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Everything posted by Murat

  1. I agree Chillz was playing Pierce better than Marvin. Good move Woody,.
  2. For everything bad they said about Hawks. That was funny as hell.
  3. Zaza on the main page of every website, never thought that would happen. Good job Z.
  4. Best so far in the playoffs by any team. Hands down, i ll be there for game 6 hopefully.
  5. Quote: Go ahead and give me everything I deserve in this thread. [censored] you fool, just kidding man. tough love huh?
  6. That right there was MJ like. JJ=MJ. Let the comparisons begin haha. Wohooooo Joe you are amazing my friend.
  7. That was briliant haha. Lmao at Pee pee/.
  8. No, but Pierce looks good in that purple dress. haha nice work man.
  9. Quote: Quote: Quote: prompting the Boston star to walk toward the Atlanta bench, jawing and flashing hand gestures before he was yanked back. Weak. lol, when did Paul Pierce get jumped into the bloods? That was the bloods sign? what a biatch hahaha
  10. That's what he gets for flopping all times. He gets all the dumbest calls ever. He just leans into people and looks at the ref, it's annoying as fvck.
  11. Where does Marvin go? He went to look for Smoove and Bibby our #2 and #3 scoring options.
  12. Quote: I hate nicknames. I refuse to call Smith by his because I think it is kinda dumb. I am certainly not calling Childress the same name as the dog from "Airplane 2". How about "Chilli Cheese"? or "Childralicious"?
  13. Joe of course, most of the players in his shoes would request a trade after 1st year. Joe is not a quiter, we know that for sure. Joe we love you man!
  14. I think we need to give him some credit too. Good job Woody!
  15. Don't be surprised when they announce it.
  16. Quote: Allowing your man to score 30 at a high percentage while blocking his shot twice is not widely considered good defense. The Hawks need to improve their individual defense from top to bottom! Position defense is much more effective than a block shot! true dat.
  17. Quote: Lets see... Someone in their 30s who is shorter, less athletic, coming off of an injury, and definately not as exciting. And we're trading Josh Smith for him? The Clips would do this trade in two seconds, the Hawks wouldnt. Oh come on, the Celtics got even older players and look at them now. They traded Al Jefferson and all their young guys to get Allen and KG. We could just trade Smoove who is similar player to Jefferson and we still have Bibby Joe and Marvin. pg- Bibby sg- Joe sf- Marvin pf- Brand C- Horford Really similar to the Celtics lineup: pg- Rondo sg- Allen sf- Pierce pf- KG c- Perkins or Detroit pg- Billups sg- Hamilton sf- Prince pf- Mcdyess c- Wallace
  18. Quote: aren't all playoffs team nationally televised? and if not, how do you watch your team, would it be on League Pass? because i can tell you right now if i dont get to watch EVERY hawks playoff game after spending the money for league pass and suffering thru all these years, i'm going to go apeshit. They are don't worry, 41 games in 41 nights something like that.
  19. Quote: Marvin is much better as a positional defender than Josh Smith is. You right, but there is some people on here that don't agree with you.
  20. Quote: Quote: You don't see Marvin down in the paint where Smoove should be. The perimeter should be Bibby, JJ, and Marvin, with Smoove (or Chillz if he is in the game) and Al down low. Pay attention to the game and you will see Marvin defer to Smoove and you will also see Smoove take shots that he shouldn't instead of passing to an open Marvin. It's the exact same way that Harrington used to treat Smoove. Maybe he is just paying it forward or something, I don't know. Key Word... Where Smoove "SHOULD BE". That's my point, when AL left, we lost our post presence from the forward position. Smoove nor Marvin has acquainted themselves in the post the way that Al was there. Therefore, I think Marvin is hindering Smoove's growth as a Sf because Smoove is not a PF.. not by play. You are right Smoove is not a PF, but he is not a SF either. Smoove is a tweener so you play him by the matchups not by the position. Smoove can play some SF but more PF. Marvin can play SF and that's it. Smoove is a better player, but Marvin is a better SF. Harrington is a chucker that plays no defense. End of story!
  21. I remember Al Jefferson in his rookie year. He was a foul machine. He had 2.70 fpg in only 14 minutes, but now he plays 35 minutes and gets same 2.70 fpg.
  22. Quote: Quote: I would probably sit him out against Chicago and let me play against the Knicks.. I hope your PG skills are killer. Nah anyone can play against the Knicks.
  23. Quote: I think we can all agree that everybody pretty much stunk it up tonight in the second half. Exatcly, no adjustments from Woody either.
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