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Everything posted by OGRat

  1. Was last year's start an aberration or was the team solid before players started getting hurt? Also, what was the difference? Was Woodson doing a good job or were players making the difference? I think the difference was Smoove and his development, because when he got hurt, things went south quickly. Unfortunately, I do not have confidence in Woodson to integrate the new players (and returning players) and to define roles well enough for players to excel. Shelden looks to be coming on stronger. Speedy hopes to be back to his old self, but Acie will be pushing him. Also, how will he integrate Horford's and maybe Smoove's new found inside game? Will it cause our offense to grind to a halt? I hope Woodson can show that he was a larger part of last season's good start than I give him credit for, and all he needed was a full complement of players. Thoughts?
  2. think that other EC teams are evaluating themselves against the new Celtics team? I think it's now possible that a team will be more motivated to consider a trade that was not so palatable before. JO is still available and so are some others on the Pacer's. How would JO or Murphy look next to Shaq? Team's like Miami who knew they already had fallen behind can't watch Boston and sit on their hands.
  3. How would you feel if you were Juwan Howard who just signed with Minnesota thinking he was going to play with KG?
  4. I couldn't even finish the T-hud video. Terrible. I had never heard of the Kobe one. Wow? He actually rapped in two languages. I'm no rap enthusiast but I've seen worse on BET.
  5. Winning will make it a lot better than it is though.
  6. The magic of Pistolllll Peeete. Grew up in New Orleans and I got to watch him live a few times in the Superdome. The guy was a magician with the ball.
  7. Wow!! Bradley still has a huge hit on Dallas' cap. Why?
  8. I believe that Horford represented the best player available at #3. I believe that if a true Center prospect had been available with comparable skills (like Hibbert maybe?), the C would probably have been chosen. But because there wasn't one, and we could fill our other obvious need at #11, the third pick was for the best player available. I think that BK believes he can play C just as much as he believed JJ could run the point (debatable). Really I don't think position was the dominant factor in Al's selection. He fits the team as well or better than any other prospect available at #3 considering the projected availability of a PG at #11. O
  9. Went undrafted last year. Went back to Kentucky and regained eligibility. After NCAA season, signed with the Knicks as a FA. Very unheralded move by Isaiah.
  10. Saw one video. Not enough to go on I'm sure, but his game reminded me of Morrison or a young Korver. Is he a better shooter than Salim? Probably not. I'm not sure why we need him right now. We need a defensive big, and Cenk is not it. The team needs someone who can dominate on defense for at least 15 minutes a game. At this point I'd be willing to give Haywood a try. Is Washington still looking to get rid of him?
  11. Happy B-day. Love the optimism.
  12. Looking forward to the movie. Looking for somebody's kid to take, so my wife doesn't think I'm reverting. By the way, if they came out with a Thundercats, I'll forget about taking a kid.
  13. OGRat


    Last week when I could not get to the squawk, I didn't wait but was able to sign in using the id and pswd I submitted. Not sure if I got all the functionality, but I was able to post.
  14. I hope you are not playing the race card. I think you are forgetting how many people here wanted Yi. The ratings probably reflect just how close in talent #3- #11 are and the fact that one could have argued for either player. The fact of the matter is that Hawk management evaluated the talent and made an educated decision based on first hand knowledge. What is yours based on? Media bias?
  15. During BK's interview he was asked if those picks would still be with the Hawks next month, and BK said they would be long-term members of the Hawks. We must be trading existing players.
  16. I will let the experts choose the players, but the team must come out of this offseason with a true PG and C. The draft is just one option for obtaining players. If I were drafting with this in mind, I would make sure I would get the best PG picking Conley at #3. I would hope that Brewer, Noah or Yi (order of preference) would slip to #11, but would just target the BPA at #11 since no one would fill the need at C. I would look to trade for or sign a FA C because no one is available where we are picking. I'd just make sure that the C could play defense and rebound.
  17. Then we mourn and go on suicide alert.
  18. I love the idea of having some quality vets join and complete the team, but I think that a complete team is only one part of the picture. I am concerned about whether Woody is the one to coach this team. He's had a few years to show what he can do and I have some concerns about his X's and O's, his ability to take advantage of his players' strengths and his substitution patterns. It does not matter who your players are if the coach can't successfully design plays for them. I think Woody should've been fired at the end of the year, because I don't think his short-comings were totally due to our limited roster, but I know he will at least get a chance to prove otherwise. Anybody else share my concern? Can anyone allay my fears? Somebody lie to me to make me feel better about our coach's capabilities. Anybody impressed with anything Woody has done?
  19. I had the same problem. I even signed up on realgam for the first time.
  20. I agree that we should want to draft and keep Durant, but someone would have to go in a trade for a defensive C.
  21. I too like the idea of keeping the picks unless we can trade #3 for a clear difference maker. Allow me to play devil's advocate on the Pau trade. My initial thoughts: First, Pau will not solve our need for a Center. If Pau were a center I could see it, but he is a PF with height. Sure, he's played some C, but this is not his best position. I think we can get a younger Pau with Yi. Second, I tend to steer away from players with histories of recurring injury. I just don't think Pau can make it through a full season anymore. He eventually breaks down or is hampered by the time the playoffs roll around. I think this is one of the reasons tha Memphis is willing to part with him. Third, since Pau's best years are probably behind him, he is not a long-term solution. Bringing him aboard would probably hurt the development of our younger talent. Lastly, I am concerned that the combination of Pau's health and contract have the potential to hurt us.
  22. OGRat

    Hawks New Colors?

    If the team changes colors does that mean SkyHawk will need to change colors too? I'm not to interested in seeing a guy run around in a powder blue skin suit.
  23. B you seem to be down on Josh right now. I find it hard to be down on any player who finds it difficult to accept the sorry state of the Hawks right now. If the Hawks don't resign Smoove, I'd see it as a bad sign for the organization. I'd have to question just how much they want a winning team.
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