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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. If the Warriors are the NWO of pro basketball, what does that make the Hawks? The J.O.B. Squad or the Mulkey Brothers?
  2. Hobie was pretty good. Drugs and untimely injuries derailed his run here... Hubie. Stupid autospell...
  3. Same except I've been that way for 40 years. Yeah I know, I have no life. Anyway, I'm impressed with what I've seen here and he warrants an invite. You never know...
  4. Yeah, Food Depot always has great deals on short ribs. It's my go to when I'm ready to throw down on the grill... I meant spare ribs...
  5. Like a lot of others, I'm not necessarily down on Trae Young as I am the return for what they received in the trade. I'll cheer him on just like I did Marvin, Dermarr, Rumeal, Shelden, Koncak, or Childress; strike that, no I wouldn't. I'll cheer for him even more so because unlike those other guys, at least I know that Trae have some semblance of actual talent coming into the league; something that those other guys clearly lacked. To only get a draft pick that's partially protected in a draft where I couldn't name three guys who'd be picked with a loaded shotgun to my face is disappointing to say the least. If Dallas was as desperate for Doncic as they say, why aren't we bragging about at the very least getting TWO future picks back instead? It just seems to me that they got sonned when they asked for Dallas to take on Bazemore's contract instead of simply hanging up the phone when they balked at such an idea, thereby forcing their hand into either doing what it took to get their man or watch us take him and leave them to ponder about Bamba or Porter. Just me...
  6. I don't like the trade but oh well. Welcome aboard and be great...
  7. Fixed it for ya... And yes, I'm still caught up in the fact that he couldn't get that part right...
  8. Okay, I'll bite (again)... First off, had he simply gotten the Jefferson (my preference back then) and Paul picks right, the team would've very likely not been in a position to draft Shelden much less Horford because those guys were far better players than who BK picked up. Now assuming that Woodson has the sense to play these guys instead of the veteran jabrones riding the pines, let's say for cracks and giggles that they won 35 games in the '05-06 season instead of 26. Shelden would've still been available because, well, he's pathetic but let's say that they got Brandon Roy or Rudy Gay instead. So now instead of trying to sell us this the following season... Claxton/JJ/Williams/Smith/Pachulia They have this instead... Paul/JJ/Gay/Smith/Jefferson You have a HOF point guard, a perennial All-Star at the 2, a career 18/6 small forward in Gay, Osh not having to take 24-foot jumpers at power forward, and Jefferson at the pivot who was a 19/10 guy in his prime years starting for the squad instead of the (insert expletive here) lineup we were subjected to. No one can say with a straight face that this bunch would've also gone 30-52 as the team above did to draft Horford. That group likely makes the playoffs and by not having to sell the farm to get Claxton, trade for Bibby, then resign Bibby, there is much more left in the kitty to replenish the bench with. Also, JJ doesn't have the leverage to demand a max deal from having to carry the team with the dearth of talent riding shotgun alongside him, thus saving even more $$$ to keep the team together for an extended run that would've likely been deeper than a few second-round knockouts. Had BK brought this to the table as being part of his grand plan, I would've been one of the first ones here singing his praises about his foresight and vision. The team would've had no problems with free agency as REAL players would've been chomping at the bit to play with JJ and Paul instead of constantly diving into the recycle bin for bench guys every summer. And on top of that, we would no longer be having annual debates about the empty seats during home games; not with that lineup, we're not. But alas, that didn't happen. So no, he doesn't get the credit...
  9. Not if he believed that Marvin Williams, Shelden Williams, and Josh Childress warranted top-10 lottery picks. Not if he honestly believed that Craig Claxton would play a full season. I can do this all day...
  10. I'd probably cry or drink myself to sleep if they get some Euro-trash player I never heard about to save $$$ or some go along to get along guy who hung up 10/6 but have tons of 'upside' and long arms with the 3rd pick. Nothing is guaranteed in the draft but for once, can we have a guy who at least tried to look the part of dominant against his peers instead one who looks like Tarzan but plays like Jane?
  11. Agreed. I would feel a lot better if the Hawks moved down and got those guys with the 5th or 6th pick (scratch that, no I wouldn't; I'd want Bridges or Porter instead) while gaining an asset to use later than to take on either of those guys at #3. If Bagley or Ayton isn't available, make the call...
  12. Ah man, these threads are getting as chippy as 2001 when there were enough insults thrown between us on a daily basis that would've surely gotten most of us kicked off the forum now. While I claim to be no expert in college basketball (and have the tourney picks to prove it), the eyeball test goes to Bagley as of right now. Like a lot of others, I've heard about him via the hype machine of the net dating back to high school. But from watching him actually perform in a few games, he's done pretty well on the court so far. As for Bamba and Triple J, I never even heard of them before this year's tournament and even afterwards, was left expecting more. And yes, my Spidey senses are giving me the same 'go along to get along, don't ask me to be great' tingles of Marvin Williams when watching Triple J in Spartan gear. Of course, I could be wrong and have been before; I was jumping for joy when they drafted Acie Law. But for once, just once, can they get a franchise player from a draft in my lifetime???
  13. Okay, I'll play. There's a better chance of... (Insert NHL team here) relocating to Atlanta Me subscribing to cable or the dish again (thank GOD for Android boxes) Lebron bringing his talents to Philips this summer A Browns versus Bears Super Bowl this coming February
  14. I had them dead on at 23 but they just had to go out and win yesterday...
  15. While we all know of what happened later on in this series, it's a flashback to days when Hawks basketball meant something around these parts. Hopefully, we'll return to these days soon....
  16. I got almost as much joy watching them lose this game than any other one this season. The young guys were down by a bunch but keptPoor Stan was all but ready to put Stanley Johnson in a wrestling hold (for real) after fouling Prince on a 3-point shot with time running out (which should've been called goaltending, which would've made that a 4-point play). If they would've had another two minutes on the clock, the Hawks would've pulled this one off...
  17. Andrew is balling. Get him out of the ballgame before they eff around and win...
  18. For the love of God, get Bobby Bazemore off the court before they end up drafting 8th. Speaking of which... I was listening to 1230 and heard a conversation between Branden Leake and Joe Hamilton regarding the Hawks. While Branden was applauding them for trying to make the move to trade Bellinelli, Joe disagreed and wanted them to keep trying to win games to preserve a semblance of a winning culture. While I've often been against this team mailing it in (and have the posts to show it), we're here now and not competing for a world title anytime soon so why not go for the first pick? There is no way folks here are going to stomach a 50-60 loss season, only to end up with Josh Childress 2.0....
  19. How many times do we have to say this? So long as we keep having White to Pearson, Jim Leyritz, Lonnie Smith, Eugene's fantastic voyage the night before the Super Bowl, Game 6/7 of the '88 Eastern Semis, Ed Sprague, and 28-3 as the crux of our pro teams' narratives, you're not going to convince folks who moved from other places (with more disposable income, might I add) to start rooting on the local product(s), especially those who came from towns with championship banners draped all over the ceilings of their arenas and stadiums. A person coming from Detroit or Chicago would still laugh his ass off at the thought of paying to see the Hawks get it on unless their hometown team or (insert superstar player here) was in town because despite whatever issues their squads have, they still see them as lightyears superior because they have world titles. The same goes for a guy from a place like Milwaukee because he can easily gravy train the Packers and quickly end the conversation right then and there. I've said it once and will again. We've lost entire generations of potential season ticket holders and fans because at some point, every last pro sports team failed to capitalize on the big moment when it was there for the taking. Need we go on with the Braves in the '90s or the Falcons this past season?
  20. Thanks, Lethal. I was about to type long diatribe about this like I always tend to do whenever this topic is brought up but after reading your posts, that is not necessary...
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