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Everything posted by Hawkmoor

  1. ESPN NBA TRADE MACHINE says that Horford, Scott and Mack for Howard would go thru.........
  2. No matter how you look at it, bud blew the hawk's draft pick....
  3. Why would you trade the number 15 pick in the draft for a guy that you put into d league? bud know he would have to be developed? There was NOBODY on the board that could have sat on the hawks bench and got FIVE minutes? At 15? THIS IS WHY I clown the decisions they are making. It's as if they don't wanna get over the top....
  4. Whatever the reason, he isn't the same.....
  5. Korver been garbage ever since he got to the all-star game last year....he is half the reason the hawk's are not the same team they were early last year..... I thought Hardaway was brought to Atlanta to rectify that......
  6. can he get 8 boards a game????????
  7. I'm telling y'all why the hawk's aren't making moves to get OVER the top, but excuses are being made For the investors. It's all good. I guess perennial playoff exits are enough to placate Hawk's fans.....carry on. .
  8. One more thing. Forgot to address the Ferry situation. Ferry was the FIRST THING that had to go. Paying him to leave was little compared to potential LOST revenue by keeping him. This is about increasing PROFITS. How do you do that? There are several ways. One is FAN ATTENDANCE and season tickets. NO way was Ferry staying on board with the risk of alienating thousands of fans in Atlanta. That wouldve hurt the bottom line. Thats why Steve Koonin has been in OVERDRIVE repairing the damage that Ferry and Gearon did to the public perception of the team, so that the investors will be happy. Man, this thing isnt hard to figure out. ON a side note, the Braves are doing the EXACT same thing. The only difference is they LIED about what they are doing, but their moves are the direct opposite. New stadium, increased profits, potential flip for liberty media. They have gotten rid of all but 3 contracts on that team. Grant Hill and his partners are smart enough to NOT come out and say they are gonna do this or that. They sitting back in the cut and waiting on the flip.............
  9. Show me proof that Grant Hill and his business partners are NOT private equity investors, then we can talk. That's what they DO....the end game is to flip the team.
  10. MONEY INVESTED in players. Bud made ZERO big moves at the trade deadline last year, when it was obvious the hawks have a flawed roster. He will do the same this year. The Hawks are gonna HOLD the course on payroll. With the private equity model, im pretty sure they are using OTHER people's money to fund this whole deal. Thats the leverage. In order to do that, the Hawks revenue must be at a high enough spread vs debt to get back the principal and interest on the funding. Thats why they are remodeling Phillips Arena. Sure, there are some design flaws in the stadium, but not enough to warrant what the new investors are doing, UNLESS, the goal is to increase operating revenues AND the end game of increasing the value of the team, so that all parties make a profit. The timing was PERFECT. With the new tv contracts coming out next year, the value of all NBA teams will increase. If you DONT increase payroll to keep up, the profit spread INCREASES substantially. Grant Hill knows what he is doing. They dont recruit dummies up at Duke University. He is a real investor.
  11. Honestly, i think that the new ownership FELL into a perfect scenario with Bud. The fact that bud DOES know how to coach, fell into perfect harmony with what the new investors are trying to do. I agree, that if you looked at this, what im saying could be called a LEAP. What sells it FOR ME is the fact that these are young, NEW owners, who have done NOTHING to be a part of the face of this franchise. You combine that with the fact that they ARE private equity investors, and it SMELLS of a flip job wherein they have a bottom line that Bud and his co general manager are told to stay at and not try and really get over the top and compete with Cleveland and Golden State. ( get locked into big contracts with a Dwight Howard type player)
  12. Exactly. The other NBA owners and commissioners were at a point with the prior hawks ownership, that they wouldve approved a sale of the team to Flavor Flav . ANYTHING was better than Atlanta Spirit. I bet the ONLY contigency they told Grant Hill was to keep the team in Atlanta.
  13. When they first bought the team, I thought about this. They have confirmed it by how they have handled the team.
  14. Hawkmoor

    Pau Gasol

    I actually agree with you. I was wrong about Lopez being the RIGHT fit for the hawks. No, I prefer someone more physical in the paint. The MAIN reason Sap gets banged on and can't get foul calls is because the hawks are looked at as being soft. Referees don't even respect them.
  15. Hawkmoor

    Pau Gasol

    THATS the problem. Hawks dont need yet ANOTHER stretch big, they need a bruiser in the paint. He and Al would be outside fighting for touches.......lol
  16. The new Hawk's owners don't care if Bud was the right guy for that gig. Here is why: The hawks "ownership " plan. Those investors (owners) are gonna fix up Phillips arena and sell the team within 5 years. That's why they gave bud the keys to the whole basketball side of the operation. With the new TV contracts and the revenue from a remodeled Phillips arena, those investors are gonna flip the Hawk's. That's EXACTLY why you are not hearing anything from them. Being new "owners", you would think they would be front and center (like the mavericks owner). No, they are cold hard nosed investors. The head guy and Grant Hill are into PRIVATE EQUITY. They buy corporations, leverage investor money and fix up the corporation, and flip it for a profit. That's what they DO. The Hawk's are no exception. They could care less what bud does as long as the hawks are not a bottom feeder team like Philadelphia. That's why bud is making these head scratching moves. He is gonna keep payroll right about where it is now, per instructions from the hawks "ownership ".
  17. Hawkmoor

    Horf =

    I keep telling y'all that bud is using his guards as the front court.....LMAO
  18. What I mean is the hawk's have their inside players, playing on the outside, which, in theory, should pull the opponents interior defense out to the perimeter to defend it, which would open lanes for the hawks guards to penetrate. Since, like you said, this team is really not THAT good at shooting for FOUR quarters, teams let them shoot and stay home to block shots and control the boards. It all evens out because the hawks will go cold from outside, just like they did tonight s Toronto.
  19. When the hawk's jumpers stop falling, they become just another team....
  20. It's all making since now. Getting rid of Payne so soon. Acquiring hardaway, the pero Max minutes as a stretch big, horford being used the same way this year, dennis's Max minutes. The constant drives to the basket by teague, baze and Dennis. Bud is running a inside out offense wherein your backcourt IS your inside game, with Sap floating between the wing and frontcourt. Horford is your TRUE back court. This mess is a joke and I'm not buying into it anymore. Bud is trying to be smarter than everybody else but it ain't working. It's a system failure just as much as a talent failure. To complicate matters, the investors of the Hawk's disguised as owners, gave bud ALL the keys to the team because they are gonna flip the team after they increase its value.
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