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LOL you aren't seriously trying to compare the failure rate of the PS3 to the 360 I hope. Because once again it is documented that the 360 had an insanely higher rate of failure than the PS3.

So you're happy that the PS3 failed less? Those are some high standards you're setting. Both consoles were crap and these two new ones have issues. There's really no point in going all fanboy and debating which pile of crap is better...

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Funny but the arguing here about which is better is kind of silly as I bet 9 out if 10 people wouldn't be able to tell you which system was which if they saw the games being played side by side. Is the PS4 better graphically? Apparently so. Does it make any real difference? Nope. All I care about is that I'm having more fun and seeing less problems than I ever have before. But I know someday this will probably die on me, just as my 360 did and just as my PS1 & 2 did because that's what they're going to do eventually.

Most people will never see the graphical difference because no one looks that close at the pixels. Its weird seeing someone get excited over a marginally better picture. Truth is online gaming is a major factor in console purchases these days. The 360 proved its next gen counterpart will be a safe bet online. The PS3 had a mass exodus of players having to purchase the 360 because the PS3 was pretty sad when it came to online and party chat.

There's always two sets of people. Those who bought just the 360 and those who bought both consoles because the PS3 couldn't deliver what XBox Live had. I know Sony has revamped their online for the PS4 but I don't see how you pry XBox Live people away from larger servers and the friends they've established. Again I don't see slightly better graphics being enough to convert an individual. I know my XBox Live friends and I have discussed which console for us all to purchase and we're probably going to stick with what we know works.

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So you're happy that the PS3 failed less? Those are some high standards you're setting. Both consoles were crap and these two new ones have issues. There's really no point in going all fanboy and debating which pile of crap is better...

You are the fanboy with that defending of Xbox. The Xbox failure rate was around 40 percent, the PS3 was like 3 percent. Hmm, which one was FAR higher than the other....

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There is at least some difference in graphics when it comes to 720p vs 1080p whether you care to admit or not, but the real difference is frames per second or the fluidity of gameplay. This is ultimately why I'd recommend PS4 to those considering one or the other.A couple of comparison links..



Edited by SmooveZilla
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There is at least some difference in graphics when it comes to 720p vs 1080p whether you care to admit or not, but the real difference is frames per second or the fluidity of gameplay. This is ultimately why I'd recommend PS4 to those considering one or the other.A couple of comparison links..



99% of people will not recognize a difference. There's a reason TV and movies are at 24 or 30 FPS.

What are you talking about with 720p? Are you saying that the 1080p on the xbox isn't real?

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99% of people will not recognize a difference.

Top notch statistic.

There's a reason TV and movies are at 24 or 30 FPS.

Cool, this isn't relating to TV shows or movies.

Are you saying that the 1080p on the xbox isn't real?

Actually, yes. It's upscaled, not native.

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Quite a convenient time to dismiss the argument and resort to name calling...

Well just calling it like I see it. You decided to act like a douche to my legit non argumentative reply so yeah... Anyway at this point I could care less what your opinion is and until tonight I had no idea who you are but now I do for the future.
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Well just calling it like I see it. You decided to act like a douche to my legit non argumentative reply so yeah... Anyway at this point I could care less what your opinion is and until tonight I had no idea who you are but now I do for the future.

I didn't really think your reply was serious and I'm currently writing a paper, but if you insist.

It's entirely true that TV shows and movies are recorded and broadcasted in 24-30fps, but the reason for it being so is absolutely not because of "99%" of people not being able to see the difference. It's one thing to artificially create 3D models and environments in full HD and high FPS, but it's an incredibly complicated and expensive process to record and produce a real-world recorded product of the same specifications. Now I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert in the field on all this, but it's essentially because we're not properly equipped for it. Just like how some theaters weren't properly equipped to play the Hobbit or Avatar films in 48fps, many if not all channels are not properly equipped to broadcast shows at such marks. That is the reason. To add, the Hobbit was also recorded in a 5k, 60fps format, but there were no theaters that could screen this one.

In upscaled resolution, the CPU/GPU takes a 720p/900p/whateverp image and stretches it by "guessing" what color a bordering pixel should be. As you can imagine, this process isn't perfect and creates undesirable, jagged edges and added blurriness. The after-effects are then smoothed and blurred further, but the process is still visible.

Posted Image

But if you weren't concerned with the graphics, then no harm to you. I'm primarily a PC guy, but it's not as simple as play it on the computer for graphics when it comes to sports games and that's the definite reason I own consoles. To put it simply, sports games on computer suck and are always ported from console to PC and the last Madden for PC was way back in 08. In order to properly play these games at their best, I got a PS4 first. It's all I'm saying.

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Thank you that was the reply I was looking for earlier. And yes I was being serious in my earlier reply. No 99% isn't a real number, it's hyperbole used to demonstrate something that is in fact true. I've been involved in multimedia and 3D for nearly 13 years now and have produced it edited hundreds of videos so I'm pretty well versed on FPS and the like. I know the Hobbit was filmed at 60 FPS and it was slammed by many for it as it looked fake. Perhaps it will be different for video games but I'm skeptical and certainly don't think giving up the whole media center in one concept of the XB1 is worth what might end up being a failure for the PS4. And it's funny I used to be a diehard Playstation guy but online gaming sucked back when I cared to play online and so I switched and I really see no reason to switch back either. Unless I can see a clear and tangible difference in gameplay between the 2 it's really just preference or allegiance as far as I'm concerned. As I said earlier I've got a gaming PC I built last year that exceeds the PS4 in every way so if the graphics really mattered that much I'd just play on it. Of course I'd miss out on Madden but if 2K comes out with a football game this year it will likely be on the PC anyway.

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Thank you that was the reply I was looking for earlier. And yes I was being serious in my earlier reply. No 99% isn't a real number, it's hyperbole used to demonstrate something that is in fact true. I've been involved in multimedia and 3D for nearly 13 years now and have produced it edited hundreds of videos so I'm pretty well versed on FPS and the like. I know the Hobbit was filmed at 60 FPS and it was slammed by many for it as it looked fake. Perhaps it will be different for video games but I'm skeptical and certainly don't think giving up the whole media center in one concept of the XB1 is worth what might end up being a failure for the PS4. And it's funny I used to be a diehard Playstation guy but online gaming sucked back when I cared to play online and so I switched and I really see no reason to switch back either. Unless I can see a clear and tangible difference in gameplay between the 2 it's really just preference or allegiance as far as I'm concerned. As I said earlier I've got a gaming PC I built last year that exceeds the PS4 in every way so if the graphics really mattered that much I'd just play on it. Of course I'd miss out on Madden but if 2K comes out with a football game this year it will likely be on the PC anyway.

I think the issue isn't that it looks fake, but that it looks "too real" for the CGI thus loosing the whole cinematic effect people have grown accustomed to. As far as video games go, the new, console standard is definitively 60fps and most One exclusive games will tailor to the hardware and provide this, but the multi-platformers not so much. Cutting back and upscaling to achieve 60fps has worked for most of the launch games, but the new Tomb Raider game is an example of one that used the cutback and upscale method yet still couldn't reach 60fps. This double whammy needless to say made a lot of people angry. Also realize on your PC there is no FPS lock and given your hardware it's not uncommon to reach even 100+fps. This has been the standard for computer gaming for many years and while people continue to bicker about it on console, the new standard of 4k, 60fps is going to be established for PC in 2-3 years.

With that being said, yes, the One does currently excel as being the center point of your media setup. No argument there, but I wouldn't disregard the PlayStation in that argument just yet. Instead of going through your cable feed middle-man style, Sony's aiming to launch its own cloud based cable service that mixes video streaming and live TV with your PlayStation device as the receiver. On top of that, this summer is going to see the launch of the much anticipated PlayStation Now service. Imagine a Netflix-like experience capable of streaming video games to your PS4, PS3, Vita, phone, tablet , and even your TV itself.

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I have a question related to 2K online play:I have played this game for several years and know the ins and outs of most everything related to gameplay. I have a strong record online year to year.I can not for the life of me figure out what this glitch is that people are doing year after year after year.Here is basically what happens:After a made basket they will bring a player(usually the center) to sort of full court press by himself, but the weird thing is that they will basically allow you to go around them while holding down the "draw charge" button, then after you get around them they will chase you down court.Then when it gets to half court play, they do something with the double team, but I can quite put my finger on what exactly. Basically they will almost triple or quadruple team one player and if you are lucky enough to be able to pass clean out of it, they will be able to run and get to any wide open player extremely quickly, no matter how far away the player is from the triple/quadruple teamed player. And it also seems like if you so much as make contact with any defender, you will lose possession, especially in the post.Anyone have a clue what this is?I have tried everything I can think of to replicate it out of curiosity and cannot figure out what they are doing.Like I said, it is nearly every opponent I play and every single year of 2K this same glitch is used.

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