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Atlanta Hawks May be Up for Sale - any bidders? :)


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I can't really bash AOL for their mgt. of the Hawks right now. I haven't liked what they've done with the Braves, but as far as this team goes, they've allowed the mgt. to go over the salary cap to bring in talent and given them leway in terms of signings...

not saying I'm a fan, just saying that I can't think of any specific reasons to complain about their ownership of the Hawks...

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there's no way that'll happen. They have a contract with Phillips for one thing, and if you talk to anyone from St. Louis (done so on several occasions, one of my best friends is from there) - they don't want, nor can they support, another pro sports franchise. The winter months are dominated by their supporting the Blues and Rams - they don't have enough people to add another franchise...

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By Dec. 19.

If we are still floundering, giving up big leads, look for Lon to be out and one of Bab's buddies to be in. My guess is PJ Carlisimo. The screamer will get in here and yell at some guys.

I would prefer....

Probably Chuck Daily or Either of the Hills (one from SA, one from Orlando). For somebody who is young, I'm starting to like Kenny Smith. He has a grasp on the game.

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I have never been fan of PJ "I look like a chipmunk" Carlisimo. I dunno, he's a screamer, which can be both good and bad...

I honestly don't know enough about his coaching style, pros and cons, to make an educated decision.

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While I may be pigeon-holing JVG, I'm not sure that the make-up of this team is very good for his style of play. Granted, a)he's a Riley disciple and everyone knows of the show-time Lakers b) he's a good coach plain and simple, c) a good coach should be able to adapt/ utilize the players he has

that being said, while I want this team to be more defensively-minded, I think it's fair to say that we're never going to be a top-flight defensive team with the current components. That's not to say that we can't be more than adequate/ play great team D, esp. with Ira and Theo manning the outside/inside.

plus, it was so painful watching the Knicks in the 90's, even though they won. I don't know if I could stand it if that was our team...

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I thiknk Dunleavy would be a fine choice. However, I never really thought of him as a coach who could motivate. Yes, he could get players to share time and to buy into his system, but where was the motivation in the game 7 loss to the Lakers. They blew a big lead at the end.

You may laugh but PJ screaming is probably what we need to raise a fire under some of our guys' butt.

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Even though it would make sense for us to use Stotts, Henson, or Herd because of their famililarity... With the promise that we will make the playoffs (and the threat of being sold to someone who may be Basketball Saavy) leads me to believe Babcock will do whatever he can to win NOW. Stotts, Henson, or Herd would be a guessing game. He should probably go with either Daily or one of the Hills.

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Riley Ball won't win much in this League. So, I don't know if Van Gundy's slow down game will work... Especially not with JT and SAR on this team. We need someone who understands how to score.

Two other possibilities are:

Paul Westhead


Paul Westphaul.

Westhead coached Denver when Babs was there. They were a HIGH scoring team while English played.... Can't you see the combo of Westhead, English, and Babcock working again?? While he's not high on the list of most, I believe his idea of outscoring your opponents could work in this league. Look at Dallas and Sacramento. He would definitely coach an offense that could win.

Westphaul would be a good match for Atlanta. Being a Born again Chrisitan, Westphaul wouldn't have the problems he had in Phoenix and Seattle. Namely, there are no attitudes he would have to combat daily. He has the coaching saavy to get us into the playoffs and probably further.

Then there's a really long shot.

LARRY BROWN. Maybe Larry's tired of fooling with Iverson. Getting him here would guarantee us about two strong yrs before Brown dismantles the team and make us losers.

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