marvin.
  6. Wrong. Rose will be superior to wall except the assists when both of their careers are over.
  7. Well we should be happy Jsmoove bailed us out with that 3. However, do I want him taking another shot like that in clutch moments? HELL NO.
  8. This is ridiculous. well, its our bench what do you expect lol. Teague and JC seniors stats horrible ugh.
  9. Can we vote for Marvins 3 pointer in the 4th quarter to ice the game? :laugh:
  10. We beat the heat and it was good to see Bibby perform in the clutch and Marvin hit the 3. Anyway, how can we let that obnoxious heat fan yell "lets go heat!" and spit nonsense to our players in our ARENA? I was expecting atleast a "LETS GO HAWKS!" in retaliation to shut up that fan. I hope our arena gets crowded come regular season!
  11. Just wait until the regular season. THEN we can see if he is useless.
  12. Theres the hawks we all recognize. -_-
  13. For me i'm looking for the following - Does our offense look better - Players do not stand in one spot when Joe has the ball in his hands (i.e marvin standing around the in the corner of the 3 point line even when hes clearly not a threat from there) - No more Iso-Joe (once in a while is fine) - Ball movement -JC2 -Teagues ability to run the point -Defense (do we still switch?)
  14. To get better and possibly go to the finals IMO: Mainly defense, and huge strides in the offseason from our bigs. We also need ball movement, consistency throughout the whole game, and Joe needs to know this offense isn't based off of "Iso-Joe" anymore. Bibby and or Teague is fine for pg, after all we don't need an allstar pg, just ask fisher. And last, We NEED Marvin to be consistent and Joe to not dissapear when we need him the most
  15. Why not sign DJ Mbenga? He's good size and imo, much more valuable then josh powell.
  16. Why in the world did Lebron James pick the heat? I mean, surely he knows hes not going to average his superstar numbers that he did in cleveland. I am stunned by his decision, and if the heat win this years championships in a sweep, or are only going to get beaten in only 5 - 10 games, I will stop watching the nba.
  17. Josh smith doesn't have the lateral quickness to play sf.
  18. "Smith is a top-notch athlete and has guard skills for his size. He jumps out of the gym and can run all day. Unlike Miles, he's a pretty proficient shooter" lol wtf? Smith is no proficient shooter.
  19. All of you have too much faith in teague, he should not start yet unless he shows TREMENDOUS improvement. And I hope i'm not the only one whose actually wants marvin to stay D:
  20. no offense to smoove, but why would NO trade the 2nd best pg in the league for smoove?
  21. We need JJ to come back, our sg spot is going to kill us if he leaves
  22. You never know man. Hopefully he will develop nicely and can contribute to this team
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