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Chris Reitsma is HORRIBLE


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About 2 months ago, KB21 said the following about Chris Reitsma, here in this forum...


He's one of the best set up men in baseball.

To whom do can we attribute the last 2 Braves' losses? The most recent came tonight against the Phillies (again). Two games before, he blew a save that resulted in a loss against the Expos. The most recent loss is AT LEAST THE FOURTH Phillies game he has blown. Good thing we aren't in a pennant race with them.

Say what you want about Reitsma, KB, but I'll go on the record right now. If we lose in the playoffs this year, it will be due to Chris Reitsma. I can just see him blowing a couple of big games in the NLCS. He is a GOAT, plain and simple, and we need to trade him in the off season.

Lights out reliever, KB? How many times can we say this about a guy who has 4 losses and 7 blown saves? How can we say this about a guy who pitches worst in the biggest games?

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hopefully he's just in to give the other guys (like Russ Ortiz) a rest and the other injured guys like Mike Hampton time to heal.

we have a SOLID lead in our division, and it seems like a team from the Cardinals division will get the WILD CARD spot. that being said, we prob play the Wild Card team regardless. that being said, i dont care too much if the guy blows a few games here and there over the course of the remaining season- as long as he doesnt play in the postseason.

but who knows, theres lotta time left, and theres no guarantees.

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hopefully he's just in to give the other guys (like Russ Ortiz) a rest and the other injured guys like Mike Hampton time to heal.

Cyman, I don't mean any disrespect, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Reitsma pitches the 8th inning when the game is close. He is our designated set-up man to our closer, John Smoltz. He has had this role ALL YEAR. He is not just in there temporarily. He has pitched in big games all year and has NOT done well.

I don't know who would say that Reitsma is just in there to rest the starters you listed.


that being said, i dont care too much if the guy blows a few games here and there over the course of the remaining season- as long as he doesnt play in the postseason.

There is NO WAY Reitsma doesn't play during the post season. He is our SET UP MAN. We traded for him in the off-season to BE our set-up man. Why would we bench him after 162 games of filling that role? Bobby will stick with him, and he will lose. Reitsma is garbage. He has a decent fastball, but it's straight and he gets too much of the plate when he's under pressure.

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Sometimes, Reitsma can't even get the ball over the plate. I wonder about his head. He seems a LOT like Wohlers with a slower fastball.

I would much rather have Alfonseca in the 8th. I trust his experience. He's not perfect, but I like him more than Reitsma. Also, I'm tired of Bobby giving Gryboski the ball with multiple runners on base. Gryboski does have a sinker that makes double plays more likely, but he also has trouble finding the strike zone on the first batter. This strategy has backfired, resulting in 2 losses due to bases loaded walks.

Furthermore, we go out and trade for Tom Martin to get out the lefties, and if anyone had checked the stats, we'd see that he hasn't been very effective at doing that all year. Lefties don't ALWAYS get out lefties as a RULE. You still have to check the stats. Martin has blown a couple of games, including one to the Cards where Larry Walker (a lefty) raked him for a double. This isn't the first time the Braves have done something like this.

For all the success they've had and for all the good trades Scheurholz has made, they just make me scratch my head sometimes.

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