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Nothing but trash from the Atlanta Constipation


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I hate to tarnish a fantastic evening in the history of the Atlanta Hawks. However, Terrance Moore has done it again. I hate to even have you go and give their website hits, but you guys need to read this and see what a moron writes like.

This franchise has made a commitment to better itself. We acquire another all-star to add to a trifecta of superior talent. Yet it's not good enough.

It's never good enough.

Curtis Bunn writes about how the Bucks needed to make this trade. Who cares? What about the reaction from Shareef? From JT? From Theo? How will this trade make the Hawks better?

Instead, we get the Bucks point of view from a supposed Hawks beat writer (one, by the way, who appeared at approxiamately FIVE home games this past season - IF THAT!).

And Terrance Moore, well what should we expect? He trashed the Braves when they traded his favorite Brian Jordan for that malcontent Gary Sheffield. What do you guys think? Wasn't that a good trade? Isn't the Braves lineup a million times better with Sheffield instead of Jordan? They weren't 15 games up on August 2nd last season with Jordan. I know the bullpen is the main reason, but I think our more dangerous lineup with Sheffield in the middle has also been huge.

Plus, he's been a model citizen. Where's Moore's column talking about how he was wrong about Mr. Sheffield? It was probably replaced by the new column trashing Glenn Robinson.

Now we all know the past with Robinson. It all crossed our mind today. BUT how can this deal NOT be good for our Hawks? There is no logical reason why anyone (particularly any writer who should show up more than a handful of times to Philips Arena) would say this is a step backward.

However, Terrance has come through again in the clutch.

Big Dog is no longer in Milwaukee. So let's give him a clean slate. He doesn't have to be "THE MAN" here like he was in Milwaukee. However, he's already convicted here by the fish wrapper before he even comes for his press conference.

But then again, what should we expect?

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Well, Terence got one word right in his column.


It's an attempt to go the other way on an issue that clearly has people traveling in the positive direction.

Nothing but selling papers, folks.

As for Curtis Bunn, well, he's as toothless as Methusela with his "commentary", as he has become the "Family Circus" of basketball in Atlanta.

Totally irrelevant.

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I hate Terrance Moore's commentary of late, I remember he used to write good stuff on occasion but lately its all cynical nonsense. Sometimes someone needs to be devil's advocate but he is always devil's advocate no matter the situation. Moore can play so he writes nonsense about those who can. But he doesn't matter WE'RE GOING TO THE FINALS!!!!!

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In a debate, if I am not mistaken, there must always be

two opposite sides, pro and con, for and against.

The pro side always says all the good things agout the

issue and never any thing bad.

The con side is always going to say everything that they

can think of bad about the issue. Poor Terrance has

become the voice of "Con" or "Against" in every issue that

has come up in Atlanta sports. Apparently, that is his

job description with the AJC. Just try to remember when

he has ever said anything positive about any situation

where Atlanta sports teams were involved.

This must be a tough job, always being against anything

that happens. I am amazed at the things he finds to

object to and the lengths he goes to to defend his

position in the "debate."

Give the man a break. He is not allowed to say anything

positive about any Atlanta team. He would loose his


Gray Mule

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"Even so, the Hawks relinquished little for the chance to get a lot. Good. Maybe Robinson's first change of a home base in the NBA will spark his growth as a player and as a person. We're back to that eternal word again for the Hawks -- maybe." This is the last line in T. Moore article. I don't see anything wrong with this article. If we're not all asking the same questions, we are the fools. The Bucks dumped him because of how problematic he has been. I hope that Big Dog sees this as an opportunity and not as punishment. If he does, he has a good cast behind him (JT, DJ, SAR, Theo). IF he doesn't it, that is the chance Pete has taken, and I don't really blame him for it. Evenmn if Big Dog spents the next season in jail, we should wait! He will be most grateful we did and should pay back with dividends. I am exited about this acquisition. GO HAWKS!!!!!!! 10-4 PEACE.

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I'm a long time Hawks fan who's not very familar with Terence Moore's coverage and views on the team. However, I do agree with some of his points. There's no doubt that the Big Dog can score but he doesn't play defense, can't pass, has absolutely no handle and generally, he's not been a team player. I also question his character and I'm quite surprised that Babs would bring in someone who has some real issues.

I can understand why everyone's pumped about this trade but let's look at the bigger picture. Given these points that Moore has raised, which in my mind are genuine concerns, will the Big Dog fit in? Does he make us a better team or will we become a bad team that scores a lot ala the Bucks?

For Glenn to fit in, his attitude needs to change and, perhaps the trade will help spur this on. Secondly, I don't expect him to contend for defensive player of the year or to not look for his shot. I do hope however that he can adjust his game to point that winning, and not scoring, is the most important thing.

So while I'm excited about the trade, I'm still not completely sold on the idea that the Big Dog is going to get us off the porch...

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I do agree that there are some issues that we need to be concerned with. Everybody needs a fresh start and this might be just what he needs. The media doesn't know the whole story and they like to fill in the gaps. Sometimes there is real problems there but a lot of the time there are just reg issues that we all have.

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T. Moore's column today is another in the long line of militant pessimism that he has directed towards the Hawks ever since Nique left.

Every time he gets a chance, he sourly dismisses the team as a bunch of stiffs and whenever they show signs of improvement he chalks it up as an abberation.

He has an anti-Hawks agenda and most of what he writes for the paper is trite and arrogant.

I miss Jeff Denberg......

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Hey Terrance, look at our record last year. What do we have to lose. We are not a playoff team year in and year out. We don't have to worry about making a mistake with our team. I don't think he realizes, at how many 20 pt. scorers are in the NBA. Give me 20 pts, and you can let your man score on you from time to time. Give me 20 pts. and I will see that you get your fair number of shots. Give me 20 pts. and you can beat your dog, get drunk, have a bad attitude, do nothing for the community, I don't care....just get me those 20 pts. a night, because I for one realize at how much that means.

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