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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. If Adam Keefe is available, pull the trigger, Travis...
  2. So is Stacey Augmon off the board yet?
  3. Lol, I wonder why? I would've found another mark ahead of the Bucks to trade up with. Easier said than done but considering what we know now, it would've been well worth the trouble...
  4. Dejay

    Ask Supes

    You almost made me piss on myself with that. Oh man, lololololol...
  5. They thought that they had the 'ins' on him without realizing that they just fired the one guy (Larry Drew) who knew of their intentions. Although Milwaukee's front office may have known about him, there's no doubt that Drew confirmed everything they thought about Giannis and then some to the point of drafting him. They had two first round picks and could've moved up a spot or three to ensure that they get their man. I know that I would've...
  6. Dejay

    Ask Supes

    I'll let the song tell it... https://youtu.be/bzoo7z7aZNM
  7. So much history was changed because of this. Just imagine having him learning and coming off the bench on that 60-win team that made the ECFs, then taking the mantle after Carroll left. A frontcourt of Giannis, with a prime Horford and Millsap riding shotgun next to him? Why the eff would Horford leave for Boston with a crew like that? And don't get me started on them overpaying for Bazemore. Hell, I doubt that he would've even been signed here in the first place, except for comic relief after wins. But I'm not bitter. No, not me, I'm not the type to hold a grudge...
  8. Dejay

    Ask Supes

    Great Scott. His career shooting percentage from, I don't know, ANYWHERE is lower than Freddie Freeman's OBP. Hell, it's only 30 points higher than Freeman's batting average this year. If this is the big offseason 'splash' move, count me out. Just say no to this, like Hamilton should've done in that musical...
  9. Dejay

    Ask Supes

    Amen to that. It's acceptable if you're a stud like Lebron or Giannis, who can dominate from everywhere else on the court. But a shooting guard who can't shoot is like hiring a sniper who is near-sighted and never wear his glasses or contacts while on duty. Call me old-fashioned but if you can't do that as a wing, your place should be on someone else's roster. I'd much rather keep Reddish at the two and hope he continues his good play from the end of last year than a guy who lay bricks like that. Besides, isn't one of the bugaboos on this team lack of firepower from the outside? Bringing in Smart doesn't solve that to say the least. Just me...
  10. Dejay

    Draft Redo #1.

    Oh man, I've used tons of bandwidth here railing the Hawks over 1 and 2. Drafting Marvin cost them a HOFer and not only was Iguodala available when they selected a dude who had the shooting mechanics of a 3rd grader but BK also passed over Al Jefferson and Luol Deng as well. That alone changes the course of the franchise during that era, assuming that Joe Johnson still comes here; from eventually becoming a fringe playoff team that really had no real shot come playoff time to one with a lot more firepower and potential.
  11. They're looking at Melvin like those consultants looked at that dude in Office Space... 'Melvin, what exactly do you do here?' 'I'm a people person, I have great people skills!' (Consultants giving him a stoic, confused look in response...)
  12. Hmmm. You can do a lot worse than KAT. And Los(t) Lobos have more than proven to be dumb enough to jettison a guy for less than face value...
  13. I don't know any of these guys. Can they trade the pick instead?
  14. Good topic, Supes. I've gone to the confession pew regarding Trae over a year ago. I thought that he was overrated at Oklahoma and would get dominated in the pros because of his size; or lack thereof. And while he still has a long ways to go defensively, he's already one of the most unstoppable players in the league on the other end. Just how many of us predicted 30/9 in his second year with everyone and their grandmother draped on him like a $4 suit from Kessler's? In very short order, he's become the Neo of this franchise; The One. Liked Hunter from the jump and while he had his rookie moments, I think he did pretty well considering the circumstances. I think that he'll improve on both ends of the court as he gets more acclimated to the pro game. And while I never saw him putting up MVP numbers, a Dan Majerie-type with some 'want to' isn't the worst thing that could've been added to the lineup. Hell, at least he's better than Jarrett Culver. The most intriguing pick on the team I see right now is Cam Reddish. Again, I'll own this one like the Trae pick as I wasn't enthused at all with the Hawks drafting him. Little did I know that he had some serious core injury issues to deal with while at Duke and with Zion and Barrett hogging the ball, there was little room for him to shine offensively anyway. Until the 'rona broke out, he was on a steady incline offensively while already becoming the best perimeter defender on the team. Small sample size but his per-36 in March was 22/5 on 55% FG and 47% from deep. That's something that few folks outside of this forum and Hawks HQ even bothered noticing. If this young man keeps up the work ethic and want to as we've seen so far, he and Trae could potentially become one of the deadliest backcourts in recent memory. I foresee a lot of very uncomfortable moments being spent by Mavs' execs explaining this trade to Mark Cuban in the very near future as well as other team GMs who didn't draft Morant or Zion. John Collins. 'Nuff said. Keep his medicine cabinet clean and just cut the check already. Can't wait to see what he does with Capela instead of (insert scrub here) riding shotgun with him.
  15. As if I couldn't hate Boston enough. Those proposals is like bringing back fish eggs and rice in exchange for trading a Ferrari because it needed an oil change...
  16. Roundfield's #32 should definitely be in the rafters. He carried that team when Drew and/or Eddie had their drug issues and passed the torch to Nique to take over. The way he died saving his wife is the icing on the cake...
  17. Okay, I'll play along... I'll take the United. They had to change managers and styles last year and even though it looked rather awkward at times, they were still one bad half away from being back in the Finals. Even with Martinez out, I'll still take them; which says a lot about my pessimism elsewhere. Of all the locals teams, they seem to have that 'find a way out of no way' element to them that every championship team needs in order to pull out wins from nearly impossible odds. Following the soccer team are the Braves. Love Acuna, Freeman, and the rest of the lineup. But is the manager and ownership group big time enough to do what it takes to win when it matters most? Both scream Bobby Cox and AOL-Time Warner to me, which should be a frightening thought to anyone with postseason hopes. Watching Donaldson walk away to a team you could potentially meet in a World Series just didn't sit well with me at all. That's the kind of move you make when you know you have a replacement rather than hope that you do. I seriously hope that I'm eating crow in October with that development; I have an air fryer and Nuwave oven I can cook it in. I'll place the Falcons and Hawks as even after those two. With a hard salary cap and a bloated, top-heavy roster, I really believe that the Falcons blew their shot at glory when Shanahan and Quinn (I'm changing the play if I had a headset on while up 16 on 3rd and 1 instead of getting Ryan piledriven into the turf by Dont'a Hightower; just saying) stole their moment in SBLI. The time/space continuum part in me says that had they simply ran the ball three more times (see example above), not only do they win that Super Bowl but is in a much better position to win it again the following year (they were in fact one play away from being back in the NFC Title game with Sarkesian in the booth). The impact of losing 'that game' was that far-reaching. And now facing a loaded nemesis (see Saints, New Orleans) and a HOF quarterback they've never beaten (you know who) twice a year, well, the odds of them getting back to the bowl and winning it all is stretched even more despite the playoff field being expanded. As far as the Hawks, we've talked about this for years on this board. Young teams not only rarely win but don't tend to stay together long enough for the turnaround because someone on the roster will get sick of the losing and bounce. And even when they do turn things around, you never know when someone is going to have a Lebron moment and take their talents elsewhere at the most inopportune time (see South Beach). So if there's a chance at upgrading a position or two and becoming instant contenders instead of hoping all of the young guys gel at the same time like the '91 Braves, you have to seriously look at it. For instance, some folks may wax poetic about Anthony Edwards in the draft but I have far more ambitious thoughts on what to do with that pick if they don't roll snake eyes in the lottery like last year. Just saying...
  18. I can vouch for The Expanse. It is very good, especially if you're into Sci-Fi. Handmaid's Tale is also good. On the sickening side if you're not into seeing young women getting tortured and beaten up, but still. Aunt Lydia is, well, you'll find out. Love Sci-Fi and dystopian stuff. Being a lifelong Atlanta sports fan, you can see how easily one can pick up watching disaster movies after watching so many live. Keep the lists coming...
  19. How could I forget about that feud? If the Hawks had won an NBA Title during that time and we all went to a pub to celebrate, we'd still have to break them up from fighting each other...
  20. The league looked at their protest the way Bob Barker looks at a contestant who overbids...
  21. I see this all the time from my daughters whenever I try saving a few dollars by not taking them to the mall...
  22. He looked as if he was going to kill someone on live TV...
  23. Oh yeah, like the Kool Aid Man...
  24. It's a slow burn with Cam right now. He's slowly improving but the only ones noticing (other than the team itself) are those of us who actually watch the games. If you ask most folks outside of the Squawk, they'd tell you that he's the worst wing player ever drafted. All I ask is that he continues working on his game, which by all accounts he does diligently and a far cry from what we saw from the likes of Marvin, Augmon, or Childress (yeah, I'm still bitter). When he consistently makes the connection from practice to game time, there will not be a comfortable chair to sit in Mark Cuban's conference room...
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