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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. I cannot see any emojis or gifs currently. I used to could. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. From your lips (er, fingers) to @sturt ears.
  3. Will do buddy. I feel you. Been there myself this season.
  4. I thought I remember you saying it was already over?
  5. I believe AJ has Star potential. Definitely could be a Robin. Maybe even a 1A by the time he hits his prime. He is too polished to not do well. And seems like a great young man. And last night they were raving about him when talking to Landry on the broadcast.
  6. I am just so glad you are never bitter about the family rivalry with MIA kg.
  7. By paragraph: 1. I know Trae can do better ISO. And we will need that sometimes like I said. But iso should not be his default. Pick n roll with off all movement is his strength. And now we are starting to use it more again.1 2. Now that the floater is working again the lob has picked back up because defenses have to respect straws shot again. 3. I have noticed that actually. Didn’t know you thought so low of me D. Only been hanging out here with you for over 20 years. But seriously, Trae is picking his spots better and it shows. The team is more involved and doing less eye rolling.
  8. I loved Deke. Still do. But kid me always thought he looked like Frankenstein on the block getting ready to do his hook shot. But that defense! ☝
  9. This is a good point. I can see Trae playing until he is in his late 30s. The others, not so much.
  10. I really hope this continues for Trae. I would have rather had him than Luka just based on last night’s game. It’s the ISO 30% fg Trae with no defense that needs to go. As long as it does, Trae will get the accolades he craves. And maybe even a Championship with the Hawks. I still would rather have Trae than Ja. Luka has been better overall so far but Trae could still have a better career. Zion, maybe if I was assured he would stay healthy but I don’t trust it.
  11. I don’t think that is isolating CC. Using him for lobs when available is great. Getting put backs is great. But we should not be getting him looks on the block like he is Deke about to do one of his mechanical hook shots a few times a game in order to “throw him a bone”. CC knows his role I think. But the other guys need to share the load. We are at our best when doing that as JC was saying post game last night. It makes our offense and defense better. And as @TheNorthCydeRisessays, sometimes Trae will have to take over but I think that will be less often now.
  12. My biggest concern with JC is will he ever be able to consistently shoot 3s again with his finger. If he can then he is well worth $25mil each year. If not, well I would have liked the LM and two 1sts trade with Utah from earlier in the season.
  13. Absolutely. But we need to have the whole team sharing well. I think each starter except CC (unless lots of lobs or put backs) should be getting 10+ shots a game. And AJ should as well. And Bogi if he is on.
  14. JC specifically talked about the bolded in his post game interview last night with Lauren. Said they all play better on defense when they feel engaged on offense and the ball moves. I agree with him. And it seems Trae is listening to this advice. He is playing more aggressive and engaged on D and sharing the ball very well on offense so his teammates give more (even if they may be doing it subconsciously). I hope they all keep it up!
  15. There were also a ton of “like” and “right” words repeated over and over.
  16. Then why in the world did he trade Kevin to get out of the luxury tax when he easily could have done it at the trade deadline if we sucked or used Kevin in a bigger trade to go further into the tax for a superstar.
  17. Look at A-a-ron who is 4th on the list. Tells us all we need to know about Nate’s offense.
  18. I still love you buddy. Three kids each have to stick together!
  19. whatever do you mean Cagey? in all seriousness, my vote would be for LW3.
  20. Man that would be awesome. I know this topic has been broached a few times over the years. What hoops would the Squawk have to jump through to make this happen?
  21. Yep. Autocorrect got me. I agree we don’t need him back now. But I do miss the way he played while on our team.
  22. I was pushing for us to get Moose a few months ago. I think he would be a great option that can shoot outside. I miss Desmond the most. He could play D and shoot the 3. I love Tj but there is no way we should make this trade.
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