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The Hawks will never succeed


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I have come to the conclusion that the Hawks will never win a title or even come close to winning one.

I love Josh Smith as much as the next guy but for people to act like he is the savior of basketball because he won the meangingless Slam dunk contest scares me.

If it came down to signing Smith right now because he won that contest I get the impression the ownership would max the guy out and that scares me. Add the contract they offered Kenyon Martin doesn't bode well for the decision makers of this team.

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Smith is just one piece to the puzzle. We are finally starting to put together a team. It is in its infancy but the ground work has been laid. We have 3 good players with potential in CHildress, Smith and Harrington. We have a lot of FA money and we have a potential #1 draft pick. Future looks bright. Just don't expect it overnight.

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that's what you're offering up here. The casual fans assumptions based on surface glances of what's going on. I hear it daily...

If you actually took the time to see what's been going on over a period of time, you would hopefully understand that what yhou think to be true, is far from the truth. You're basing a lot of your opinion on meaningless, uninformed impressions. What exactly gives you that impression? Did Billy Knight say something? No. he never does. Maybe it's his penchant for spending lots of money on low level players? No wait, he hasn't done that either.

so what exactly gives you the impression that he would throw all this money around on a whim when he's never done it before? Kenyons contract offer may have been a little high. But it was not outrageous for his talent level. Sometimes you have to overpay a little to get upper level talent, which is what Kenyon is.

Like many casual fans who don't follow the team closely enough to have better knowledge of what the team and its management does, you just don't get it.

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not to mention, i'm sure BK knew that denver would also offer the max, and that kenyon would choose the playoff team over the hawks...so he was just making denver pony up the full max...

notice he wouldn't budge on damp, even tho we NEEDED a big man desperately...

we are in YEAR ONE/TWO of rebuilding...calm down people, it takes TIME

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hawks will win a title before the NEW YORK KNICKS.

NY will be fighting for the 8th seed every year with overpaid players.

then, after years and years of fighting for the 8th seed- they will FINALLY REALIZE that they need to rebuild.

by then, we will be a playoff team.

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Everything I hear from you is negative. You're worse than Hotlanta used to be, before he chilled out.

"No free agents will ever sign here."

"We will never win a title."

"Ownership will give the max to Josh Smith. Waah"

No one is forcing you to be a Hawks fan, if that is what you are. I support the team whether they ever win a title or not. I think we'll challenge for it one day, but we might not win one in my lifetime. It will still be fun to watch. A lot of teams haven't won a title. That doesn't mean you can't root for them.

If you want to cheer for a winner and ditch your home team, go jump on the Heat bandwagon. The Yankees are calling you for baseball, too.

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I think I remember Tip making a post like this about the Braves after made they traded his favorite Doyal Alexander for some unknown minor leaguer.

The Hawks have new people at the top. We were a solid but never great franchise for a few decades. The late nineties sucked due to poor GM decisions. Now we seem Serious! A less serious GM would have at least kept Nazr as a decent backup center although he was a little overpaid and not very defensive minded. Same with JT. I would have kept both, BK doesnt want to pay too much for any player that doesnt fit his system. I agree with the earlier post on Kenyon, I think BK liked him but was really just doing his part to mess up other team's capspace. I see the same thing happening this summer. BK is just a stone faced gambler and we'll see more of where we are going in a few months but we still have tons of moves before we are done. At worst, we end up with a deep midlevel talent team like Memphis due to our draft picks never reaching superstar level. At best, we draft a star or two and sign one or two and dominate!! I hope we are so good that the two Josh's are just valuable role players on our future team.

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First off I am not a Braves fan and I have no clue who that guy is that you mentioned.

Being a fan is about being realistic and yes the owners offered Martin a max contract and please spare me that he is an upper teir player. He is nothing but a thug.

You all have dillusions of every free agent coming here and Dakin's stupid comment is everything wrong with the non paying Hawks fans.

I am a fan of this team and I don't have to prove it to anyone. My opinion as a paying Hawks fan matter's to this organization because I actually support the team and help keep it in business by going to games.

I am still here, I am still at the games I bet a lot of you can't say that.

I hate bandwagon jumpers like the Josh Smith fans who probably couldn't name another Hawks player not named Dominique Wilkins.

It is a fact that no free agent is coming here unless no one offer's them a max contract and the owners have proved they are willing to over pay players like Kenyon Martin. In the end we could be stuck in cap hell forever but I am so glad that doesn't concern any of you.


I think I remember Tip making a post like this about the Braves after made they traded his favorite Doyal Alexander for some unknown minor leaguer.

The Hawks have new people at the top. We were a solid but never great franchise for a few decades. The late nineties sucked due to poor GM decisions. Now we seem Serious! A less serious GM would have at least kept Nazr as a decent backup center although he was a little overpaid and not very defensive minded. Same with JT. I would have kept both, BK doesnt want to pay too much for any player that doesnt fit his system. I agree with the earlier post on Kenyon, I think BK liked him but was really just doing his part to mess up other team's capspace. I see the same thing happening this summer. BK is just a stone faced gambler and we'll see more of where we are going in a few months but we still have tons of moves before we are done. At worst, we end up with a deep midlevel talent team like Memphis due to our draft picks never reaching superstar level. At best, we draft a star or two and sign one or two and dominate!! I hope we are so good that the two Josh's are just valuable role players on our future team.

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I pay to go to games also, but that does not give me the right to trash those who have not because they may live in another location. I've seen this team play horribly with my own two eyes this year and paid good money to do so. Should we all bow down to you because you went to a few games..... Are you now all knowing because you went to a few games....I suggest you dismount that beast you are riding partner.

If you are so convinced that the team will never be anything why do you "waste" your time and money? Somebody got a gun to your head forcing you to pay out all that money to go to the games>. (Good seats are not cheap at Phillips) A true fan is devoted to the team no matter how "good" or "bad" they are.

This team is what it is, BK has made some improvements but we know this construction is just starting. Are you a true fan who will hang in there while the infrastructure is being laid or maybe you are the bandwagon fan who jumps on after the team begins to win again?

BK is much smarter that we give him credit for. He has already demonstrated that he is not going to overpay for FA, so why are you stressing? What he does this year will determine his fate and the fate of the Hawks so you better believe he is making his moves carefully.

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