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Everything posted by GABALLA

  1. Well ESPN just reported that Dwight will waive right to be early free agent sometime this morning and will remain with team through next season...
  2. Wrong. They won't be able to offer him an extension because they didn't extend him when he was an unrestricted free agent. That does not mean they can't offer him a new contract when he is a free agent, essentially long term.
  3. OK But I fail to see how any of this helps us get rid of Marvin!
  4. PG: Jeff/Watson/Pape---Kirk(Injury) SG: Joe/Tmac SF: Josh/Brewer/Marv/Vlad PF: Marv/Horf/Vlad C: Horf/Azik/Zaza/Collins That's just the way I see things panning out. assuming trades happen. not a bad second unit if you ask me. Watson, Tmac, Brewer, Vlad, Zaza/Azik
  6. I can see that but only if they don't trade love for Pau. Have Pau play center Beasley PF, Rubio Pg just need Sf. they have a good young sg.
  7. I'm not sure how I feel about this either, Deisel. I have seen Kanter play before but I just watch a few highlight videos of him on youtube just to have another look at the guy. I must say he is an impressive prospect for a big man. That being said, he is a European big man who like to step out and shoot jumpers but can also bang a bit. He is skilled for his size, has good feet, and a decent motor but.....I'm just not sure how (if this is true) he and Al would work together. Two bigs that can knock down mid range jumpers and run the floor is wonderful but having both of them would mean we would have to completely change our style of play to a more european (total) team style. And I'm just not sure we would have the personnel left on the team that are willing to pass and move with less isos. Also, if we can acquire the guy for say, "Marvelous" and others. I'm all for it but I would have serious reservations about doing it for Josh. All in all though, I think the kid will be a good player maybe even better. But we would have to retool our roster if we decide to go in that direction.
  8. They get better we get worst. How do you not see that?
  9. Wow how old are you. Terry was a Hawk for much longer than 2 seconds. smdh
  10. HA HA that's so funny because I think I saw you in T.V. I was like who is that guy wearing that all white horford jersey? That was the first time I have ever seen that. that's cool man.
  11. I have a good feeling drew is on the chopping block. If they lose this game he could be out of here as soon as next week.
  12. He's in the Dleague. he played against Pape's team in Pape's last game there.
  14. Wait, we need another big!? How about some guards or a SF to be specific. :help wanted:
  15. I know right! Jesus lol :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  16. Aww geez.....someone's got a poor reputation lol

  17. He's too busy collecting his torches and pitchforks lol
  18. but so is our future...possibly
  19. Agreed. Here's hoping we can get sessions as well :beer11: :blow out candles:
  20. Aww geez......GET YOUR PITCHFORKS READY! :shake_puter:
  21. This does sound like there may be two trades in the works and we will either go with one or the other or maybe try for both....who know? smh
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