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extending JT?


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I just found this on hoopsworld.com..

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EXTENDING TERRY?: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution introduced the topic, but did not carry it anywhere. The concept of Jason Terry and a contract extension has come up in Atlanta, and the word is if Terry presses the issue now, he’ll get a new deal… just not in the high dollar range. Hawks sources say currently the most the Hawks would commit to Terry is a 6-year deal in the $5-6 million range, if Terry is seeking more, he’ll have to earn it this year on the court. The Hawks have a huge amount of money committed to this roster, and while Terry is viewed as an integral part, he is not considered a maximum player, and is not likely to get anywhere close to that money from Atlanta. Its expected Terry will wait out the season and test his fate next summer when teams will have more cash to spend, and likely force a better deal from Atlanta. Teams have until October 31st, to reach extensions with those players who are eligible, which would be anyone in the 1999 NBA draft class.

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I read the original article on the AJC. I think this shows that despite what is printed by the "professionals" out there and despite the conjecture of some here, the Hawks ARE commited to JT. They just don't feel he's a max contract player, and I agree. The contract they are offering him is right in line with what I feel he's worth at this point in time.

I would love to find out that JT went ahead and signed. But I really think he's going to wait it out. Not so much so he can demand more. But I think he feels that after a full season at PG, he will have shown that he's worth more. If he didn't feel that way, I think he'd have jumped on the deal they offered.

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he's a max player. I could see the Hawks offering him the same 7 yr/$64 million deal with another $15 million in performance incentives (the same deal SEA is offering Lewis) but I wouldn't max him out. I think the incentives Lewis has to reach, play in 50 wins, reach the 2nd round of the playoffs and get 9.25 rebounds are fair. For JT, I would substitute 9.25 rebounds with 7.0 to 7.5 apg and call it a day.

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The question is; what is JT's player value? A while back RealGM had a great article on the very subject and determined that among other players Reef's value to be $10.4M. Seemed pretty accurate to me so I took some time and applied their Player Production Average Formula to Jason. When I put JT's numbers from last season into the formula (which is so gawdafully long I'm just too lazy to type out the whole thing, but I will if someone insists) figure him to be worth in the area of $7.5M. Taking for granted that he'll raise his production as he has done every year that he's been in the NBA, I figure his player production value to go up to around $8-9M when his extension comes up, and most likely $10-11M when his contract expires next year. The good news is that Crawford and Hendu should fall off the payroll the year after JT's contract expires, potentially making the Hawks a salary cap nightmare, but only for about a year.

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What about 4 yrs 25 million? Is that a slap in the face? With a 5th yr team option. I think that is the kind of deal that benefits both parties. I recognize the value of JT, but he has not proven himself as a PG capable of leading us to the playoffs.

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JT is going to be looking for a long term deal and besides, he would be able to get a deal in that range from a LOT of teams as a FA when his current deal expires. The mid level exception next year would get him close to 4 yrs, $25 million. I think anything that averages less than $8 million/season has ZERO chance of getting done. That's 6 yrs/$48 million or 7 yrs, $56 million. Considering that Jason Williams and Mike Dickerson signed deals close to the former, I think we will have to offer JT around $60 million over 7 years to get him to seriously consider it.

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Without Winning,

We cannot offer JT that much at all.

We have Reef ~ 13 million.

We have Big Dog ~10 million.

We have Theo ~10 million.

That's 30 million already.

We have CC and Hendu ~ 10 more million.

We are at the present cap with them 4.

If Terry is getting about 8 million dollars, we better be in the second round of the playoffs playing game 7 down by 1 with 2 minutes left on the clock.

AOL is probably not going to invest THAT much into a team that is not winning or bringing in fans or bringing in TV Revenue.

Because we are at the Cap right now and another year will only be: Email, Glover, and Ira ~ 3 million dollars Difference from now.

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Right now 6 million a year is all I would

give him.He needs full year to prove what

some others have.If he wants the 8 million

plus he needs a full season of playing well

at PG under his belt.Even I rise he is not

a max player.

The problem is we have locked so much money

into injuried players and players that dissappear

when they are needed.

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The luxury tax doesn't kick in right at the cap and realistically, we are probably going to be paying a little luxury tax if we want to be competitive. JT is NOT the player you start the cost cutting on, that needs to be reserved for someone else. If he asks for a max deal, that's one thing but you can't expect him to resign for a smaller deal than Jason Williams got. That is not realistic and not only that, it will give the franchise a bad name for not taking care of their young talent. If JT would sign a long term contract averaging $8 million a season, we'd be CRAZY not to sign him. 7 yrs/$56 million is a bargain for JT. I think he's worth much more.

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Trace, you're speakin sense (7 years, 56 million). Throw some all-star incentives in their so that he could possibly bump it up and I think you've got what would be about right, given our current situation. Personally, I don't think that we should try to low-ball JT and understand about AOL's wanting to see how he works out this year at the point...but the biggest thing that we ahve going for us in resigning JT is his desire to be here and (I'm assuming here) willingness to take SLIGHTLY less than what he might get from a rebuilding/ cusp team (the only ones going to offer him more).

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...didn't he?!?

Diesel, puleaze get a clue!

Not that I want to overpay for JT like SA did for Bowen, but Traceman's 7 year $56 mil offer sounds about right to me NOW, much less after JT proves himself this year.


Considering JT is the only young talent we really have that we will likely resign for any real amount (now that DJ is down and out and might not have been all that valuable anyhow), we should get him signed.

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It worked with Ira this year and since we are in such a salary bind I bet we dont make JT a good enough offer prior to Oct31st to extend him yet. I personally think JT is worth more than Bibby but I still hope we somehow bring him in for less. Bibby showed out in the playoffs. If we have some problems this year including getting bumped early or if JT has some injury issues or moreso gets burnt defensively we might can sign him for less than he'll want now. Also if Dickau pans out well we might be able to scare JT into signing for less. I'm a gambler, I'd risk it too!!

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We don't have 8, 7, or 6 million to offer JT.

Plus, JT is a PG and Bowen is horribly overpaid. You fall into that Croshere line of thinking right?

Anyway, the bottom line is this. While we have JT, we are paying him to be a PG. As a SG, he will score but he will F up this team. As a PG, he's not proved to be better than Brevin Knight.

The offer I have put out there is with respect to...

1. OUR Salary Cap. I doubt that AOL pays JT anything big unless JT puts up hellified numbers and we make it to the ECF. Otherwise you can expect JT's Scoring to fall. With the addition of Big Dog and JT playing Primarily PG, JT's scoring will not be around 18 ppg anymore. More like 12-14. If he's not putting up 7 apg is he worthy of the money you want to pay him?

2. His position amoung other PGs. PGs don't get paid very much. Jason Kidd makes 9.2 million and he's the best PG in the game. Bibby just signed for the Max (8.5). Davis is going to be paid well. But guys like Davis, Payton, etc are their teams Franchise players. JT is not the same to us as Payton is to Seattle. That's what Money really comes down to. How important is he to us?

I say 4 yr 25 million. If I had said 4 yr 28 million you're talking about 7 million a yr. We haven't seen if he can run the offense yet? 4 yr 25 million is FAIR.

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As a pg no better than Brevin Knight...you've got to be kidding Me. The argument that pg don't have to score is ludacris. This isn't the old NBA. Quality Points either need to score or need a prolific 2 guard to off set it. The days of run and gun with 4 scorers on the floor are gone. The half court set is now the main stay of today's game. In order for a point to be productive he has to not only be the creator but also a threat with the ball in his hand.

JT put's up 18-20 a game and changes the way the defense approaches the Hawks...No disrespect intended Diesel but JT will silence the critics this season.

Now where is the 6-8 million minimum gonna come from to sign JT...Expect Henderson and possibly Crawford gone by midseason...traded to a title contender needing added depth. All the Hawks promissed to do this year was make the playoffs...they didn't say they'd make noise when there...our real year we're gunning for is next season. JT will be signed and we will most likely sign and trade for one of next year's big names....

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He would be much better off playing out his contract and becoming a FA before signing that deal. If Rashard Lewis has a $64 million offer on the table (with reachable incentives for an additional $15 million) despite the fact that he has yet to even approach JT's level of production, why would JT sign a contract for only $25 million? You mean to tell me that Allan Houston is worth FOUR TIMES as much as JT? Please! No way JT even CONSIDERS a deal that low. Bibby gets $80 million and JT gets $25 million? PLEASE! JT will have to prove himself at PG this year before he cashes in on a big deal but that's okay.

I understand the Hawks' not being willing to max him out and I also understand why he won't sign a ridiculous deal like you proposed. He's likely to cost the Hawks more next year than he will this year so if they can meet an agreeable figure in the middle of what he wants and what they would like to pay him, I think both parties would be miles ahead to get a deal done. He probably wants Bibby money and they probably are thinking half that. That would be a deal in the $56 to $60 million range and I think that is a fiar offer. Anything less than $56 million over 7 years I think JT would be crazy to accept.

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Diesel is just being stupid.He overvalue scrubs

like Knight and Bimbo Coles and probably

thinks Reef is a top 5 PF in the NBA.

Maybe we should have signed Chris Childs

for 7 years at 50 million.That's what Diesel

would have done=)

Childs will get you 5APG in 25 minutes so we

should have gave him a big contract.Damn we

missed out didn't we Hawk fans?We could have

had a true PG that is better than JT.What was

babcock thinking?Think about how many APG

Childs would give us in 35MPG?hehehehe

I'm not surprised because afterall...Diesel was

a huge Mookie fan.He likes PG's with subpar

shooting like Knight/Childs/Mookie.

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You said.

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As a pg no better than Brevin Knight...you've got to be kidding Me

I siad,

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As a PG, he's not proved to be better than Brevin Knight.

There's a big difference in the two statements. Namely, I believe that JT is better than BK as a player... No doubt. BUT he hasn't proved that he's a better PG than BK YET. That's not to say that he won't but he hasn't. Seeing that the Job he is applying for is that of PG and NOT SG or Tweener, I say before we open up the wallet and pay our way into luxury tax, JT needs to show us that he is a better PG than BK.

Secondly 4 yrs 25 million is an average of 6.25 million per yr. That's not an insult.

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I love how you guys point to guys who are Extremely overpaid like Bowen, Houston, etc. and try to justify giving JT a large contract based on what they are being paid.

That's STUPID.

If JT is to get anywhere near 8 million he has to earn it. NOT point at Hendu and say... He's making 9 million dollars. PLEASSSE. If that's the case, we should have paid Ira about 5 million dollars for this yr. I mean... LOOK AT BOWEN and all these other CBA talent players who got big deals from foolish teams who are desperate.

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