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Poll: HotAtlanta a Joke


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I really don't know this guy. But, he is a all of the comments you can vote for in the poll. He never has anything good to say and doesn't know a thing about basketball. I think this poll will prove no one wants this guy around at least on this site.

Comments like JT sucks. Listen I'm not the biggest JT fan but he doesn't suck. Speaks volumes of this so called expert or should I say so called Hawks Fan. Who is he kidding he doesn't like this team. Or is he the band wagon guy who jumps on the team when they get good. I will let everyone on the site decide.

As for HotAtlanta, don't mean to come down on you but all you are is a cancer to this site. But say something positive once. It's funny how you never post when the team wins or have something negative to say even though they do win.

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We don't win.The only reason the team is in the

playoff race is cause the east is so bad.Be honest.

Look at JT.....He puts the Hawks at a dissadvange

playing PG because he can't run the team...He puts

the team at a bad position because he is too short

to play off guard...He can't play defense.The only

thing he can do is have a few 20 point games and

if I remember reading the stats correctly our win/

loss record is terrible when he is the leading scorer.

Jt is a cheap Nick Van Exel wannabe.

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HAHA.It must be pretty bad thinking everybody

playing for the second worst team in the league

is great players.

Maybe you should look at yourselves and you would

see somebody that doesn't know anything.

Keep supporting a undersized SG as the losing seasons

continue to pile up.You ain't ever gunna win with the

current team

No depth(henderson/Corey/Newble/Ham isn't a nba



No defenders

No first option

Drink the haterade all you want.But atleast I can

realize this team has no future.But you guys have

accepted for years and you will continue to.

Jt must go...I guess I shouldn;t complain about him

though.Atleast he showed he isn't worth the contract

that Bibby and Miller and other are going to get.

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I like your posts in moderation; I just wish you would condense them into one bigger post, so that it doesn't take up my entire screen. :>


But he has been right about several of the Hawks' failures and have read him make positive comments on occasions...Some of the people on this board are so positive that they're unrealistic, so Hotlanta makes for a better balance of emotion...in moderation.

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1)"Or is he the band wagon guy who jumps on the team when they get good."

-ANSWER- nah, hes a fan. How do I know??? If he was a bandwagon fan, he'd leave hawksquawk and wont even bother posting here. The fact that hes hurt (and in retaliation/anger) posts bad comments about hawks speaks VOLUMES about his love for this team.

2)"you are is a cancer to this site"

-ANSWER- nah, phoostal this is what i think u should do. Anytime u see a thread with Hotlantadude making fun of the hawks, just ignore it! U dont have to read every single post by every single hawksquawker.

3)"But say something positive once"

-ANSWER- hotlantadude, by NO MEANS am i on ur side! I too think u need to relax and not let the GAME GET THE BEST OF U. After watching a terrible hawks game, why dont u take the heat off by working out or doing something else.

It also doesnt hurt for u to leave a good comment and give props to where its due here and there...

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6) "Hotlanta was right about the Hawks and if people want to remain in denial about that they are welcome to ignore his posts."

That's the one I vote for.

Would you rather have a bunch of Hawksfreaks here? People who insist, despite the obvious truth, that this team is worth a [censored]? We need honesty, not denial.

The results speak for themselves. This team is a disaster...and trying to sugarcoat that is no way to correct the problem.

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Phoostal it isnt cool insulting other posters, hotlantadude contributes more to this community more than anyone save the admins and Diesel. You shouldnt post just to insult him.

Hotlanta makes the most ignorant statements about "downtown" aka black areas of Atlanta and gets a bit hyper at times but other than that he is okay by me. He knows a bit about ball. He saw we suck early. For that I give him credit. Bu not that I think about it why is he Hotlanta dude if he hates atlanta so much shouldnt you be hot dallas dude. And werent you ARR - Abdul Rahim Rules - yet he seems to hate reef mor than any other player. So lets see he loves black women but is scared of black communities and hates atlanta but calls himself hotlanta dude.And by the way Hotlanta hates rap and rappers, WTF. But anyway I like hotlanta dude he is a little off but not a cancer unlike a former poster that shall remain nameless.

As far as the Hawks go you guys annoy me getting on everyone who isnt trying to have a love fest. Judging from the off topic area we, hawksquawkers, couldnt be more different. If someone is negative a large number of people start crying about it. This is stupid if the Hawks werent garbage we wouldnt even need to argue but they suck, no need to be positive ther is nothing to be positive about. Short of boycotting the team until current management is fired I have nothing to contribute that will actually change anything about the team.

For all the hippies that want a kinder friendlier hawksqauwk dont worry I will call a WAAAHHHbulance to save you from the negativity.

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It's just a screen name

I hate being around people period.Out here I

can be by myself

"And by the way Hotlanta hates rap and rappers, WTF. "

I hate today's rappers cause they are weak and

music quality these days is poor.

It's ok that they dislike me on here.No big deal=)

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Listen, when have you seen me post and have a lovefest with the Hawks. So don't start calling me out for that BS. You may enjoy his comments and think it's a nice change of pace, but if you look at the poll you are in the minority. The poll speaks volumes of what people think.

Also, it is a lot easier for people to say something negative about someone else. That goes for the Hawks and the people on this board. I challenge people to be more constructive with their statements.

I think everyone gets tired of the statement "He sucks, get rid of him" Let's have a little support for the statement. I think if we took another poll on let's say JT with two choices, 1. He sucks 2. He is a good player. I don't think he sucks would win.

You can give Hotlanta credit for saying we suck at the beginning, but why. That's an easy statement to make. The better statement for anyone to make is wait and see, and let's evaulate at the end of the season. This way we have seen this out and we aren't making knee jerk reactions. If the season is a failure that's great he made a 50/50 guess. Either we are going to be good or bad. That's why it's nonsense to make predictions. You never know what is going to happen.

Also, as quick as people are to trash the team and Babcock. It's funny when people thought we had all these great pieces they weren't complaining. They actually made sense at the time. Yes, you can say there was one voice that said it was going to fail all along and that was Hotlanta, but honestly can someone please tell me when has he ever said anything positive about the team. Have you Hotlanta? I've been on this board since it was on the ez forum and have never heard anything positive.

I'm for criticism, don't get me wrong. You call me out saying it's all about a love fest. I don't promote that. I think if one things negative all the time it outweighs the positive. You have to have a balance between the two. He is just one sided and I only singled him out because he stands out the most(seems to enjoy, getting everyone pissed off). I could have also single out JTfan, he is one sided as well on just the positive side of things for the Hawks. But I have seen JTfan post some negative statements about the team. It's a rarity but he does.

I don't want this to be misconstrued, no one is better than anyone else. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, like anything when someone only sees the cup half empty or it being grey all of the time. It presents a negative outlook.

Please explain to me him being negative all the time as being a true fan. It's easy to bag on something when it's going bad. It's tougher and takes a lot more thought to find the positive. For example, the Hawks have gone 5-2 before the all star break. They have played a lot better basketball of late. But, all we hear from him is negative. Explain to me how that happens and how that is positive for the board. Like one person mentioned he looks forward to when the Hawks lose. It's like Christmas for him.

This board I thought was for Hawks fans to support the team. Not to gloat about who was right in their predictions and I know more than you jargon. Isn't it or am I wrong?

I probably was harsh with the statment I made, but prove me wrong. All I ask is for more thought out statements, when commenting. Don't take the easy way out on a loss or win for that matter. I challenge everyone to find a positive and negative in each game. Sometimes there is more of one than the other.

I read a post the other day on Wilks, he had a good game in Philly. But, guess what someone comes on and post that he has a good game. And they get scrutinized for posting that he had a good game. Listen, I'm not saying Wilks is the savior or the answer. I think all anyone was saying is that he had a good game. Is that so wrong, he did have a good game. If you think he didn't have a good game, then you don't know basketball. So why bag on a guy for saying that?

You guys can do whatever you want with your comments. I don't care. But this was an interesting poll and somewhat speaks volumes about people that just talk negative all of the time. I think it's an old act, just like if someone just said positive things all of the time. That's why I challenge everyone to fine the best and worst of each game and person on the team. But, in the end everyone will do what they want and so be it. This is just my point of view and no one has to feel this way. I'm sure Hotlanta doesn't and thinks I'm a piece of ****.

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Listen, when have you seen me post and have a lovefest with the Hawks. So don't start calling me out for that BS. You may enjoy his comments and think it's a nice change of pace, but if you look at the poll you are in the minority. The poll speaks volumes of what people think. "

They just know it's the truth.The fans of other teams

know it,other teams know it(Tmac calls the Hawks


"I think everyone gets tired of the statement "He sucks, get rid of him" Let's have a little support for the statement. I think if we took another poll on let's say JT with two choices, 1. He sucks 2. He is a good player. I don't think he sucks would win."

What does JT do besides score 17PPG.His scoring hasn't

been that impressive this year either.His assist are

obviousally bloated.He only gets the 1.7 steals he does

get because he plays passing lanes instead of playing

real defense.

I'd like to know what exactually makes JT a good player.

His offensive game is VERY limited..He often just chunks

up 3pt shots...He has very little ability to get to the


"You can give Hotlanta credit for saying we suck at the beginning,"

I shouldn't be given any credit for this.Look at the

team...It has no depth,no first option scorer,no really

good rebounder,no defenders,it lacks size,it lacks

experience,it lacks toughness,it lacks good coaching.

Is that enough reasons why this team sucks?

"Have you Hotlanta? I've been on this board since it was on the ez forum and have never heard anything positive."

What has this team done that is worthy of praise?Win

a game every now and then?That supposed to be good

enough?They play extremely sloppy and often just chunk

up shots.Every team can do that.


I don't want this to be misconstrued, no one is better than anyone else. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, like anything when someone only sees the cup half empty or it being grey all of the time. It presents a negative outlook."

Hello,this team is only better than the Cavs and Nuggets.

And they both have brighter futures than do the Hawks.

"Please explain to me him being negative all the time as being a true fan. It's easy to bag on something when it's going bad. It's tougher and takes a lot more thought to find the positive. For example, the Hawks have gone 5-2 before the all star break. They have played a lot better basketball of late."

You think 5 out of 7 with wins againest Philly/Orlando/Cavs

is something impressive?The Cavs are the second worst

team and Philly and Orlando are not good teams this year.

The win over Sactown was a fluke...Sactown has more talent on their bench than the Hawks have in the starting


I don;t offer positives for minor winning streaks.When

we have a winning record I will offer positives.

There is NO POSITIVES when you are 11 games under


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You once again have proven everything I said about you is correct.

1. Everyone knows we suck. I remember reading that Doc Rivers is shocked that we haven't played better this year. A couple of weeks ago Mark Cuban says he still thinks we are making the playoffs. I guess everyone doesn't know, Right? But, let me predict your answer to that -- something like who are those guys anyways. I guess TMac was right about us being cupcakes after Sunday, Right? and that statement was made last year, not this year, regarding the cupcakes. Let's try to stay update with our information please.

2. JT gets 17pts and 7 asst. a game and his game is garbage or he sucks in your opinion. I don't know a lot of guys in the league that suck and average this. Please help me out. I don't think that means you suck when you have those averages. I love your excuse his assists are bloated. That's a good one. That's like saying they suck because they suck. Let me guess your come back on this one, he only gets them because he makes a pass to the guy that scores, no big deal.

3. No depth, I think there would be plenty of teams in the league that would love to have what Nazr and Hendu bring on as a reserve. I want to clarify this as a RESERVE. I don't think they are starters and if you watch them play they bring some good play as reserves. But, I just remember you don't watch the games. Once again, let's go back to what you might answer with, these guys suck and everyone knows it.

4. As far as coaching how do you know about Stotts? You already dismiss him as a bad coach and he has only coached 22 games. That's pretty ignorant don't you think. Shouldn't a guy get a chance to prove himself and what he can do. I guess not in your book. You have already painted the picture for him. Let me think of what you can say to this -- Well look at him he looks like a bad coach, plus no one has ever heard of him.

5. So what that the Hawks have won 5 of 7. The team made some strides in a positive direction. That is something. Maybe not in your book, because you don't want to see it. But that is progress and it was a lot better than what they have done in the past. It beats the alternative of them losing. Don't you think? It's not there fault they play their schedule is it? I love this one from you the Sacramento win is a fluke. That's a good one, is that your cop out for every win we get. It's fluke, once again you give the team no credit. Real positive. You will probably say if they play again they will lose, and I won't argue you with that. But, you can't take away from the win they did get and how they played that game. They deserve credit for that game not a &&&& attitude from a so called fan. Why should they be defending themselves for a win. You are a piece of work.

6. As far as you saying that the Nugs and Cavs have a better future, that is strictly opinion. I'm sure if you ask their fans, most would like to switch teams with the Hawks. Also, there are more teams that have worst records than the Hawks than just the Cav's and Nugs. Please check out a Cavs game one time and listen to their announcers. The other night they were all over R. Davis and wanting him out of Cleveland. Yeah their future looks real bright.

7. Even though the team is below 500, there are always some positives to be taken away. You just have to open your eyes. For example, during this latest 5 and 2 streak the defense has played better than it has all year. This is a step in the right direction. But, you don't notice these things.

Don't get me wrong right now, there are a lot more negatives than positives. But, my point here is you don't look for them. You thrive in the negative. Hey come to grips and rationalize things, you will be a better person for it. But, once agian with your latest comments you have proven everyone in the poll that has voted, RIGHT. Nice work. I knew we all weren't crazy. We can always count on you for that.

Let me be the first to tell you I will be the first to congratulate when you don't player hate. As you seem to do constantly.

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2. JT gets 17pts and 7 asst. a game and his game is garbage or he sucks in your opinion. I don't know a lot of guys in the league that suck and average this. Please help me out. I don't think that means you suck when you have those averages. I love your excuse his assists are bloated. That's a good one. That's like saying they suck because they suck. Let me guess your come back on this one, he only gets them because he makes a pass to the guy that scores, no big deal.


He doesn't pickup ass on the fastbreak.He gets a few

assist of mainly Puppy Dog jumpers.That is not running


He also BARELY shoots 40% anxd JT is a top 5 worst

starter defender in the league.I don't understand why

PG's don't try and drive by him on every single play.He's

so easy to run by.Hello He gets whimp and out played

by Mike James.It's embarassing the way a 5PPG PG

runs by him all the time.

"1. Everyone knows we suck. I remember reading that Doc Rivers is shocked that we haven't played better this year. A couple of weeks ago Mark Cuban says he still thinks we are making the playoffs. I guess everyone doesn't know, Right? But, let me predict your answer to that -- something like who are those guys anyways. I guess TMac was right about us being cupcakes after Sunday, Right? and that statement was made last year, not this year, regarding the cupcakes. Let's try to stay update with our information please."

Go around and ask fans on other boards.Just because

people like Doc say nice things doesn't even mean that

they really mean it.I'm not surprised that they would

try and be nice.

"3. No depth, I think there would be plenty of teams in the league that would love to have what Nazr and Hendu bring on as a reserve. I want to clarify this as a RESERVE. I don't think they are starters and if you watch them play they bring some good play as reserves. But, I just remember you don't watch the games. Once again, let's go back to what you might answer with, these guys suck and everyone knows it"

Everybody wants Hendu?Please...He's a 5/5 scrub.He's

about like Jason Caffey

"4. As far as coaching how do you know about Stotts? You already dismiss him as a bad coach and he has only coached 22 games. That's pretty ignorant don't you think. Shouldn't a guy get a chance to prove himself and what he can do. I guess not in your book. You have already painted the picture for him. Let me think of what you can say to this -- Well look at him he looks like a bad coach, plus no one has ever heard of him."

i was mostly talking about Lon Kruger but I see nothing

in Stotts and he will likely be replaced.

"5. So what that the Hawks have won 5 of 7. The team made some strides in a positive direction. That is something. Maybe not in your book, because you don't want to see it. But that is progress and it was a lot better than what they have done in the past. It beats the alternative of them losing. Don't you think? It's not there fault they play their schedule is it? I love this one from you the Sacramento win is a fluke. That's a good one, is that your cop out for every win we get. It's fluke, once again you give the team no credit. Real positive. You will probably say if they play again they will lose, and I won't argue you with that. But, you can't take away from the win they did get and how they played that game. They deserve credit for that game not a &&&& attitude from a so called fan. Why should they be defending themselves for a win. You are a piece of work."

Almost every team has a little winning streak like this

over the course of the season.

"6. As far as you saying that the Nugs and Cavs have a better future, that is strictly opinion. I'm sure if you ask their fans, most would like to switch teams with the Hawks. Also, there are more teams that have worst records than the Hawks than just the Cav's and Nugs. Please check out a Cavs game one time and listen to their announcers. The other night they were all over R. Davis and wanting him out of Cleveland. Yeah their future looks real bright. "

What kind of future does this team have?They are

capped out,injury prone,no PG,no toughness,and no

star.There will not be many Nugget fans that would

rather be Hawk fans right now.If you really believe

that you are retarded.It's no about records alltogether.

More often than the not the team plays clueless and

sloppy and the lack of atheletic ability hurts.

"7. Even though the team is below 500, there are always some positives to be taken away. You just have to open your eyes. For example, during this latest 5 and 2 streak the defense has played better than it has all year. This is a step in the right direction. But, you don't notice these things. "

NOT ONLY are they under .500 but they are 11 games


Philly/Cleveland are offensively challenged teams and

without Hill Orlando is a one man gang.

"But, once agian with your latest comments you have proven everyone in the poll that has voted"

Well the people that voted are idiots.The blindly support

the worst franchise in sports without demanding a change.

If you look at Memphis/Cleveland/Denver/Golden State

they have futures.All this team has is a bunch of overrated

and overpaid players that really aren't that good.All the

Hawks are doing is sitting and spinning wheels but that

is cool with you...your a fan of mediocrity and you love


Those empty seats tell the real story.There are alot more

empty seats than they are people posting on this board.

Even the most of the people there will tell you the team


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If they keep up their good play I will be more

positive.If they play well their next 10 games

I will be more positive.That doesn't mean they

have to win 8 out of their next 10.

I challenge them to play well on a consisant

basis..This means staying in games,and just

generally playing the games well.

IT's not even all about wins and losses.

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It pisses me off when the Heat pass around and

get Brian Grant open shots and score at will and

the Hawks come down and force shots and throw

bad passes.

We lost because Miami rotated the ball around

like a team supposed to do and the Hawks got

frustrated and fired up shots and stop trying on


We need to move the ball around in the manner

they did againest Orlando.Til they can do that

kind of stuff more often they will lose and they

will not be playing the game correctly.

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