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Did Everyone enjoy the Hawks Effort last night?


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Its one thing to lose to the Pistons and another thing to lay down like dogs. The Hawks failed to show up last night and that is another indication that we need a new coach. The defensive intensity is never there...we give up 50% shooting on average! That is an unbelievable indictment of the folly that is Mike Woodson. Just how much more do Hawks fans have to take before the Atlanta Spirit does the right thing and fires this incompetant coach? We know Billy won't do it. How many more nights where we have no fire or intensity do we have to watch before ownership wakes up and gives the team a coach that they at least respect? It is one thing to be young...and another thing to lay down like dogs. An embarrassment to all Hawks fans and it should be to the owners. Does anybody in the front office have any pride? Woodson is in too deep...he is not an NBA head coach and these Hawks should be well ahead of where there are right now. I used to despise Belkin...right now I'm wondering if the right guy is leaving. This is a disaster and an embarrasment. NO TEAM should give up a 50% field goal percentage...EVER. It is all about a lack of effort and my season tickets are history if we don't make a move fast. I'm not paying to watch the consistently bad defense that I see every night. Fooled me twice...next time I'm out.

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I did not see the game and had to rely on the boxscores and I logged on to the chatroom a few times to read what was going on in the game. I was wondering when the treads was coming out on the game last night. I understand we might not be in the same class as the Pistons but "Damn", we can at least be competitive with any team in the NBA. Since I did not actually see the game I would have to guess we only played this game because it was on our schedule. I am disappointed because games like this is where you can build confidence to take to the next game even if you lose. I hope changes are made now so this team will have the rest of this season to learn a new system and next year they will be ready to compete.

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You are correct about needing change RIGHT NOW. This team needs a half a season with another coach, somebody who demands some accountability on the defensive end of the floor. I don't care if its an interim guy because Woodson is literally damaging this team, bad habits are becoming ingrained, a poor work ethic is becoming the norm. This is not what you want a young club to be absorbing...This is exactly how you become bad for 8-10 years like the Clippers. The losing and poor ethic becomes like a disease that you can't shake...I just wish our owners had some brains, some balls, or a combination of the two. They must be smoking on Billy Knight's pipe. Billy's telling them what a great job Woody's doing and they are buying it. Unbelievable.

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Good, well, I hope that they are enjoying the hockey season and I certainly hope that they know hockey better than basketball. Its nice to be good at something. Basketball is apparently not the Atlanta Spirit's strong suit. Loved the effort last night...those boys really put it out there for Ole Woody. Damn near brought a tear to my eye.

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I was at the game and it was very embarrassing. The crowd was mostly Piston fans and at times they were yelling "Detroitttttttttttttt.....Pistons Ball".........This was one of those games where our entire team should look at our current roster and know that we don't have many keepers. When I look at our roster I only see about 3 or 4 keepers on the team and that's still pushing it.

I can understand your hard feelings and not wanting to put anymore money towards your season tickets. I hope your able to find a change of heart and still support our Hawks. BIG CHANGES ARE NEEDED, so let's hope we get our act together, and make some serious moves during the off season.

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I'm not sure the owners can afford to not do something. Contrary to most people I think the team is being built pretty well. I agree with BK that we need more bigs. But losing like this hits the pocket books. Fans are more educated than you think and people will show up to see competitive basketball even if we lose. They won't show up for this.

Whether you blame Woody or the players (or both), its ultimately his responsibility to get these guys playing at a high level every night.

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It is obvious to most people that Woody is in too deep. He just isn't a good coach...lets stop the charade and let an interim guy instill some basic level of defensive intensity into this team. They have no rotations on defense, they can't play the pick and roll, ever, and they just don't care if they play defense or not. And Woodson doesn't appear to be overly concerned. Just reading his quotes in the paper it is pretty apparent this is the wrong guy. And, how do you forget about one of your key players down the stretch of a game...and then ADMIT IT. Whether he forgot or not, you can't admit it because it makes you look incompetant...although, in this case it is all too true. Come on Spirit, have some guts and lets get this thing done. Its is long overdue.

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