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Everything posted by Mutombolievable

  1. Just wanted to edit this. My pick and Alejandro's last pick were switched.
  2. I'll go ahead and take my main man Ed Davis. Young, athletic, shot blocking PF who can score as well. PM'd Dolf
  3. I honestly think we will be alright this season. We still have two premiere players on this team. Horf is an all-star who many on this board believed was already the best player on our team. Does anyone remember that shot diagram someone posted a while back? If you look at the plays we ran last season, before Horf went down we were running A LOT of pick and roll with him Jeff Teague who, I think we can all agree that so far has NOT been the best PnR PG in the league. Then Horf went down and it all went back to ISO Joe. Now that Horf is back, I think we can expect to see improved ball movement. AND GUESS WHAT? We now DO have a point guard that plays well in the PnR. When Joe was playing 1 on 5, it was easy for Smoove and others to float out to the perimeter. I don't think we'll see as much of that this year. That brings me to my next point. Josh Smith is one of the top power forward's in this league and we've got to take the bad with the good. We're going to get some bad this year but I betcha we'll get more good. This is a guy that averaged 21 and 10 when Joe was out. The guy's going to play and there aren't more than 5 PF's in this league that I would rather have than Josh Smith.With Joe Johnson around we did not have enough shots on this team to go around. With our offense moving through Al and Josh I seriously believe that we will be just fine. Might get slammed for this one but Marvin Williams, a great talent, was a 5th option on this team for almost the entire time he was here. Marvin was always a solid player for us but when was he put in a position to excel? I believe that the answer is never. I think he's going to be much better in Utah. (this wasn't really that necessary in this post but just wanted to throw that out there!)
  4. LMAO. Deshawn Stevenson's going to get arrested so fast in Atlanta
  5. I'm going to go ahead and get my coach here. I'll take STAN Van Gundy. Plain and simple, I think he's a much better coach than given credit for and I really liked how he handled himself through all the Dwight bitching and moaning. That Orlando team he was coaching was not as good as he made them look. I think he will be great at his next stop. PMing Alejandro
  6. Smoove seems to be very happy with the direction that Ferry is going in. He spoke yesterday about it. Also - I am honored to be in your sig!!!
  7. I will definitely miss hearing JJJJJJJJoe JOHNSON FORRRR THREEEEEEEEEEEE
  8. Ken Berger‏@KBergCBS Orlando GM Rob Hennigan also trying to engage the Hawks, Rockets, Lakers and possibly Mavs in Howard talks. Full-court press. I like this "rumor" more. Let's go with this one instead.
  9. This rumor is SUCH garbage. In the details Brussard says that both Lopez and Humphries are in this deal? Both of those guys are FA's. Lopez is restricted and Humphries can do whatever the hell he wants. Why would he sign with the Magic just to help the Nets out. Am I missing something here or does this just make 0 sense whatsoever?
  10. Do you really think that Ferry is done?
  11. Jeremy Evans and Renaldo Balkman made me laugh. Renaldo barely played this year. Evans did nothing except compete in the dunk contest. They should be cheaper than Marv. They aren't even close to the player he is.
  12. I understand. I just thought since it was all over the news for a while most had heard of it. It became a big deal because it brought in $0 revenue yet was bought for a billion. Crazy
  13. I am amazed that you never heard of it because it was in the news a lot after being bought by Facebook for 1 billion dollars. It's basically a smart phone application where you take and post pictures. You can follow anyone and see what they post. I am sure JJ will have many pictures of his shoe collection, massive tricked out truck, and piles of money sitting in his house.
  14. I'll take Omer Asik. He's tall. Not sure if he's worth 25 mil but he's definitely tall and will be good coming off my bench. Young too. And tall. Ok, yea. Asik.The writeup above is how I envision the Houston Rockets thoughts when extending their offer. Westbrook/Isaiah ThomasShumpert/ EllisChandler/ MarvSmoove/ VarejaoLopez/ AsikPMing Dolf
  15. Can we ban his name from Homecourt now?
  16. Quack Quack Quack Quack. I'll take Marv. Ive had no access to computer. Will someone please pm alejandro for me.
  17. I'm excited about this guy. He shot over 40% on 3's. And guys, Joe Johnson still gets doubled A LOT. Not only does this improve our outside shooting but if he's on the floor spacing it, it's going to make Joe Johnson a better player. Think of all the 3's Pargo would be wide open for or Hinrich would be open for. A lot of times it was because Joes was doubled. If this guy is knocking down threes Joe gets guarded man to man and really Joe is still very good at breaking down his man one on one.
  18. http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/post/_/id/46890/hawks-resisting-interest-in-smith-for-now
  19. For what it's worth guys and gals...Could we be one of them? David Aldridge‏@daldridgetnt Source: Bobcats have five legit offers they're currently exploring to trade the second pick overall in tonight's NBA Draft.
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