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Atlanta Hawks Mascot slips during game 2 LOL


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ATLANTA -–  Following multiple national news reports of their beloved mascot’s failed attempt to jump the aisle in Philips Arena, the Atlanta Hawks organization has been contacted by thousands of concerned fans looking for an update on the local icon’s condition. The Hawks have released a video update on Harry the Hawk’s prognosis.

After a battery of tests and examinations by the team doctors, Harry has been placed on the injury report as “Questionable” for playoff  Games 3 and 4 in Boston against the Celtics this upcoming weekend.  Harry has been limited to strict “nest rest” in hopes of having him back in the lineup for a possible Game 5 in Atlanta on Tuesday, April 26. 

“This is a serious blow to our roster for these crucial games on Friday and Sunday.  We are asking for all of our fans to send their thoughts and prayers for Harry’s speedy recovery,” remarked a visably shaken Steve Koonin, CEO of the Atlanta Hawks and Philips Arena.

In lieu of flowers or cards, the Atlanta Hawks are requesting well wishes be sent via social media with the hashtag #GetWellHarry.





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