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Everything posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. Quote: There are nights that he can light up a defense and provide a spark off the bench. This kind of guy is a great role player off the bench and if used right, can really help. There will be nights when Salim scores 12 in a quarter to ignite the team. His defense is suspect and he is certainly not a PG but a good team would know exactly how to use a guy like him. I'm a little surprised people don't recognize more value in Salim. He's a player with shortcomings but he can help in the right circumstances. Well, obviously they haven't use him right... orhe hasn't learn anything. The guy chucks it up everytime he catches the ball even till now. He can be a very good bench guy if he just sits in a corner, wait for the ball to kick out and shoot it, but he thinks he can make any kind of crazy shots out there.
  2. I don't get it. How do you know that Solomon can't shoot? He has a good form and showed that he can make those 10-15 footers last season. And why bring up that AJ's a scrub when he has a bad game? Why not praise him when he has a good game? They're both solid players if you ask me.
  3. Well... who will likely be consistently hot the whole season? I think because Marvin has such a good form, he can grab that #2 option and take less pressure off Smith so he doesn't think he has to do everything.
  4. J.Smith played 39 min in preseason! Dude need some rest in the next game!
  5. Quote: I hope he does - but really - I think they were just setting MV7 up to carry the offense for a couple more years until they got BP's system in place anyway. MV7 was never the "future" of the BP system. Obviously they didn't know about the dogfighting and selling of drugs from his live-in cousin...but they knew he was blowing fatties. I think the goal was to ride MV7 for a year or two (probably two)...then trade/cut him and switch to a normal pro passing offense. McKay should be shot. I disagree. If he wasn't the future, they wouldn't have traded Shaub. Petrino was brought to coach Vick so to say he's not in the future plans is asinine.
  6. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=JXwo...7Fa0QnT0g_3d_3d
  7. Quote: After hearing that Craig Claxton is still hurt, the Hawks should automatically release him--NOW. Billy Knight made a mistake, but keeping him on the roster is counterproductive at this point. I really tried to be positive about Claxton, but he is just a lost cause. I don't know if he is faking it or what, but the Hawks' organization got to move on. What your impressions of Mario West? He isn't a great offensive threat, but he is a tall, athletic defensive minded guard who can give the team some solid minutes. The other night he had scored 10 points. What are your impressions of Mario West being the back-up point guard who can occasionally play the '2' position? I don't think he's faking it, those surgical procedures he had should provide some clue. I think you're the only who think he is.
  8. Quote: Quote: Not happening, ATLANTA has more to lose by trading Smoove than they do by keeping him... What will we lose? Biedrinis is a better rebounder, good shotblocker and a better man to man defnder than Smoove. What are going to lose? That 16 points a game he scores on 43%fg? I rather have Biedrinis with 10ppg with a 60fg% than Smooves 16ppg with a sub 40fg%. Biedrinis fits the need, Smoove is a tweener. I can't believe you guys wouldn't trade Smoove for AB+Barnes who is a good defender and shooter which we need. If AB was older than SMoove i would understand, but they are the same age. You forgot the assists numbers. That's an extra 4 ppg. Yeah, the only thing Biedrins have on Josh is the rebounding (by like .7rb/game) because he play center and FG (but that's because it's only dunks and putbacks). AB may be a good defender but so is Josh (team defense is better than man to man)... and I don't know about the good shooter you're talking about when you're talking about Barnes. It's essentially Josh for Biedrins.
  9. Yeah I don't think Smith can be an effective 2nd scoring option on a playoff calibur team yet because of his inconsistent jump shot. But he has good court vision and good passing skills that can led to a bunch of assist if he keeps driving the ball, which is basically the same as scoring points himself. I think he's better off by focusing on playing team ball more offensively.
  10. Obviously if you're last in one category it's extremely hard to be in the playoffs. They definitely have to improve offensively. Marvin have to emerge as the #2/3 scorer, preferably #2 since he's the better sound shooter than Smith. The addition of Acie IV and Speedy (basically a FA addition) and Horford will uplift the offense tremendously I'd imagine.
  11. Law seems to be pretty similar to Salim. Both left handers and both regard as excellent shooters, but they seem to shoot a low percentage when its all said and done.
  12. Interesting. The poll results doesn't correlate with all the Shelden bashers that's going on right now.
  13. Quote: I don't think Woody has underplayed rookies at all. Smith, Childress and Marvin all played a lot as rookies and 2nd year players. Salim has actually gotten decent minutes for a 2nd rounder. Shelden got a lot of burn when healthy, but was in the doghouse for a long stretch. And as much as we all hope Solomon has potential, he's lucky he got drafted and isn't in the NBDL. What young guys has Woody held back? Show me some proof that they all played a lot of minutes under Woody as a rookie. Like someone else said, you have to force the issue for Woody to play the rookies.
  14. Is Shelden Williams in the doghouse or something? He's averaging like 10 mins/game in the preaseason. Nevermind. I had to refresh the page. Saw he had like 8 mins for the whole game.
  15. Heard somewhere that he and Cox are going to retire next year anyways.
  16. If Marvin's injured why'd they let him play in the preseason? For common sense sake, let the other players on the roster get a chance.
  17. Quote: Quote: I mean, if you guys want to nit-pick over every little thing a player does, that can easily be done. It's not nitpicking to expect Shelden to rebound or hit some free throws. Stop being so sensitive. Players can have bad games, and with the exception of his scoring, Shelden's had a bad game. Shelden didn't have a bad game. 9pt 2reb going 4/4 in 13 mins is not bad. In fact, he had a good night imo and should have gotten more playing time.
  18. How's the guy stiff if he can dunk and block?
  19. If Ivey blows up, Woodson need to be fire on the spot.
  20. nba.com has a link to it but doesn't work... not for me anyway.
  21. They shouldn't let Dunn carries the ball in the redzone especially inside the 5 yds. They need someone to move the pile and Dunn will fall if anyone touches him. They should let Norwood or Mugehelli ran it.
  22. All of those up tempo team don't play defense. This Hawks team can be a good up tempo team and be a good defensive team.
  23. Nice to see someone high on the Hawks on a national level.
  24. Wow. I didn't realize the preseason games will begin oct 8th. Do the games get televised anywhere?
  25. Quote: What? 14th in points allowed 21st in total yards allowed 25th in avg. per play allowed 23rd in % allowed 29th in avg. per pass allowed 12th in passing yards allowed 22nd in avg. per rush allowed 23rd in rushing yards allowed 29th in interceptions 18th in sacks 20th in forced fumbles They were very good in the first game. Good in the second game. One half good, one half bad in the third game. Below average to bad in the fourth game. Ok so the defense doesn't depend on TO for wins. All that's matter is the rushing and passing defense which adds up to about 15 ranked in total defense. They weren't any where near 15 ranked defense the last couple of years.
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