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Everything posted by FrankWhite

  1. g Well, yes, we could throw away Jeff Teague midway through his rookie season to get a player who's marginally better than Mo Evans. Making a trade for the sake of making a trade doesn't really get us deeper in the playoffs.
  2. Are you serious? Steve Nash is still one of the best players in the league. He's a great playmaker AND he's a better scoring PG than Bibby right now. Defense is moot. There's no way we could get him, but this team would be a legit title contender with him in place of Bibby. And I'm not even trying to knock Bibby here. Nash is a first ballot HOFer. Bibby is a guy with a very good career.
  3. The Spurs, not the Lakers, are, imo, the gold standard for the NBA. They are always one of the best teams in the league, regardless of record (and their record in the last 11-12 years has never been "bad"). I'm guessing who said that was Hotlanta.
  4. Well, JVG also dismissed his own brother's team there, too.
  5. Christian Laettner was by no means a bust, and I say this as a Tar Heel who has no love for him and had qualms rooting for him as a Hawk. In his prime, he was an automatic 16-18 ppg, 8 rpg guy. He made the All Star team. So are we arguing about out and out busts (guys who never did anything in the league) or guys who just didn't measure up to predraft expectations? The definite correlation for Marvin right now is Joe Smith, solid player, never lived up to his draft status. But I think it's weird for a Hawks fan to put forth Laettner as a bust. He's one of a handful of Hawks to actually make an All Star team over the last 15 years.
  6. Oh. I didn't realize this is in reference to fantasy bball.
  7. The amount of calls a player gets directly correlates to the size of a player's shoe contract, per NBA rule. They should call it the Nike Basketball Association.
  8. Uh, Dwight Howard should be #2.
  9. We played more than well enough defensively to beat the Thunder last night, but if you don't finish the defense by getting the board, it's pointless. Now you'd think Woody would've emphasized this in practice today, but then the Clips come out and dominate the boards. It's nice to get the win, but come on, you can't beat good teams with constant breakdowns in simple fundamentals like boxing out.
  10. We get embarrassed every effing time against this team. WTF?
  11. I agree that if Bibby is not hitting the outside shot, he's pretty much worthless to this team right now, but I do wonder how much of this dropoff is due to the ankle injury he suffered early on. It's clear that Woody has no faith in throwing Teague to the wolves now, so is Bibby soldiering on injured because he has no real choice? I'm not making excuses for the guy, I'm just wondering.
  12. Of all the Celtics, I do actually like Rondo. He's the epitome of the blue collar point guard. His game is almost all effort. Having said that, he really sucked tonight. I must say, though, you have to worry if you're Boston in crunchtime when your point guard is a sub 60% foul shooter.
  13. I really wonder how much crap Crawford must've had to swallow from these guys two years ago when he was in NY. He seems like he has a personal vendetta against the Celts. I love it!
  14. Yeah, I think most fans, not just Hawks fans, have been annoyed by the arrogance of this particular team, which was slapped together with a probably league influenced assist by Kevin McHale a couple of years ago. Prior to that, none of these guys were "winners" in this league, and yet they immediately acted like they were God's gift to basketball. Also Boston has the most annoying bandwagon fans. In 06-07, they were chanting "MVP!" for KOBE BRYANT! at a game in Boston. The NEXT year they were all die hard Celtics fans, outraged that Bibby called them bandwagon fans. So, yeah, sweeping them feels good. They don't have to give us credit as far as I'm concerned. We're better than them.
  15. I've seen a lot of questionable flagrant foul calls in my life, and the one against Zaza in Boston was definitely one of them, but THAT? Was the worst flagrant foul call in the history of the NBA. That was a completely routine foul. Somebody should lose their job for that, but refs in the NBA never lose their jobs.
  16. A team on pace for 7 wins doesn't deserve an All Star.
  17. Who are these centers more deserving than Al? He's demonstrably better offensively than Noah and Varejao and defensively than Lee. Add in being on a winning team and he definitely deserved to go over those three. If we simply did the logical and ran more plays on offense for him, this wouldn't even be a debate. If you watch these guys night in night out, you know they have each other's backs. I highly doubt Smith is anything but happy for Horford. If anything, he's probably more annoyed that the fans voted in KG and AI.
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