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Our Options are (IMO)


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1. Draft Conley at #3 and BPA at #11

2. Trade #3 and Zaza to Memphis for Gasol draft Law IV at #11

3. Trade #3 and Chillz to Portland for Jack/Aldridge draft BPA at #11

Of course options 2&3 require an interested trading partner but I think that both of these trades are reasonable and help both teams.

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I like Conley, but not at #3. We're going to get blasted by every one and their mother if we don't take him at 3. Therefore, I think BK MUST acquire a PG in any trade and the best case scenario is the Portland deal. (I still don't think they care about reuniting Conley and Oden).

We have so many options that most of the beneficial trade scenarios haven't even come into play yet. The workouts and love fest of players by other GM's will factor into anything we do. Our ace in the hole is the #11 pick.

No one is mentioning it, but I'd rather move the #11 pick for a PG by moving Chill or (I hate to say - Marvin) and taking the BPA with #3. Problem is..... who is the BPA for the Hawks at #3?

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I don't think #3 is an option. I highly doubt the Blazers are going to put Aldridge on the trading block when they have the potential of forming a very strong front line with Aldridge and Oden.

It depends entirely on their view of Randolph. The guy is only 26 years old and averaged 23 and 10 last year so I don't think it is outside the realm of possibility they move Aldridge rather than him. That said, I wouldn't want Randolph because of his defensive liabilities and his mental status (or lack thereof).

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