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Everything posted by JETSET

  1. I'm hoping for Lou Will to get back to his old self this season but he still has major flaws in his game if he does. He would definitely help us with off-the-bench scoring and provide us with a second guard that can create his own shot, but he is useless on defense. He holds on to the ball far too long on offense as well.
  2. Answer this Supes. Why did you have to go all the way back to February to find a report of a possible Teague trade if we are so eager to trade him now? I would think that it would be easy to find a current article if Ferry was eager to dump Teague. Teague will be here for at least one more year.
  3. I am 100% sure that trade will never happen. We would be left with no PG if it did. Dennis is certainly not ready. Mack is good off the bench, but you can't rely on him to start. Good luck convincing Lebron to come to ATL by trading Teague away for a rookie.
  4. -I will be surprised if Blatche doesn't opt out as well -Deron just had surgery on both of his ankles -Garnett is coming back and will be another year older -Who knows how Lopez will be and how many games he will play before he is injured again. A few East teams that were in the lottery should improve as well. Cleveland, Detroit and Orlando all should have a better record than last year. I think we will definitely finish with a better record than Brooklyn next season. The question is, does their pick end up being a lotto pick or do they barely make the playoffs.
  5. Iheartferry, I agree with you 100%. I was beyond happy when I stumbled across this forum this past off-season but was immediately saddened when I saw the opinions of the majority of the people on here. I am very happy with our lack of moves at the trade deadline. Why people want to sacrifice our long-term goals for a short-term semi-fix is beyond me. How do you bash Ferry when he has accomplished more in his first two years than any GM for the Hawks. I do understand the want to be better than just a treadmill team but all of these trade wishes would end up with us stuck as mediocre treadmill team. Let Ferry work and tread water until he finds the right deal that he thinks will put us over the top. Coach Bud has already shown that he is one hell of a coach. I have complete faith that we just need to land that one superstar, which is much easier said than done, but if we do get him, Ferry and Bud will build a damn good team around that player.
  6. I'm sorry but you are either joking or just pure hating. You can't honestly say that you would rather have Lee, Robin, Pek or ZBo on your team over Dwight. Only Dwight can average 18, 12.5 and 2 and be considered a bum. The hate for him has made people lose their minds when it comes to judging his play. Here's Dwight's statline in games this year where he has played atleast 30 minutes and Harden is out that night. 25 pts 16 rebs 5 assts 3 blocks 59% FG. Some bum he is
  7. You have to have a superstar to win a ring. This is fact as the Pistons are the only team to win a title without a superstar in atleast the past 30 years.
  8. I expected a loss tonight. These guys were running on E after 3 straight overtime games and playing a back-to-back with a short roster. I'm impressed that we hung around as well as we did.
  9. That division will get a lot tougher for the Nets once Rondo and Chandler are back on the court and 100%
  10. Man if we could land Parker or another stud SF in this draft and then a quality big in next years draft with a top 10 pick from the Nets. We will be legit contenders for the first time since I have been a Hawks fan. And these guys will be on rookie contracts so it wont kill our cap space.
  11. They should lose the next 3 after those 10 as well. They play @ Toronto the day after the Miami game and then play @ ATL and @ NYK. They will be 12-27 or 11-28 after this stretch
  12. The Nets are about to enter a brutal stretch in the schedule as well. I would be shocked if they win more than 3 of their next 10. Here's the next 10 opponents. Indy, Chi, Milw, @ Indy, @ San An, @ OKC, Clev, ATL, GSW, Mia I give them about a 5% chance of beating any of Indy, San an, OKC, Atl, GSW, Mia. I doubt they sweep Chi, Milw and Clev either. I'm going to predict they go 2-8 in their next 10 which will put them at 11-25 on the season. I wouldn't be surprised if the team implodes after that stretch.
  13. I'm not surprised all that much. I expected them to finish a couple of games better than last year. We are 3 games above .500 but I think we should be better. We went 1-3 in the 4 games that Korver missed and scored less than 90 in 2 of those. I think we win atleast 1 more game of those 4 if Korver plays. We had 2 bad losses in the 8 games in 12 days span. We win both of those games if we aren't playing on tired legs. (ex. Had a 10 pt lead after 3 qtrs against Boston and then couldn't throw the ball in the ocean in the 4th, was 4th game in 5 nights) This team could easily be 17-10 or 18-9 if you account for those circumstances.
  14. I live in Macon and have been to 3 games so far this season. Planning on going to a 4th before the end of the year. The Hawks fan attendance has always been pretty weak other than a few playoff series. At the same time though, the damn organization and Sports South need to get it together and air every game. How in the hell are you going to air some crappy college game over the Hawks and they do this routinely. The best way to increase the fan base is to put the product on display, but they would rather cut costs and play some crappy game that no one is going to watch.
  15. They also have the Clippers first from Doc going to LA. I think this would be the most likely pick to be included if a first is.
  16. -Only a fool would think that there is more than a 0.00000% chance of the Hawks leaving Atlanta. REAL TALK
  17. Not at all. I own one Hawks jersey and its a Horford jersey. Had it for 3 years now. The constant hating of a guy that brought a lot of good memories, along with some bad, to this team is just kind of ridiculous but that's what the internet is these days. The internet brings out the hater in every one. Every one wants to bash every one. I just personally don't understand why people do this.
  18. Why only tell half the story. He scored 8 but he also had 19 boards, 8 assists, 5 steals, 2 blocks. Every one is talking about how Milsap is not a quitter like he is but he clearly didnt quit tonight when the shots werent going his way. Dont get me wrong, Im happy that he wasnt resigned but the hate for him is getting a little out of hand. I really started watching the Hawks around 2005 when that core came together and the hate for him is a little ridiculous. I feel like most posters here are around my age (29) or younger and he has provided some of the most exciting moments for this generation of fans. I blame our front office and head coach more than anything. Smith, Johnson, Horford, Marvin. All of these guys came in to the league with elite potential and none of them took the next step. I wonder how things would have turned out if we had a guy like Coach Bud in charge during the past 7 years.
  19. Are people really blaming Teague for Horford's shortcomings. Horford is to blame for his shortcomings. He has no more than two post moves and a high percentage of his made shots come from someone else creating a wide open shot for him. Anyone who watched the Heat game saw him get straight abused by Bosh. His shooting % is so high because he is usually taking a wide open shot or a shot right by the rim. He has never been asked to create your own shot which will lead you to taking tougher shots which will lower your FG%
  20. Holy overreaction Batman. We all knew this would be a tough game before Milsap was scratched from the lineup. Our guys looked good in the first half but fell apart in the second half. Mike Scott continues to impress with a solid double-double last night. I like how Bud kept Horford out in the 4th and decided to rest key players in preparation for tonight's game instead of giving in to a futile attempt to try and make a comeback. The Pistons are in trouble tonight. We should employ the hack-a-Drummond strategy tonight as he is 2/16 from the FT line this year but he is only averaging 1.5 FT's per game on 36 minutes per game. Why do people Hack Dwight constantly and not Drummond? Dwight atleast shoots 40-50% from the line and not under 20% like Drummond.
  21. JETSET


    I would rather stick with Milsap for now. Asik isn't gonig to get us any closer to a title. it will just change the way we get to a first round exit with a slight chance of second round which is where we already are. I don't see a point in getting a big just to say we got a big. I feel your pain Mace. Everything you are saying makes complete sense.
  22. Anyone who puts Holliday anywhere above 5th on that list is nuts. Holliday is as overrated as it gets. He statpads against lottery teams and gets owned against good competition. Just look at what Teague did to him in their matchups last year. Teague DOMINATED Holliday over most of the 4 games where they faced each other last year. The only game he didn't was mostly due to lack of playing time.
  23. Just grabbed a pair of pretty good seats for tonight's game. Can't wait to watch our boys make Dolan eat his words. This will be my first trip to Philips from Macon this season. Let's get it Hawks!!!
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