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The greatest rant you'll ever read


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We have the worst collection of owners in the history of the NBA. You'd think that having 3092 owners would equate being a financially secure franchise, yet these owners can't get along with each other, and won't put any money into this team. Our 2nd highest paid player (Speedy doesn't count) is on a ROOKIE CONTRACT.


Woodson has never heard of a substitution pattern incorporating an ENTIRE TEAM THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAME.

His Highly Sophisticated Formula entails this:

Player Hot + Production = Taken Out

This has worked to perfection for him, as Acie Law was the latest victim in a viscious cycle.

This MORON has NO FAITH in Mario or Acie, and uses AJ at the end of the game. WTF is AJ gonna do? He FOULED someone on a 3 PT SHOT IN OVERTIME. What type of basketball IQ do you have if you do something that heinous?

Marvin Williams is the biggest joke ever.

He HAS NEVER ONCE in his career driven to the basket without being stripped, knocked 30 feet toward his hometown, or missed a wide-open layup. WTF.

Of course you keep doing the same Sh!t you always do because our head coach thinks you're the greatest player alive.

Hey T Lue how about instead of waiting 22 seconds on every possession to shoot, you try RUN AN OFFENSE, moron. Yeah you can make shots, but those last 2 minutes were a prime example of how to ruin an "offense" (which takes care of itself according to our scholarly coach).

I can't F*cking believe we can't win one game against a team that's undermanned.

We go to LA Clippers and that sorry lineup and lose, we lose to Cleveland at home in the hands of the G.O.A.T. player Damon Jones, and we can't even beat a team without 1/2 of its team (Gerald Wallace).






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You know who the ASG reminds me of? They remind me of a bunch of kids from back in the day who gathers in a treehouse and pools together their coins in order to get a medium-sized soda and a bag of chips from the neighborhood store and share it amongst each other. Couldn't you just see this on a much larger scale....

Levenson: 'I have $250,000 to help with payroll this week. How much you got?'

Gearon: 'I only got $175,000 this time around.'

Seydel: 'I have $375,000.'

Peskowitz: 'I got $500,000.'

Belkin: 'I got the rest but I'm not sharing it with you guys since I wanted a Sprite the last time and Billy came back with a Fanta Orange. I HATE orange soda and you guys did that on purpose! The only reason why you're still in the treehouse is because you helped me build it and daddy (the judge) won't allow me to kick you out; otherwise, I'd be here by myself.'

C'mon, folks. THIS is the ownership group we counting on to make these teams better? These guys bought the teams (probably on credit) and simply don't have the resources to enhance what they've bought. Here we have the players and coaches literally begging on bended knee for a move to be made in the newspaper and its very likely for these pleas to fall on deaf ears because they simply don't have the funds. Its like buying a million-dollar 18,000-sf. home while making only $25K/yr. and having $5K left in the bank afterwards, then getting sticker shock when the $850 light, landscaping, and gas bills come rolling in. If you don't have the funds to buy it yourself, DON'T BUY IT, ESPECIALLY IF YOU NEED 15 OTHER GUYS TO GET IT.

But even if they had the jack, are you counting on Billy Knight, of all people, to forego his mammoth ego and admit to guessing wrong on the Williams boys (Marvin and/or Shelden) by trading them for a piece or two who can help the team right now? Never in my life have I ever seen a GM in sports who have done so little yet have so much foolish pride. If you didn't know him, you'd think that he had built championship rosters left and right like John Schoerholz did. Even Pete Babcock has to be somewhere laughing his ass off at some of the jacked up picks BK has made. And you wonder why the arena stays empty more times than not? Folks in this town aren't dumb. Just think of what this team is right now (21-28 with a west coast road trip coming) and where they would be if Chris Paul, Paul Milsap (who wouldn't take him over Shelden right now?) and Luol Deng was on the squad instead of Childress, Marvin, and Shelden? They wouldn't have Al Horford or been in position to embarrass themselves by promising to draft Shelden with the 5th pick because they wouldn't have been in the lottery in the first place. We'd still be laughing at the Suns for getting jobbed in the JJ deal. They'd be at worst 10 games better, in position to win the division, get the 2-3 seed in the playoffs and getting near-sellouts every night instead of pimping giveaways at the gate during each Hawks broadcast. But alas, they are who we THOUGHT they were and that's why folks stay away from Philips unless (insert NBA superstar here) comes in town.

If they don't make a move and allow the Joshes and Marian Hossa to leave without getting anything significant back, we might as well find new basketball and hockey teams to root for. I know that's blasphemy to say, especially from a lifelong Hawks fans like myself. But isn't investing any more of our time and $$$ with this franchise after that kind of similar to the guys in Montreal who still showed up to Olympic Stadium to root for the Expos long after the owner there gave up?

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Dejay, I couldn't have said it better. The tree-house analogy is perfect. I was thinking of someone who bought a new Jag, and then can't make the payments, but your's is much better.

The court situation has absolutely killed the teams. The ASG is dead financially without another investor. Belkin's 30% is a huge chunk of change that is missing from the equation. The more I invest in these teams the worse it gets. I want to say I won't care any more, but that won't happen. Sigh. banghead.gif

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