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Spreewell to the Hawks for JT?


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You don't trade Old for young.I'm surprised Spree still has

a pulse he is so old.Dan Dickau looks good as a backup,but

what I've seen so far in the summer league says he is a

great backup PG but not a NBA starter.

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Atlanta is trying to trade Jason Terry, but the Knicks will not deal their best player for another undersized shooting guard.

Now we can pass this off as someone who doesn't know what they are talking about... Etc. Etc.

However, think about it. If Dickau is good enough, JT is history here. If Dickau shows that he can run the show, Babcock will trade everybody's favorite for a player who can help us in other ways.

What if that trade turned out to be JT for Odom...

Now, I know Odom has personality issues.. But hell so did Spree.

We could be looking at:


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Ok now I know for sure Babs is on some kind of heavy medication. How can someone think in the right mind to trade JT for Spree, JT is a proven upcoming PG in this league and the scary part about it that he would only get better. What is he planning to start Dickau as a starter and guarantee playoffs? Is he on the drugs or what. If this trade does happen or even if JT is dealt I am done with this organization. Because obviously they have no idea what they are trying to do.

Reading that article really brought up the flare in me, just by seeing JT's name in that article. JT is our leader and our 2nd best player, he is what keeps the hawks going night and night out. Like I said if they go ahead make a trade of this magnitude or even just trade JT, i'm done with this organization. Because they really do make some ridiculous trades. Is Babs trying to improve this team or dismantle it before he gets fired.

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Insider is reporting these details:

The latest has the Knicks and Hawks talking about a trade that would send Spree and Othella Harrington to Atlanta for Jason Terry, Nazr Mohammed and Alan Henderson. The Hawks have been shopping Terry since they acquired Dan Dickau on draft night.

According to one Hawks souce, the coaching staff doesn't believe Terry has a future as a two guard because of his size. While he's shown flashes at point guard, the Hawks would prefer to deal him and bring in a more experienced, taller two guard that would allow them to play Dickau. Spree, who has been stuck playing out of position in New York his entire tenure there, meets the description. With young swingmen like Dion Glover and DerMarr Johnson waiting in the wings, the Hawks can afford to let Terry slide away.

The Knicks, who are desperate to upgrade at point guard and center, get both needs taken care of with one fell swoop. Mohammed is better than any free agent centers out there right now. Terry's game is hard to figure out, but the Knicks believe he can still play the point. While Henderson's salary (3 years, $22 million remaining) is tough to swallow, that has never stopped the Knicks in the past. The Knicks have been trying to get Toni Kukoc thrown into the swap instead of Henderson, but right now the Hawks aren't budging.

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NYC wouldn't have a starting spot for JT either...they've got houston starting there, and with that price tag, you know it won't change. They might try and play him at the point...esp. now that Williams is hurt...

I hate the deal.

However, the team talk is interesting: would y'all do a straight up on Spree for Henderson and Nazr (fillers if needed)? Though it didn't pass on trade-checker, the program still lists Nazr as a BYC, so I'm not sure how it would work...

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This deal sucks, I'm sorry but it does. How can they expect to make the playoffs with 2 new starters, no jelling there. Also Theo is still kind of new with the team, if thi trade goes down, sowill the Hawks because IMO JT is the man, he is one awesome player and hasnt been given a full season under pg. He will be one of the leagues top PG's and an allstart player, but this might take that chance for him. He loves Atlanta and this town will be saddened and distraught with JT being traded, because of everything he brings to this community and his attitude. Hawks are going shitless !!!

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I think this deal is very creaditable.If it happens I'll laugh

when we win 19 games next season.We saw what Newble

did to Spree...his talent is going down hill.

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First off look at the source. NY has been trying to get a

PG for a while now. Dal has turned them down for Van Exel, Cle turned them down for Miller, NO turned them down for Davis. Who else is there left? I bet that NY called Atl. Babs would be STUPID not to listen to trade offers. No one on our team is untouchable for the right price, not even Shaq. ESPN will jump on the bandwagon because tis "news". If I was a writer for a "major" newspaper and said that LAL and the Hawks were discussing a JT/DJ/SAR/Theo trade for Shaq and Kobe I'm sure it would be published on ESPN too. Just calm down If we are to trade JT we would get a top flight SG/SF and a PG. Spree is washed up and everyone knows it. Thats why NY hasnt been able to move him, even tho they have really tried.

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Never thought of that. Andycard is correct, NY been trying to get a top notch PG and JT is one of the ones that are left and they most probably called Babs and hopefully Babs didnt bite on it and wont. Hey but I will give up Dickau for Spree to make that playoff run this year. Plus remember we still have our PG of the future and thats JT, IMO Dickau can't touch JT, I'm sorry but is true. He might pretty good in the summer league , but look at the competition he is playing against, nobody's. He has also a bunch of turnovers and he is nowhere near the offensive player that JT is. I remember also when jT played in the summer league in his rookie year, he tore it up against guys like Andre Miller and Baron Davis.

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I was just about to post something like that...

This is NY we're talking about. They have to make up blatant lies and pass them off as trade rumors to keep the people happy. Otherwise, they'll burn down the Daily News and N.Y. Post, while they're at it.

The Knicks have probably offered Spree for every PG in the league. Miller, Davis, JT, Van Exel, ect.

I loved the last line of the piece, "But the thinking among Knicks officials is to trade either Sprewell, Houston or both while they still have value."

Value? What value? HAHAHAHAHA...that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Nobody will take Houston's contract, I wouldn't even if they offered him for E-Mail straight up. Spree is washed up, he's a shadow of his former self.

But, other than them, NY has nothing anybody would take, save for Kurt Thomas, but I doubt NY will deal him, despite what that Van Exel deal said.

JT won't be traded for Spree. Spree is not the answer to our SG/SF needs. Not at that price, at least...

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Rasho Nesterovic.

NY wanted to work out a SNT for him, but McHale has said that he won't do it. I don't know where that puts Rasho at now...

Read this NY Post piece. McHale takes some shots at the Knicks players and management.


My favorite line...

"Believe it or not, you guys from New York think everyone's out there to make the Knicks better. That's not the way it works. I'm looking to make our team better, which is a foreign concept to you guys in New York."

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