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HMMM. Have we all lost balls?


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Our lawyers feel that the language is very clear
," NBA spokesperson Tim Frank told ESPN.com "You've got to be 18 years old to declare for the NBA draft if you are an international prospect."

Darko declared at 17... That's called Stern Breaking the rules my friend. Pure and Simple.

The problem is that it will happen again. Look at the argument that was made for these guys...


hey have been playing at the highest level in Europe for two seasons. They aren't amateurs. No college basketball program in the country could take them.

"I truly understand the NBA's concern about high school kids coming out too early and giving up the opportunity to go to college," Cornstein said. "But this is a very extreme circumstance. They're not giving up an education. That's just not the issue here."

Admittedly, both players are in tough situations. Milicic is stuck playing in Yugoslavia for KK Hemofarm. According to Cornstein, Milicic makes just $20,000 a year, lives in terrible conditions and can't secure an insurance policy to cover him should he suffer a career-ending injury. Milicic, like most young European players, is locked into a long-term contract with the club. The only way to get out is to buy the deal out. The only way to buy it out is to get selected very high in the draft. Schortsianides is in a similar situation. His club is teetering on bankruptcy to the point where they had to drop out of the Euroleague.

What will happen is that every Euroleaguer will argue that they have played against better competiton... AND just like Stern did with Darko, he will break the rules...

His own lawyer said it was plain and simple...

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did you even read the article? or follow the saga? even in the article you quoted, which I read (and re-read before posting), the 'NBA Spokesperson' (who therefore inherently represents Stern and the other league execs) did not feel that Darko should be able to declare for the draft, but the lawyers for the players' union (NOT STERN) won out and he was deemed eligible.

Find one place where Stern was a proponent of letting Darko enter the draft...

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Jermaine is right but for the wrong reasons. He knows that of all the major collegiat sports that basketball makes the most money. And that while the coaches and schools make tons of money the players make none. For the most part as of right now most of the players that are going to these schools are going only to get recognition from the NBA. They go only until they feel they will get enough money (through draft position).

If you look at the first few jumps it was due to the fact that the player couldnt get the scores to get into college and had the talent to get to the L (KG). Others still went JuCo then to NCAA then NBA. I'd say starting with Kobe we start to see guys with the test scores to get in to college opt to go straight to the NBA. But even then (Kobe as the exception) they weren't jumping over going to a major programs to go. At that time it was a big deal when William Avery and Elton Brand left Duke early.

Now we see the Livingstons, Smiths, and Howards going straight to the League and doing really good. The NCAA is worried as is the NBA. The NCAA has a problem of its biggest money makers losing their supply of talent. The NBA already fighting a public relations problem of "young black millionaires gone wild" (hello NY and Portland) and here to the eyes of the casual veiwer come more that "cant play the game right" because Bill Walton said so. Then add in the "NBA Ready" Euros, who have been more miss than hit. What is happening is a backlash against these guys, who are mostly black, and the hiphop culture that the NBA has for the most part embraced. The mostly white attending fans now have nothing to embrace about the NBA. Magic, Jordan, Bird, Nique, Barkley and Isaiah are gone. There isnt a bevy of warm cuddly media savy players. And to make matters worse the ones they do have arent in major markets. David Stern would give his left hand to have Kobe in LA, Shaq in NY, LBJ in Chicago, and any superstar with media ability in Boston.

The solution to many is the age limit. It gets the NCAA what it wants in a garuntee of having a constant pipeline of talent for at least 2 years. And in theory it gives the players two more years of instruction at a level at which they can fail and be okay. And to the NBA it gives them piece of mind that these guys are at least being exposed to culture, education, and rules and may enter the league better off.

In reality all youre going to see is a TON of JuCo schools become REAL good REAL quick.

The question is are Euro and Asian players also going to have the restriction since their education system is different? In France you start your major in high school, not college. You are also playing a more organized game at a younger age. The minute you let another Darko in @ 17 you'd be crucified.

But the players cant sue either. Since the NBA doesnt have an anti-trust exemption like baseball, there are other leagues you could play in, or go to Europe.

If you REALLY wanted to fix basketball in the US which is what this really an attempt at you have to stream line the system and give it a definate heirarchy.

1. Get rid of the USAA. Its a breeding ground for corruption and bad advice. Restore the stature of the highschool coach and dont give the bad apple a way around the checks and balances of grades and discipline that HS provides.

2. Allow the high school coaches to run off season programs for those that make the grades during the year. This further kills USAA.

3. Go forth with the 15 team minor league with each team having two parent teams contributing 7 players each.

4. Expand the draft to 4 rounds. Round 1 garunteed NBA roster spot. Round 2 can make team or go to NBDL. Rounds 3 and 4 go straight to NBDL. And as a bonus for any 3rd or 4th rounders that stayed in school, those that completed junior year (by credits) can get called up after allstar break. Seniors and grads can come up anytime after 30 days.

5. Players under 20 regardless of where they are from HAVE to go to NBDL for at least 1 year.

6. Rule that Vets (anyone with more than 2 years in the League) can only be sent down for rehab assignments after injury for a max of 5 games.

7. Hire former busts, Joe Forte anyone?, to go and talk to HS players top give them a better idea of what they are really in for.

8. Work with the NCAA to get college students better prepared by sponsering a curriculum that all students could take but is mandatory for student athletes including baseball and football. Include marketing, buisness, public speaking, the sports and the law, ethics ect. If this is what they are really preparing for then go all the way with it. Any league could also request transcripts from these classes during work outs.

Thats my rant.

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very well written. i can at least see an argument there. i dont necessarily agree with it, as my 'beef' with the ncaa 'training ground' analogy is quite minimal. that's why i watch the pros to be honest...to see the finished product.

but very well articulated.

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Thats why I honestly see basketballs system as a hybrid of the football and baseball models. As with football 99 out of 100 kids will need the time to physically mature and finish growing. But that 1, the LBJs and Josh Smith's dont need it physically. And again as with baseball 99% will need it to refine skill sets but 1% (KG) wont.

Everyone wants a complete game and its up to the NBA and NCAA to take complete stewardship over it. They need to dictate the way is played and the business is operated. But so far all they want is the reward with out the work.

If everyone involved puts in the work they can all gain a ton or respect.

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what sort of 'work' do you mean? what more does the NBA need to do? my personal goal would be for a true minor league system, like that of baseball, and I think Stern's working towards that...but until that can be realized, how would you change things?

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By work I mean the behind the scenes stuff. Players working on defence and shooting, not just highlight plays. Teams spending wisely and actually investing in a winning team unlike the clippers.

The NBA promoting what it has instead of what it wants. You cant always bail out NY unless they have a real plan to make that team good again. Support your small market teams like Milwuakee and Sacramento. Dont reward players that dog it like VC. Put him on the end of the bench and support those that do play well everynight. In other words promote the league and teams; not players.

The NCAA needs to find a middle ground that at least encourages athletes to come to college for a 2 years.

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In other words promote the league and teams; not players.

Stern would consider this pure foolishness. In fact, you should rethink it Stern's way..

Before Stern, the NBA did promote teams. It was a smaller league and the teams were what it was all about. Nobody cared... Nobody cared 1 drop.

Stern came in and said... The teams are not what will draw interest. The players are...

He promoted the series between college rivals Bird and Johnson. It revived the league. The reason why so much homage is paid to NY is because of Wilis Reed walking on the floor in game 7. People don't remember all NBA by the teams any longer, they remember the players...

The reason I said that you should rethink it is this..

The Hawks were the first team to go overseas to promote Basketball. Nique/Fratello/ and the whole gang..

However, basketball overseas really became big when Micheal Jordan came along. Sheez, Jordan is the biggest Icon in sports aside from Ali. His legend made foriegners want to play basketball. The Bulls were a great team.. however, the promotion was always Micheal and the Bulls.

Since his leaving Stern has been looking for a New MJ.

First it was Grant. Then Vince. Then Kobe. Now it's Lebron. Stern is waiting for one of these guys to shine enough to be the new MJ.. So he will continue to promote them over and above any small market team. The lesson that Stern learned about the small market is that a small market team will never draw interest, never make money, and won't sustain a fan base. If you doubt.. Look at Utah, Indy, and Orlando....

All small market teams. However, without the player recognition of Malone, Reggie, and Shaq, these teams fail to make profit or retain the interest of their fan base. Hell, the same is true with Atlanta. ONce Nique left, this city disappeared on the Hawks. Hawks still had 50 win seasons and the OMNI was just like the Library...

You got to have players that can be promoted. Until we get one, we won't be on National TV because the TV stations see it the same way Stern do.

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on this issue, I agree with both of you.

you mention finding a 'middle ground' for 'making players' go to college...that's what the age limit is.

you want to improve the 'dilution' of the draft/certain players being in the League that shouldn't...make them go through a little more 'weeding out'. HS competition is so varied from state to state, that numbers means less. It's more about what a player shows in the all-star games (see JR Smith).

One of the 'nice' things about football/college/NFL~ look at the relative 'low' comparison between guys drafted in the earlier rounds of the NFL vs. those that were 'HS All Americans'. The developmental period, both mental and physical, provided by those three years is huge, providing much greater dividends for teams.

Sure, you're always going to have players that could probably come into the L right away, like Amare, like LeBron...but that's just the way it is. Many say that Herschel is the only player that they've ever seen that could have come into the NFL directly from HS...but he couldn't. So he had to go win a national championship, a heisman, etc...and as a fan, I don't think that's a loss.

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i think middle ground should be school. minor league yes and then if a stud like amare, or lebron is ready then call him up. 15 team minor league, 2 nba teams per minor league team. a team drafts a player and then can place him on the minor league affiliate. if they feel the player is ready then they can call him up. no age limit, just a minor League.

weez, i feel your argument about people going to school being better for the fans, but i think the best interest of the individual should be the number 1 priority.

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I believe that Athletic Scholarship is an Oxymoron and an insult...

As far as Education...

What's the purpose of an education (realistically)...

You're in Med School so that you can become a Doctor right?

If I told you that I have a Hospital and I will train you to be a Doctor and Pay you to be a Doctor, pay for your insurance, and give you 10 times more money than you can make with your degree while you are training.. But you should give up this med school thing..What would you say??

No way.. hell no? I can't. I won't?


For many, the purpose of higher education is to give you the venue to get a JOB or Career...

If a player can bypass that.. I say Good.

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See I think Stern ruined the league with his cult of personality marketing. He drank the Nike Kool-Aid and it came back to bite him.

MJ as great as he was didnt save the league, he was the culmination of a league finally maturing. Jordan was the end result. The NBA back in the day was much like the WNBA now; sure each team has a 2-3 good players but you need to be able to be 6 deep competitavly league wide to get the intrest you need.

The NBA is really only 4 generations old. The Golden Age (Couzy, West, Russle), Silver Age (Gervin, Roberston, Dr. J), Modern (Bird, Magic, Nique, MJ), and Current Era (KG,Vince,Kidd)

Because MJ was able to bridge the last two and media outlets finally caught up to the popularity he was easy to make the face of the league. But before him it was the team concept that got the league there. You didnt mention Bird w/o McHale or Parrish, Magic w/o Worth or Abdul Jabar. The team concept is marketable if you make team play desirable. But when it comes to sponsers you only need one. Its the Air Jordan shoe not the Chicago Bulls Shoe. The leagues team concept was broken by its endorsement success. From there you get a vicious cycle. Kids dont want to be the next Magic or Bird with their passing and defence they want the shoe contract and the sports center high light.

And that adds another component to the "fall" of the NBA. Before you only knew players on the floor. There was no Cribs or NBA Inside Stuff or Chad Ford, so we were less offended by the players personalities then than we are now. And when the NBA began to cater to its buying base (the hip-hop generation) and not its typical ticket buyer (mostly white sub-urbanites (shout out to Cobb Co.)) Ticket buyers dont want to hear about J. O'neals thoughts, or the latest Blazer to be arrested. Kobe's case made it even worse because he was embraced by everyone. You could make a case that Jordan was so well loved that everyone over looked his affairs and gambling problems. But Kobe isnt that liked by everyone.

And getting back to the main point Nique's trade may have been the big thing that killed the Hawk's but the trade of Doc and Spud didnt help either. Communities get used to continuity. For Example: Keith Brooking is worth more to the Falcons than to any other team

My point in all of this is that the team concept is viable. But like any team you need your leader but also you need the rest of the team or its just a one on one game. You want better play and better press, stress teamwork and de-emphasize the individual a bit. Not totally but emphasize team highlights and stats more.

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Actually, it was Magic and Bird that saved the league. Before them, you had to have a satellite dish to catch the finals..

Basketball was the equivalent of the Roller Derby. Hell, the Roller Derby might have been More popular than the NBA. (Go Thunderbirds)..

Anyway, When Jordan came along, he propelled the game to it's highest height. Why?

He got people interested in the game who normally didn't care.

As far as popularity goes, the Silver Age Sucked.

People don't know how good Dr. J was. Nobody knows who George Garvin was. Lord knows that they didn't know about Lou Alcinder or Lenny Wilkens...

I think you have to respect Jordan for what he did...


The team concept is marketable if you make team play desirable. But when it comes to sponsers you only need one.

No it's not. Detroit won the NBA championship last yr.. Nobody cared. The average fan wants more than the team concept. Look at college ball. Lots of teams there... What drives College ball is not the team. Sheez, there are some good quality teams every year. People choose who they follow based on what school they like. I know some Purdue fans. They will always be Purdue fans. No matter what. The same with Duke fans and UMich Fans. It doesn't matter from year to year how well another TEAM might play.

Well, players develop followings in school and it's only logical that it will follow them.

Lastly, the promotion of players is nothing new.

Back in the Ancient days of basketball...

Jerry West was the Lakers.

Pistol Pete Maravich was the Jazz.

Wilt Chamberlain was the reason to watch either the 76ers or the Lakers..

The only teams were put first was the Celtics.

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