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Everything posted by JTB

  1. The pacers will be in HUGE PANIC MODE!!! LMAO…..seriously we take game 2 and the pacers won't know what to do! We already stole game 1 so we mine as well do our best to finish this off! In my opinion, if the hawks take game 2 I honestly don't see the pacers winning any games in Atlanta…so yes Im saying we take game 2 its going to be a sweep! #WENEEDGAME2 #GOHAWKS
  2. Don't worry!…..You will change your opinion when we steal game 2 too.
  3. All I got to say is hell yeah JEFF TEAGUE!!! Way to have a superstar style game and huge props to the whole hawks team! y'all did the damn thing! Next game is going to be a lot harder so lets take the intensity up a notch!
  4. Alright hawks lets do this. -Jeff Teague! Heres your chance to become a household name, a star, a leader, alpha dog make it happen jeffery! -Korver! Destroy them from the 3pt line and play defense best you can! -Carroll! Lock down Paul George and try not to let the refs take you out the game with bull shit fouls if you can help it! -Sap! Be the all star you came here to be and make david west want to retire and vogul want to bench hibbert! -Anitc! Knock down those 3s and defend, defend, defend! Hawks bench! Provide major support for you starting lineup! Don't just wave your towels…get out there and play some damn good playoff basketball! GO ATL HAWKS!
  5. No sarcasm here...VERY serious! You got ya two all stars (sap/horford). Now let's make something happen. I will be the one hawk fan to believe we could go to the finals if we had this lineup: Pg-Teague Sg-athletic guard who can penetrate the lane like Teague Sf-Sap Pf-Horford C-Hawes (hawks could really get this guy) With rotation guys like Korver, Carroll, Pero & Brand. As long as they play feisty defense and hustle much like this years team, we can win it ALL. On offense that team would hands down be top 10 not to mention very efficient (spurs like).
  6. So you must believe we are ready with sap and horford. To me that's two legit all stars. Now I'm on board with you...hell I mean we have nothing to lose! Move sap to the 3, horford to the 4 and let's see what happens.
  7. Did you miss the playoffs when Paul George became a superstar against us? The man wins most improved and then suddenly BAM! BOOM!....refs give him all the calls in the world! Then suddenly a 25th ranked pacers offense starts getting more foul calls than every team they play including the heat! Look it up! You mean to tell me an offense ranked 25 or 26 throughout the season with their best player (George) avg 3 free throws suddenly got this great offense to pull fouls?!...and I hate to think the nba is a conspiracy but the numbers don't make sense! I see if George came in avg 7 or 8 free throws from his avg of 3 over the regular season but this guy damn near took 10-12 more free throws a game against us!...the refs bail out the pacers and another weird stat is this... Tell me how the hell lebron James who drives way more in imam than he did in Cleveland receives less free throws a game?...it's like the refs can be for you or against you! Anybody who watched lebron in Cleveland saw how he settled for jumpers but now the guy is smarter, nobody can stop him driving in the paint, he HAS to be creating more contact with more driving yet a flopping James harden averages more free throws than him. The nba need to take more lessons from the nfl ASAP.
  8. Maybe superstar is the wrong title for those like Paul George, Damian Lillard, Tony Parker, Blake Griffen, etc....we should call these guys all-stars or rising stars. There are ONLY so many actual superstars including Lebron, Kobe, Durant, CP3, and I'm sure a few more I'm leaving off the list. We get all caught up in superstar vs all star stuff but the point is, is that when these bigger name superstar or all star or rising players play our hawks they get the "boo-boo" calls from the refs. So do I think we need a star? HELL YEAH....why? To cancel out all those "boo-boo" ref calls the other superstar/allstar/rising star players get on us. I mean come on guys Paul George was a rising star last year coming into the playoffs averaging 3 free throws and he damn near took more free throws every game the whole damn hawks team! You need a star to get bogus calls! Not to say they aren't really better players but the refs are on their side!...it's going to continue to hurt us if we don't get a player to make a name for himself.
  9. Yeah because he was only avg 3 coming into the post season! Are we the only Hawks fans that believes George became a star against the hawks last playoffs?! I mean his most improved player award turned into gaining respect from the refs to allow him to recieve an extra 10-12 free throws a game!
  10. The pacers will stop theirselves. Their offense wasn't great last year and the refs bailed them out with all the Paul George fouls! Now if that happens again the hawks can't do anything about that because we have no star player to match George's free throw attempts and refs will just be cheating us again! Sorry I get real emotional on how Paul George became a star, who I would like to add came in the playoffs last year avg 3 free throws a game but suddenly 15 against the hawks in the playoffs! This 25th ranked offense get way too many free throws! The pacers offense is NOT good! The refs have been bailing their pathetic offense out since last year! The hawks had a better offense last year just like they have this year and we had bird brain josh smith taking dumbass shots last year. Let's be real the pacers win games defensively ONLY.....ONLY. If they get into a shoot out with damn near anybody in the playoffs except the bulls they will fail greatly. There is nothing positive about the pacers offense: -the refs bail out Paul George now that he's a star player -7'3 Roy Hibbert is pathetic offensively (no need to worry about him) -lance can score but he also can be overly aggressive which will get him in foul trouble -David west!...oh boy David fu**in west pushes off and extends his arm on damn near every shot he throws up and it should be a offensive foul. (Sap is going to torch that man) -their bench is 3rd worst scoring in the nba As for rebounds I see it like this: -Stephenson and DMC...will cancel each other out -Hibbert sucks at boards period! (Antić can out rebound him or atleast match his 6 boards a game) -George will have to be matched by Teague and Korver Even after all that I say the pacers will probably barely beat us in game 7 because of defense and the refs! Call me hater all you want but the pacers have major flaws to be a championship contender.
  11. Yes but it should be noted that he has shot very poorly in the second half of the season compared to the first half. Also lance Stephenson fg% is higher than George. I don't think you can shutdown George but his offense is very containable and even if he makes his shots as a team their offense is so horrible that usually they never really help George out other than lance.
  12. I don't know if you guys listen to nba Sirius but they have been ripping the pacers seem like all day! Especially Sam Mitchell. Couple of key things from Mitchell: -hawks have a 35-40 percent chance at beating the pacers. (He says those are extremely high chances for a 8th seed going against a 1 seed) -says that the hawks are living for this moment to beat a team like this and if they do it the league as a whole will start respecting them. -said that Hibbert is just flat out terrible and if he were coach bud he would hope that the pacers gameplan is to go to him offensively every time in post cause he is either going to air ball or travel. Said that Roy is very clumsy.....in other words if brand or Pero need a break we may be able to get away with rookie muscala on Hibbert from time to time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A lot of good stuff was said by Sam Mitchell! The hawks seem to be his team to upset someone. You can tell he watches the hawks and the pacers on all the points he made. -by the way he also got on the pacers bad offense for long stretches in game, said he can easily see us competing with them. Unlike many other analyst or former players and coaches he seems to understand that Indiana's great defense isn't enough to gurantee them winning against anybody!
  13. I don't know if you guys listen to nba Sirius but they have been ripping the pacers seem like all day! Especially Sam Mitchell. Couple of key things from Mitchell: -hawks have a 35-40 percent chance at beating the pacers. (He says those are extremely high chances for a 8th seed going against a 1 seed) -says that the hawks are living for this moment to beat a team like this and if they do it the league as a whole will start respecting them. -said that Hibbert is just flat out terrible and if he were coach bud he would hope that the pacers gameplan is to go to him offensively every time in post cause he is either going to air ball or travel. Said that Roy is very clumsy.....in other words if brand or Pero need a break we may be able to get away with rookie muscala on Hibbert from time to time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A lot of good stuff was said by Sam Mitchell! The hawks seem to be his team to upset someone. You can tell he watches the hawks and the pacers on all the points he made. -by the way he also got on the pacers bad offense for long stretches in game, said he can easily see us competing with them. Unlike many other analyst or former players and coaches he seems to understand that Indiana's great defense isn't enough to gurantee them winning against anybody!
  14. Lol....my, my, my! There are some confident hawk posters in this thread! I ain't made at y'all! Lol.....I say we take them to a game 7 and either barely beat them in game 7 or they barely beat us....Now on the other hand if we steal a game on the road, that's a different story! If we come out and punch them in the mouth and take a game on the road hawk fans?!.....huh! It ain't going back to Indiana! It swings to Atlanta, it's gon end in Atlanta!
  15. Is it me or has Mack taken a slight step back since Teagues latest break out games? Just seems like he was better when Teague was playing worse..but maybe not. I hardly notice him anymore.
  16. Agreed. However I think Teague can destroy the overrated George hill and Watson won't stand a chance either as long as Teague remains aggressive. Gotta remember when this kid (Teague) is aggressive we are literally talking about a complete different person! I honestly think the pacers will eventually switch lance Stephenson on Teague.
  17. Agreed. However I think Teague can destroy the overrated George
  18. lol in all honesty if this hawks team plays anything like the last 6-8 games and I may be crazy but I think the hawks can push the pacers to a game 7 but lose by very few points. Here are my reasons: -pacers aren't the heat. Their offense is pathetic and won't drop 100 on us every game unless some amazing out of no where player gets 15 free throws a game like Paul George did last playoffs against us. -the hawks defense has taken it up a notch in a huge way. DMC is playing very physical along with Brand and even young Jeffery is trying harder. -last you all know Teague carries this team. If he lights it up and this hawks team get pumped up the pacers will be in trouble! I give the pacers defense all the credit in the world but you still have to put the ball in the bucket. This hawks team unlike other hawk past hawk teams can step it up and actually fight to finishing line. I think we are going to see absolute blood, sweat, and tears! The hawks aren't scared of this pacers team! No offense but scoring teams are more threatening.
  19. Teague was on his way to having another outstanding game! You could tell....but he need to rest and should sit out against the bucks.
  20. Not surprised! Hopefully this builds his confidence even more as we approach the playoffs.
  21. You know I'm actually starting to think that's just the kind of player Teague may be. I mean if he comes out of this playoff series with averages of 19ppg, shooting a 46 fg%, 6-7 assist per game, with about 3 Rebs per game then follow up the next season being hot and cold in games like he was this season do you really move a player like that or just say the heck with it and keep him around? I mean if the guy shows out in the playoffs and then has a hot and cold season again next year over the regular season, I would just think the guy just knows how to really turn it up in the playoffs and would just stop worrying about him over the regular season.
  22. Yes and no....ya see even though I can admit that he has played like a star player the past 8 or so games. I'm still worried that Teague may turn back into passive Teague when he sees the increase in aggressiveness and physicalness that teams like the heat and pacers are going to show every game. I'm also a bit worried for Teague when they actually gameplan to stop him and the focus will on him defensively for other teams. Now....I still feel that Teague has all the skills and tools to overcome even a great defense if he stays aggressive and take it up a notch. But that's the love and hate relationship many hawk fans have about Teague! -when he's aggressive you can honestly damn near write him in as a sure all star player. Also when he's aggressive he seems to be more consistent and efficient. The aggressive Teague just really makes this team go and the possibilities of being really good to great as a team comes to light. -Then there's that passive, non aggressive, I don't want to fight through screens, my emotions show that I don't care, I give up Teague. When this Teague shows up expect 15-20 point blowouts for the opponents. Teague has tools to be a consistent all star and our next star. The man just need to get some attitude, get mean, get to the point where he'll even embarrass a family member to prove how good he can be (LOL) and lead this team. IN OTHER WORDS aggressive Teague has star capabilities written all over him....unleash that sh*t! Got dammit!
  23. You guessed it right! This is about none other than our Jeff Teague. Lately this same passive, non aggressive point guard Jeff Teague has been nothing BUT a complete damn beast! I mean guys the way he has been aggressive and really good for almost 10 games straight now, I'm almost ashamed that I was one of the posters wanting him traded earlier in the year. Not to continue to brag on the guy but if you missed the recent heat, pacers, nets game you missed Jeff Teague playing like he was the biggest star on the court....seriously some of the shots he made were star-like shots! Just absolutely amazing. But here's the bad news, Teague has done this before and he has stopped this aggressive play before. With that said just like the name of this thread "stars are made in the playoffs" and if Jeff wants to continue this success he's going to have to be more aggressive than he is now. Sure he's been playing like a star the last 8-10 games but teams like the pacers and heat are going to be even more aggressive in the playoffs than were when the hawks recently played them. If a star is going to be born on this hawks team it more than likely will be teague and if Teague is going to be born as a known star after this playoffs, he's going to need to take the aggressiveness up another 10 levels and lead his team to at the least be super competitive throughout the whole playoffs. We've always known Teague had the skills, but lately he has shown us that he has that alpha dog. Will he bring it to the playoffs and we finally get our long awaited star?
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