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!!!~~~AOL MAY SELL HAWKS~~~!!!


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It's a direct accusation about the Hawks. Hawks is the only team with High Salaries that are not producing of the three. The Hawks cannot even fill up the Phil 20 nights a yr. NO real TV Revenue is being made.... Not like the Lakers and Bulls and Spurs.

I hate to say it but the Hawks may end up going elsewhere.

A couple of yrs ago, Jacksonville wanted to buy the Hawks. Can you imagine? The Jacksonville Hawks? What about a return to St. Louis? Or Anaheim?? I would hate either of the three. Let's hope we can compete for a title. It's like Major League 1.

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If the team is sold look for the team to be

moved.There would be no legit reason to

keep the Hawks in Atlanta.IF only Authur

Blank would buy the Hawks franchise aswell=(

I think the Hawks time in Atlanta is limited

and it might be pointless to get any hopes

up about the team now.

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I'd LOVE to see the Hawks (and Braves) sold. I wish Ted Turner still owned them both. Hopefully, a new owner for the Hawks would see the potential that Arthur Blank has seen for the city of Atlanta and keep the team right here. I think that is EXACTLY what would happen and we would probably have a better product on the floor. I sure wish Arthur Blank owned the Hawks!

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Atlanta Hawks are never got to sell here

and that is why the team would be moved.

There's NOWAY I am going to any games this

year for sure.I'm not going to put money into

a product that will not be here in two years.

Sadly everybody on this board could go to every

game and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

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if you put a good product on the field (or court), the fans will support it. The Hawks aren't going anywhere. Even if the team is sold, the new owner will likely keep the team here. Atlnta is a great city and the Hawks have one of the best facilities in the league. There is a lot to work with here, the job would be to stoke the interest of the fanbase and convince them that the Hawks are a team worth watching.

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1)The Falcons have Vick which could turn

out to be the most marketed player in

the league.

2)Football is different from basketball.It's

easier to draw support for a football franchise

than it is a basketball franchise.

3)Since we have no superstar we hold very

little interest to the fans and sadly I don't

see this changing.

I have no doubt that Phillips arena is a nice

place.However I suspect the team would sell

better in ST.Louis instantly.

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are other things they can do too improve the team's relationship with the fans just as Arthur Blank did.

They could reduce season ticket prices so that they are affordable to more people. I LOVE the Hawks but I'm not paying $5,000.00 a season for a pair of tickets. Even though I could afford it if I wanted to, that is too much money to spend on basketball. The Falcons were a down right bargain even before Arthur Blank reduced ticket prices. Now, a family of four can get season tickets for $400.00 bucks! That's great! I pay $750.00 for a pair of good seats in the lower level of the Dome and they are worth every penny. For the Hawks, I bought one seat for the 15 game pack and I pay $825.00. At $55.00/game, that is almost $20.00/game more than I pay too see the Falcons at $37.50/game. If The Hawks would offer decent seats at $40.00 game, I'd buy a full season package but the $40.00 tickets are too high up for that price in my opinion.

They could make Philips Arena a more fun place to be. The marketing department just doesn't get it in my opinion. The NBA is marketed as a Hip Hop league but you wouldn't know it by the music you hear at Philips Arena. The team's intro should be set to hip hop music. The arena should be full of the sounds of Jermaine Dupri, Outkast, Ludacris, Lil Bow Wow, 112 and other local Atlanta hip hop acts. That would not only get the crowd hyped, it would get the players hyped too. Instead, when you go to a Hawks game, they play all kinds of stuff that just doesn't fit like "Twist and Shout" and other rock and roll type music with an occasional hip hop song. The players don't like it and actually, several members of the marketing department have suggested changes but the higher ups want to make sure that the music played is stuff that "everyone" wants to hear. Well, I don't know who "everyone" is but they damn sure aren't talking about me. It's hard to get the crowd crunk playing the music they play. A perfect example of the fact that the marketing department misunderstands their customers is that the after game concert they had with the rock band (the name escapes me) was a complete flop while the after game concert with Run DMC was packed. If the marketing department had a clue, Philips would be one of the most fun arenas in the NBA to visit. visit. Arthur Blank's marketing department clearly has a clue and as a result, the GA Dome is filled with JD's "Welcome to Atlanta," Nelly's "It's Getting Hot in Herrre" and Ludacris' "Move B@#*& Get Out The Way!"

As far as football being different than basketball goes, that is true, particularly here in the South. That being said, there is no reason the Hawks can't pack the Arena if they put a good, exciting product on the floor.

As far as having a superstar goes, that certainly helps but even when we had Nique, we didn't sell out a lot of games. The franchise needs to do more to create excitement around the team through its marketing efforts.

The team probably would do better in a new city for a few years because it would be a new experience for the fans but over the long haul, I don't think it would do better. Althoguh I think they will draw well this year, I think the Hornets are going to regret leaving Charlotte. I think any team that leaves Atlanta would regret it as well. Atlanta has everything you need to have a successful franchise. All they need to do is improve their marketing as well as their winning percentage and the fans will come.

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I can't say the Nelly stuff pumps me up because

it doesn't...HOWEVER I'd listen to anything that

would be them stands filled.It would be worth

it to me.Even though I realize today's music has

gone completely down the crapper.ESP rap cause

in their opinion all women are hoes as it shows

in the video's and everything else.

"The team's intro should be set to hip hop music.

The arena should be full of the sounds of Jermaine

Dupri, Outkast, Ludacris, Lil Bow Wow, 112"

All those names make my skin craw.yuck.But I

realize the times we are in these days aswell.

I love Detroits intro THE FINAL COUNTDOWN song

and the Bulls of course had their pump up song.I

think you can have a mix of stuff and be sucessful

but I realize the marketing department probably

leans to much one way.

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David Stern will not allow the Hawks to be moved to another city. Atlanta is a growing area, it is a major media market, and there is too much money to be made here with the right ownership. The teams that have recently moved were moved from bad markets (Vancouver) and from a place that hated the ownership and did everything to spite them (Charlotte). There is a beautiful new arena and a populus that will support a winner. Five years ago, who thought Dallas would be where they are now? All we need is the right owner. BY the way, there was talk of the Falcons being moved to L.A. before they were bought by Arthur Blank.

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AOL says that they are not interested in selling the team, but everything is for sale at a price, I assume. If the team were ever sold, it is very unlikely it would move since the franchise has a long term lease with Philips Arena and a major investment in the building....any new owner would inherit that lease. Thank you for your comments on the team.

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I don't think selling the team to a mom n pop operation (like the Maloofs or Turner) would be good, not in the basketball world anyway. With the luxury tax looming, I feel more comfortable with the idea that the team is owned by a major conglomeration that sees $20 million as a drop in the bucket.

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