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I was right! - thread locked, enough already


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All of this is a matter of opinion, you are trying to negate my opinion because it doesnt vibe with your, Dirk could hold KG's jock strap. Until recently he played no D and fell apart looking for Micheal Finley to bail him out in the playoffs. The idea that he is an elite player sounds insane. But that is neither here or there its still a matter of opinion, Dirk doesnt impress me that much, I think he is good but the kind of praise he gets is just unwarranted.

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More crying, believe it or noit AA has no effect on admissions, it is as rare for an underqaulified black to get in as it is a underqaulified rich kid, to get in.............George Bush, Al Gore..........hmmmmmmm, I am so tired of the Black people are keeping us down arguments.

Who is crying except you? All I did was correct your fundamentally wrong description of AA and give you the legal justification for its existence. I did it without any commentary or whining of any kind.

You were wrong in the way you described affirmative action. I already said that it applies to very few people. But you are again wrong when you say it has no affect on admissions. The people who are admitted due to affirmative action policies are not qualified enough to be admitted based solely on merit. That is why it exists. Otherwise, you would just use race neutral admissions.

I am not arguing that black people are keeping "us" down. I have no more problem with a black kid admitted via affirmative action than I do a white legacy getting in (since you brought it up, I have a problem with both at public schools and with neither with regards to private schools). Where are you coming up with this stuff?

Get your facts right and you won't have to resort to whining emoticons.

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If you'll take the time to read what I said again, you'll see that I said "until this year". Prior to this season I didn't consider him much more than an above average player and that was because of his scoring ability. This year, he is a different player. He's playing D and he's playing harder overall. He's going to the post more often and driving more. Basically his entire game has stepped up a notch. As I said, I base my opinion of him on what he's doing this year.

You, on the other hand. Seem to base it all on what he did in the past. Despite the fact that you recognize and admit that he does play D now and he does play harder now. Those are the things you claim that really matter. Yet in Dirks case, it is not enough. But you have guys on your list who play less defense and with less heart than he is playing this year. That's where you contradict yourself and show yourself to be a bigot. Because despite of the fact that he does the things you expect him to do and does more of it than many of the players you list, he's not a top 20 player "beuase of things not related to basketball".

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AA does nothing more than divert money out of the African American community, AA ensures that black athletes will be willing to go to USC,UGA, UCLA, etc. and not be scared of being the only black person there, it also ensure that half of the top black students will chose Ga. Tech and the such over Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, Virginia State, where whites recieve minority scholarships and preferential admissions. It works both ways, before integrations blacks had successful corporations and institutions that integration hurt to a great extent.

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Your saying that based on this season he has moved into the upper eschelon, well #1 he cant prove anything to me until the playoffs, because alot of his success this season has to do with the system Avery Johnson put in. The other factor to consider is the fact that anybody can have a career year, if we used a single season to evaluate talent then Reef would have been a top 5 player a couple of times.

My evaluation has nothing to do with his race, Dirk has alot to prove,


Despite the fact that you recognize and admit that he does play D now and he does play harder now.

If dirk stomps out the league and gives the mavs a championship playing D and not doing that 7 ft point gaurd crap then yeah I'll move him up to 8 or 9 but for now he is somewhere between 17 and 22 in my mind.

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Like you said 80% of the NBA is black and has been for some time. Nash isn't that good so it shouldn't be hard to find someone who has done what he is doing.

Since you can't come up with ONE player who is doing what Nash (not in your top 20) is doing now, you resort to a childish tantrum.

Just what I would expect from an Ivy Leaguer.

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AA does nothing more than divert money out of the African American community, AA ensures that black athletes will be willing to go to USC,UGA, UCLA, etc. and not be scared of being the only black person there, it also ensure that half of the top black students will chose Ga. Tech and the such over Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, Virginia State, where whites recieve minority scholarships and preferential admissions. It works both ways, before integrations blacks had successful corporations and institutions that integration hurt to a great extent.

This is a totally different set of issues. I think it is a terrible idea to require schools to offer scholarships to whites in an effort to increase their enrollment. When you develop a great school like Howard you will find people of all different races gradually becoming more interested. AA has no place there, IMO, though.

I am not sure what you are referencing with the pre-integration corporations, etc. but I feel the civil rights laws requiring neutral treatment of employees are a very good thing for all races.

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These exceptions or excuses can be made for any player. Jordan never won a thing until Phil Jackson gave him the triangle. Putting situational constraints on Dirk becuase he's playing in a system that fits him shouldn't count against him. It just shows that Avery is a good coach and knows how to get the most out of his players. Also saying that he has to win a championship before it means anything is hogwash. If you are capable of recognizing that he's playing D and doing things that he wasn't doing before, that should be enough to give him the credit he deserves. After all, nobody is saying he's a top 10 player in league history. So why would he have to do anything more to prove himself a top 10 player THIS season. Especially when you rank guys like T-mac and Paul Pierce, guys who have done less than even Dirk, ahead of him.

But I digress. I'm not here to debate your opinion with you. You are entitled to them. I am only debating the logic and bigotry of them. But if you say Dirks race has nothing to do with it, why did you specifically mention that his reason for not being a top 20 player was "not related to basketball"? Unless he's stomping kittens or carrying Nazi flags, what could he do outside of basketball that wouldn't make him a top 10 player?

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But if you say Dirks race has nothing to do with it, why did you specifically mention that his reason for not being a top 20 player was "not related to basketball"? Unless he's stomping kittens or carrying Nazi flags, what could he do outside of basketball that wouldn't make him a top 10 player?

I may be reading the wrong post, but didn't he say that Dirk was "overhyped" for reasons not related to basketball rather than saying those reasons were why he wasn't a top 20 player? Reading it that way, it makes more sense even if I don't agree that Frachise and Dirk are on the same level.

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So you think people overhype him because he's white? Not because he's a 7 footer who can shoot 3's, post up, pass with the best of them, take you off the dribble and rebound? Oh, and as of this year, he plays solid defense too. But he's overhyped because he's white?

What about his numerous black fans? Do they overhype him because he's white or because he's a damned good ball player? I know he has black fans because I was sitting a few seats down from a man and woman last week who spent the entire game worshipping Dirk at the loudest possible volume.

Personally I think you're falling back on the "if you don't think he's jesus, you're evil" comments because that's all you've got. You can't or won't give logical reasons as to why lesser players are top 20 players, yet he is not. So that's an easy way out.

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I have constently said I hate 7fters that think they are point gaurds, Until recently Dirk didnt play a ounce of Defense...............Wait I'm not going to sit here and bash Dirk to prove a point, Dirk is a good player he has good offensive skill, he could improve on the interior, and his D has picked up alot, I never have said he was garbage, nor does he have striking holes in his game I just said like I always have he is a top 15 to 25 player, there isnt a Damn thing wrong with that, its alot better than I rate Harrington or Josh Smith. Just because I dont think he is comparable to KG, somehow I am disrespecting him?. The truth is this entire debate is about me somehow denying him his place in history, He is a Good player, but best in the league, NO WAY.

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Anyone who doesn't think Dirk is a top 10 NBA player is crazy. The guy is arguably the best shooter in the NBA and he can get his shot off against ANYONE with or without a pick. He is also a great rebounder and an excellent passer. Everyone thought Dallas would fall apart without Nash and yet they have been BETTER since Nash left with Dirk handling the ball more. I LOVE KG but I believe that Dirk could have won a lot more with Cassell, Spree and Wally World at his side than KG ever did.

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