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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Nothing wrong with the team not taking itself seriously from time to time. Some of the posters on here could learn a thing or two.
  2. Just because we are steamrolling everyone doesn't mean we are peaking. Horford/Schröder/Scott could all be playing at a much higher level; Millsap has been Millsap, the most consistent PF in the league, I guess you could argue maybe Teague will regress, but as a 26 year old PG I think his current break out could very well be the real deal.
  3. I think we all agree that Schröder raising his level of play this season is probably one of the factors that has gotten Jeff to take it to the next level. Early on in the year when Jeff would put it on cruise control you could see Bud used Schröder to preassure Jeff into picking his game up (benching him twice in the fourth quarter).
  4. It means our marketing department is actually trying to come up with original and funny ways to develop a culture of FUN around the team. You know "fun", that thing that happened to you once by accident 30 years ago, is actually something most people are interested in having, especially young adults who are the ones most likely to spend good money on this team. This type of promotion does not only advertise the product on the floor but the arena and it's concessions as well. Partnering up with one of the most successful and fastest growing apps in the world (I live in Mexico and Tinder is huge even here) is obviously good marketing. Besides, it's a one game thing anyway, so I don't understand why even if this was a terrible idea it would be a big deal.
  5. He leads the entire team in rebounding rate, and leads all bench players by a large margin in Win Shares... His offense has been great since his dreadful start too
  6. Yeah, and both teams lost at home where they are almost unbeatable...
  7. You can argue we have been better since the Toronto loss in November. We have the best record in the NBA over that span, including our fair share of blowouts, and against better teams than the Warriors have played. Hard to argue with either pick IMO.
  8. Par for the course as far as Danny Ferry's moves go. Forgotten/underrated/underused team first player who goes about his work with great professionalism and leadership. Hadn't really seen Thabo play much so didn't have much of an opinion on him at the time, but understanding Ferry's criteria for getting FAs, the level of Thabo's play this year is no surprise to me.
  9. Atlantaholic


    If I was in ATL you'd have to chain me to my nightstand to keep me from going to the Memphis game. Hope to see Phillips rocking on Wednesday!
  10. I'm more scared of the easy games on our schedule than the tough ones at this stage lol. When this team is focused there hasn't been a team yet that can come close to handle us so far.
  11. Unfortunately the average fan just regurgitates what the see on sportscenter and read on ESPN.COM, which makes it tough for the players that aren't sponsored by them to make the All Star team. Seeing us #1 in the power rankings is a positive sign though that perhaps we will be able to sway the Lebron, Kobe, NYC propaganda machine to take a break from riding the jock of the irrelevent and boring Cavs, Lakers, and Knicks and start paying attention to the real story in the NBA this season.
  12. The stars finally seem to be alligning for the Hawks. As an Atlanta sports fan this reminds me of the Falcons superbowl run in 98. Hopefully we can continue this level of play and make the finals. In the meantime I'm gonna enjoy every second of our current standing as a top 1-3 team in the NBA.
  13. If we can't sign Millsap because we don't have an owner it would be complete tragedy.
  14. This is probably the homer in me talking, but I always felt like Toronto's success early was not exactly sustainable. That team plays very little defense and is a heavy jumpshooting team who was scoring at a historic pace. The offense is now starting to cool off and they have been a bit exposed the last couple of games. It will be very interesting to see how they do with Derozen back.
  15. Raptors just got spanked for the second game in a row. Now the Hawks with a 1.5 game lead on the Bulls and Raps. . Here's to keeping this thread bumped all through to the end of the season
  16. There is no denying the way this team is playing right now. Hawks are shutting up the haters completely this season and I'm loving it.
  17. Go to ESPN and of course the first thing you see in the NBA section is an article about Kobe Bryant and the totally irrelevant NBA Lakers team this year. No mention of the Hawks beating the stuffing out of the hottest team in the NBA. Gotta say I don't mind being under the radar so far this year, that moment of disbelief from opposing teams and their fans when we go on an amazing run on their home floor is priceless.
  18. If Teague's play the last four games is not superstar caliber show me a superstar. Teague will have been robbed of an all star bid if he doesn't make it playing like this.
  19. We are very good at scoring inside as well. Just because we don't have amazing post players (though Horf and Millsap are definitely not bad) doesn't mean we can't score in the paint. We have devastated teams with back cuts, and when Millsap and Horford are making their mid-range jumpshots (which happens more often than not) it opens up the lane for both of our PGs to drive and they are both great at finishing.
  20. Teague has been a more efficient player than every PG in the east outside of Lowery, but he probably won't get in because his raw numbers are hurt by the fact he hasn't averaged that many minutes compared to Irving and Wall. MIllsap is putting together pretty much an identical season to the one that got him into the game last year so you gotta figure he will be the one to make it. If we are in first (and Cleveland continues as a bottom seed) and Teague's overall numbers jump to say 18 pts and 7.5 assists, then I think we will get both him and Mills in the game. Horford will have a good chance too if he can start rebounding at his usual rate again. Korver should get some consideration but I think his chances at making the team are close to none.
  21. I believe that was John Battle who reacted to the Antić shot, funny non the less haha
  22. Remember that time MJ missed a game because his knee felt sore? Yeah, me neither.
  23. I'm not too worried about our total rebounding ranking, but some of the offensive boards we have given up in the fourth quarter are frustrating to say the least. We lost the Lakers game because we couldn't secure a defensive rebound in the fourth.
  24. Wow this thread lolol... Give credit to Bud but not to Ferry (who signed Bud). Brilliant! I will leave here and never post again for the sake of my IQ.
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