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Heatley Traded (so that's how spirit will pay JJ)


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I really like this deal for the Thrashers. Before this deal, we were in posistion to make a playoff run. Now we are stanley cup contenders. There is no dobt that Heater will be the best player in the NHL in 2 or3 years. But right now, you could make a case that Marion Hossa is the best player in the NHL. Plus, now there is less of a distraction around the team, and they can focous on playing hockey.

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Hate this deal. Don't downgrade your talent to save a few bucks. This sucks.

Hossa is pricier than Heatley would have been!!

Also, the rumor is that we are getting a top 4 defenseman. This is a great move, emotional aspects notwithstanding.

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Heatley is a couple years younger and has Hall of Fame potential but he has question marks on his mental makeup, perhaps he could never reach his full potential in Atlanta because it was the site of the car wreck that killed Snyder...and also that knee injured in the carwreck...knee injuries can be with you for life. He also had an orbital eye injury which was even more serious than that of Joe Johnson. Hossa doesn't have those question marks though he might not be the player Heatley could possibly be.

I think the Thrashers are better now. And no they did not save money. The Ottawa Senators did.

Heatley will probably be slightly cheaper than Hossa.

Also the Thrashers got something else with Hossa...proven playoff experience, and 7 years overall experience in the league despite being only 2 years older than Heatley, with 3 years experience. I don't mind this deal even though I like Heatley and wish him well.

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Thrashers came out of this trade very well. They basically replace Dany with the same offensive production, but also a guy who can play D. I don't remember Dany being much of a defensive player. Also we got a top defenseman according to some in return. Time to re-sign Ilya. DW said he should be sign in a few days.

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Hossa the best player? I don't know much about Hockey, but this sounds absurd. I don't think Heatley will ever be the best player, either.

I do think this is a very good trade considering that we give up a guy who hasn't played a full season in how many years? 3?

Hossa is just 26 and was coming into his prime before the strike. Heatley had tons of potential but he hasn't really shown that he's the same player he was before the accident.

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To All Thrashers Fans,

Requesting a change of environment was an extremely difficult decision. After a tremendous amount of reflection and numerous conversations with my family, it made the most sense to seek a change.

I would sincerely like to thank the fans of Atlanta. I enjoyed an amazing few years in the area and was embraced by everyone in the community. I feel fortunate to have come into the NHL with Atlanta and will always be proud to say I was a Thrasher. The Thrashers have acquired a world-class player in Marian Hossa. All in all, this is a win-win situation for everyone and I wish the best of luck to the entire Thrashers organization and my teammates.

I appreciate the support the organization has given me over the years and I'd like to thank them for honoring my request. My teammates, the fans and community will always hold a special place in my heart.


Dany Heatley

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