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Everything posted by theheroatl

  1. Good riddance. Probably would do much better in other areas of reporting. NBA wasn't his forte. Cunningham is okay.
  2. Dedmon had a career high 17 MPG... Do you see him playing 25-35 minutes? Nope.
  3. Whichever they sign has got to ensure the tank... Dedmon for sure.
  4. If it don't work for the next few years we can go back to the mid-level mediocre and have some more summers of "superstars" looking past us on July 1.
  5. Reed maybe but who does Memphis have now?
  6. Here is the thing... Schlenk either can overpay for 3 slots or overpay for 1 slot... which do you want? What 2-3 players do you want to pay 10-15 million?
  7. What at this point would make us competitive? The writing on the wall is Schlenk will build in 2018 and 2019 drafts. He is trying for at least 3-4 FRP in each draft. He is looking for these and just making this an attractive salary dump. in my opinion, this is the best GM work we've seen in a while. Obviously it will suck to not see the treadmill team we are accustomed to but Philly and LA made it through and they are in better shape because of it.
  8. theheroatl


    Nope. There were reports that they were expecting around $11-12 million a year... Don't think Schlenk will want to match $19
  9. Doubt Schlenk would do it if they added anything on to the top 3 Houston protection
  10. Jamal doesn't want to be in the tank as it heads towards the process.
  11. What's crazy is I was just reading atlhawksfanatic's PH article about this very scenario and then WOJBOMB https://www.peachtreehoops.com/2017/7/4/15917734/nba-free-agency-2017-paul-millsap-atlanta-hawks-denver-nuggets-clippers-trade?utm_campaign=peachtreehoops&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  12. I'm hoping 10-20 wins. I want Bomba or Porter Jr. depending on whether we sign serviceable bigs this season or next
  13. Predictable.. Now will Schlenk do anything exciting or just bring in filler to TANK big time. Talking 10-20 wins.
  14. Summer league Bud interview states he would like to use Dwight specifically with early deep post touches and pick and roll like Orlando and not late post ISO like Houston and LA
  15. Dwight seems drastically different... Perhaps much more mature? Seems like he knows that friends and family mean more than fame. That kind of passion is what brings championships.... See LeBron coming back to Cleveland.
  16. I've been a big fan of Dwight for a long time and seeing him come home is awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing our first true center in a LONG time.
  17. I doubt Celts would have done that. Wilcox had no control since Celts had capspace they could just negotiate with Al and his agent directly and completely cutoff Wilcox. I'm totally on board moving on and I think Dwight is such a better fit here. I think if we can get or develop one more big gun then we are set for contending.
  18. Seems kinda weak to me compared to other big names that left their home teams.
  19. I think Cviv is just inept. I doubt when MC moved from that position that they gave it any thought. I personally think Ken Sugiura would be fabulous.
  20. Exactly... So, instead we need Dennis to step up big time in his efficiency. And best way to do that is get the 3 ball going MUCH better (too many crucial misses BUT there were many CRUCIAL makes!) and better finishing at the rim. I also believe Dennis will get the PNR going real good with Dwight. That will help a TON with offensive efficiency.
  21. If you look at the top 5-10 teams in the NBA every year there usually is 3 top players averaging 30+ minutes a game that have 18+ Player efficiency ratings.. We need Dennis to be one of these because Paul & Dwight will be there. We need Baze to have a strong year as well. Hands down the best situation for us would to somehow get Dwyane Wade... Not sure how but it would put right close to Cleveland.
  22. I would take Wade any day. Atlanta big three: Wade, Millsap, Dwight. We need a player with 18 and above PER rating while averaging over 30 mpg to be a contender.
  23. I realized how pathetic the PTH guys are. I always knew Cviv and Schultz were hot trash but we basically have no one good in Atlanta except for the USA Today guys and Zach Klein.
  24. Al was scared. Just like in the playoffs in crunch time. Just like those years playing against Orlando's Dwight Howard in the post.
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