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Everything posted by cam1218

  1. For all of you on the get ride of Nate train, I hear the logic. Maybe Quinn Snyder is waiting it out to see if he can return to Atlanta? Or is he going to have the same issues with our squad.
  2. Well I was mainly kidding to go with the season being make or break in 5 games, but yeah, early season numbers do always look crazy. I was looking at the box scores from yesterday's games and saw Luka has a PER of 42.78 lol.
  3. Crazy night in store for us! Can you imagine if the Bucks lose, and 2-6 all win? That'd be a 6 way tie for the #1 seed in the East, no idea how they will handle that tiebreaker. Charlotte has the tiebreaker against us, so if we lose we might wind up being in the play-in tournament. A lot on the line for us tonight, definitely want to get a better seed for the playoffs after what happened last year. I checked in on StubHub and tickets are only $20.00 (plus $43.00 in fees) if anybody is feeling bold enough to go support our Hawks.
  4. I think a lot of it has to do with young/bad teams having more energy and excitement to start the season. Come January when the constant travel isn't as fun, the minutes/nagging injuries add up, the loses start piling on top of each other they start to hit that lull and are more prone to go through the motions instead of playing hard every night. Once the season is almost over, they will turn it back on again to "head into the summer on a good note" or whatever they want to call it.
  5. This can apply to the last couple of seasons too. So many times we just pass and shoot either a contested three or just one that has no offensive rhythm to it when things aren’t going well. You felt better with the likes of Bogi, Gallo, and Huerter making those opposed to what we have now, but it was still forced with them too. I agree that it will take time for us to gel, but I hate seeing lazy offense like that when we have other opportunities to exploit a defense.
  6. I get it they want everyone to look happy, but I always find it funny that it looks like the players are heading off on a week vacation to somewhere nice. Nope, just Detroit lol.
  7. I wish they would have been more upfront with Bogi. If you say he is going to be ready at the start of the season, we kind of expect that. That said, he said he is pain free and I’m fine with not rushing him back based on a previous timeline we were given. I’d rather see Bogi play 55+ games in a row without an injury than to rush him back just to play.
  8. That first bit was classic. He is tall, that must be him! Thanks as always @lethalweapon3!
  9. The first thing I thought of when I read his post was them being swimming pool chicken fight champions, I'm glad I'm not alone lol.
  10. Regarding Houston being bad… They are definitely talented, but also young. Usually teams like that are competitive early in the season, so it’s a good win IMO. If they don’t get a lot of wins in the first few weeks, they start to struggle and then try to finish strong to build on next year. I always like to see these types of teams show up during a random weekday in December or March.
  11. Good point, small sample size so we will have to see how it plays out. That said, I think Clint would gladly sacrifice his offensive numbers if the guys he is sacrificing for are playing good defense.
  12. I feel that JC is really underutilized at times throughout the year. It seems like we go through phases where he is just an afterthought on offense and we just start jacking up threes. Some of that might be due to his injuries and being in and out of the lineup, but I hope with the two ball handlers we see more offensive touches for him. You want somebody like him that is going to get open threes and is vocal on the court to remain engaged at all times.
  13. I feel like they dropped it without announcing they did (because of the coaching thing). I hope it is true lol, but I know I’m going to see a massive clover come next week and be disappointed.
  14. I was thinking the same thing lol. Glad to see he is starting though, I always liked Bruno!
  15. Somebody help me here! Did they remove the Celtic clover on the court without saying it? Hoping nobody would notice.
  16. @Spud2nique, I think you have some explaining to do.
  17. I don’t think anyone was right lol, the point was the two finding a good deal for each parties. That is what they eventually did.
  18. @Peoriabird, well here we go! I think this is a great deal.
  19. Of course he will want more, but that could be the reason a deal wasn’t reached. That’s all I’m saying. I’d love to rehash this if we had some numbers that were thrown out there, but I doubt we will get that.
  20. Players also become available as the season goes on. Definitely fewer players now with the expanded playoffs. I’m fine with waiting, but I get your stance.
  21. I don’t disagree with you at all, he might think he can stay healthy and wants to be paid based on that.
  22. Or he can sign a contract now, get hurt, and we go down the same path. It is a contract season, let’s see the best version of him. I love Hunter, but it is a risk. If he was willing to sign on a cheap contract I’m all for it, but I’m sure his camp wants to max out his value too.
  23. As a GT fan I’m all aboard bringing Favors in, even though his time there was short lived lol. I also think knowing we have been through camp + overseas, and Nate knows what he has now, why throw in a new rotational player so soon? I think it’d be a good idea to give it a couple of weeks to see what we need once we play some regular season game.
  24. Yeah, I mean you want to lock up a deal so it isn’t a topic of discussion during the season. I think the Hawks are smart for being cautious due to his health issues. Dre being smart too, knowing that if he can stay healthy and be productive he will get a much better pay day after the season.
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