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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. I proposed this trade before the deadline (minus the first rounder that Chicago would be giving up) and checked the Chicago boards to find out their opinion. My trade was shot down quickly and I was almost laughed off the board. So, unless something changes in the final months of the season, I do not think that Chicago is going to trade Gordon. Many Chicago fans have started to view him as their best player. With that said, I really like this trade and think it would be great for the Hawks. Maybe something will change Chicago's mind and get them to do this trade (even if we don't get the first rounder). Ben Gordon would be a great compliment to JJ in my opinion.
  2. One of my favorite songs of all time is "Tempted by the Fruit of Another" by Squeeze.
  3. No worries. I just get bothered by everyone talking about how 'cool' it is to go have relations with lots of people.
  4. The difference this makes to me is that I believe the moral fabric of our society is falling apart. I am a religious person and think that sex outside of marriage and extra-marital realtions are wrong. You do not have to agree with me just I do not have to agree with them on this subject. Sure, they can do whatever they want. It is their choice. With that said, their choice still makes a difference to me because of how prevalent this mindset is becoming in our society. That fact bothers me because I worry about how it will affect the choices people I care about might make. Also, you decided to post this because you seem to think it was worthy to be discussed. I gave my opinion. If you don't care what difference it makes to me, why post this topic on a forum where responses are expected?
  5. I guess the concept of manogomy and sex only after marriage are not that important any more. So sad. I guess I am in the minority thinking that it is a problem that a married couple are okay with extramarital relations.
  6. here here (At least we all hope they do!!!)
  7. I know this is going to sound far-fetched, and I will admit, it probably is. With that said, I think that Smoove probably has the best chance of any player in the NBA to be the next to record a Quadruple-Double. No one else that can block shots, other than Kirilenko, can also pass. Even so, Smoove is much more likely to block ten in a single game (at least in my opinion). And there probably isn't going to be anyone else getting ten steals as often. Points, Rebounds, Assists, and Blocks. At least ten in each. This is something that Smoove can do before his career is over. Only a select few have ever accomplished this. Maybe I am crazy, but then again, maybe not. Only time will tell. Until then, we can all only hope that if this happens, it will be in a Hawks uniform.
  8. Word. Chill is playing great and I am looking forward to him being our team's leader next year when Harrington is traded. He does look a lot like Urkel, though. But then again, the guy that played Urkel is supposed to be a good basketball player. I wonder if they are related?
  9. Hawks, Lost, Seinfeld, ER, Whose Line is it Anyways?
  10. I agree. I thought this was an excellent movie. The real life story of these animals is what makes it so amazing in my opinion. It was hard for me to even imagine what they have to go through just to survive. Awesome, awesome movie (although this could just be because I am a nature guy).
  11. Another feasible trade that I have mentioned previously is: Al/Salim/Delk for Gordon/Sweetney/Piatkowski This trade works salary-wise and I have a feeling it would be one both teams might be interested in. For those that think trading Salim is not going to happen, I really believe that adding him would be the only way that Chicago would trade us Gordon. And to think, after this trade we would have a JJ/Gordon backcourt. Both can handle the ball and score. Not sure how good Gordon can defend, but his scoring ability makes up for it (I think he could get 20ppg as a full-time starter). Our new lineup would be: Gordon/JJ/Marvin/Smoove/Zaza with Lue/Ivey/Chill/Donta/Esteban off the bench. By next season we will be able to pick up some more bigs (possibly Aldrige). Next year we would be a playoff team. Oh well, back to reality until this actually happens. Sure would be sweet.
  12. That is an uncanny resemblance. Funny as can be. I laughed my head off. Thanks for digging that up. Made my day.
  13. You just made my point. While YOU would only trade Al for Gordon straight up, Chicago definately will not. That is why I suggested the trade as being Al/Salim/Delk for Gordon/Piatkowski/Sweetney. This trade might actually have a chance to happen. Trades usually only occur if both teams initially feel that they might be giving up too much.
  14. It is definately going to take more than just Al to get Gordon. And to get salaries to match up, it would probably end up being something like Al/Salim/Delk (or Edwards) for Gordon/Piatkowski/Sweetney. Someone needs to check the salaries for me, but something like this is the only way that we will get Gordon. You call me insane; that is funny. Go to a Bulls board and see if offering anything less doesn't get you laughed off the board.
  15. I like Salim, although he is a chucker. But it sure would be nice if we could trade him with Al and maybe even Delk to Chicago for Ben Gordon and filler. I really think Gordon would be the perfect back court mate for JJ.
  16. Posted this in the other Chill vs. Iggy thread but it got locked. I think it is relevent so I will post it again. Here it is: ____________________________________________________________ "I think something that has not yet been mentioned is a comparison of the leadership qualities of these two players. Just looking at stats, these players are very similar. I know some have said that Iggy looks much better in person, but even so, these guys are not that much different. I think back to the quotes I have read recently on this board, particularly the one by Esteban Batista about how Chill is such a good guy. Chill is a leader on this team. I think he will be a team captain next year. With Iggy, I am not sure what his leadership qualities are. I will admit that just looking at these guys on the court, Iggy might be slightly better. But overall, I will take Chill all day long because he brings the intangibles to this team. We need a leader and I think we have drafted one. " ____________________________________________________________
  17. I think something that has not yet been mentioned is a comparison of the leadership qualities of these two players. Just looking at stats, these players are very similar. I know some have said that Iggy looks much better in person, but even so, these guys are not that much different. I think back to the quotes I have read recently on this board, particularly the one by Esteban Batista about how Chill is such a good guy. Chill is a leader on this team. I think he will be a team captain next year. With Iggy, I am not sure what his leadership qualities are. I will admit that just looking at these guys on the court, Iggy might be slightly better. But overall, I will take Chill all day long because he brings the intangibles to this team. We need a leader and I think we have drafted one.
  18. This is a very good post/article and I enjoyed reading it. Although Paul has played great, and I sometimes almost get sick to my stomach thinking about passing up on him, I think that Marvin will end this debate soon (i.e. by the middle of next season, provided we trade Al at the deadline this season). When (hopefully) we trade Al, I do believe that Marvin will start to become our #2 option on the offensive end. It will take some getting used to, but with a little time (by the middle of next season), I have a feeling that some on this board (and many of the haters around the country) will have no choice but to admit that he is going to be a star. Hey, I could be wrong on this, but I am a hopelessly optomistic Hawks fan that sees a player who he honestly believes will break out sooner rather than later. PS--for the people that think I just want to trade Al for food items, please understand that I think we need to get soemthing in return. Even so, I think that trading Al is pivotal for our young player's development regardless of what we get back in the trade (unless it is another tweener forward).
  19. Ivey might not play great (maybe not even good) all of the time, but he definately deserves more minutes than he is getting. The offense seems to flow better with Ivey in the game. And the defense is MUCH improved when Ivey is playing. The starters seem more comfortable with Ivey in my opinion. I like Lue okay, but it really bothers me watching him run the same pick and roll play (often multiple times) on almost every possession. And then I have to watch his man go past him on almost every possession. It gets old. He is a good backup when he is scoring points, but I do not think he deserves that many more minutes than Ivey. Give Ivey the credit he is due. He definately deserves ~20 minutes a game. And I, for one, would like to see how he handles finishing out the game. The end of game lineup I would prefer would be: Ivey Johnson Childress Smith Marvin/Zaza Anyways, just my two cents.
  20. Jdawgflow

    The Island

    I saw it about a month ago with my girlfriend. We both rated about a 6.5 out of 10. A lot of ethical questions were raised by this movie for sure (I almost thought I was still in class the way we critiqued this movie after watching). As for the entertainment aspect, I thought that the story line was interesting. Also, the action and twist near the end were good. Anyways, thats my take. I do need to plug "Narnia" too, I thought it was an excellent movie. 9.5 out of 10.
  21. I was very excited about Lue's play tonight. He completed molested the Cleveland point guards. No one could contain him tonight. That was great. The whole team played great, too. I am sure that most (if not all) of this has already been said, but I have not had the chance to read. Mostly, I just wanted to let Exodus know that I was proud of his boy. Hopefully Lue, and the Hawks, will continue this great play. Oh yeah, Childress has been playing great too. Go Hawks.
  22. Exodus, I hope you know I am just giving you a rough time.
  23. I am beginning to believe that exodus might really be Ty Lue. This is so sad. Mainly because I have to keep reading threads that constantly defend Lue even though he is not that good. And also because Lue has to come to Hawksquawk to defend himself against fans. So sad. PS -- please end this madness.........and have a corndog. Oh, I am sorry, that is Dr. Zachary. My bad.
  24. You guys were very close to me then (just a few rows back), as I was sitting in Sec 122 Row P Seats 9-12. From left to right was my girlfriend (20yr old beautiful redhead with a red Hawks fleece), myself (21yr old white dude with red Hawks T-shirt), BeeSwatter (30 yr old dude who was wearing a Joe Johnson jersey), and another friend in a hooded sweatshirt. My girlfriend and I were both cheering and making use of the Thundersticks for most of the game. Sorry I missed everyone, but we kind of got caught up in the experience and I ended up not having a chance to look for everyone. It was a great experience and we all had a lot of fun. Thanks Mr. Levenson, we all appreciated the opportunity.
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