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Everything posted by JTB

  1. Lose hawks please!!! And keep losing ya piece of shits!
  2. It was absolutely the best option to trade joe Johnson due to his contract BUT I must ask...when are we going to see another player on this team with at least Johnson's caliber?I know Johnson has only been away since 2012 but guys I'm self destructing over here!Those years we had terrible teams before finally making the playoffs against Boston in the 07/08 season, Johnson was a bright light!....sure those were some very rough years but having a consistent all star player on the team made those rough years not so bad especially when comparing it to this season and possibly the next.(Lol I may be overreacting as I don't see ANY bright lights in our near future....so I'm just venting my disappointments in this hawks franchise)
  3. I mean I guess but truth is the truth...it's BS that Teague can run in the lane and get smacked 100 times before a whistle is blown where as if lebron drives the lane and you breathe on him it's a foul instantly.And it's not just lebron, it's all the star players in the nba! You can't defend them because the refs won't allow it....I remember last playoffs I was the main member here bit**in because Paul George out of no where started to get 10-15 free throws against us where in the season dude only avg 3.5 a game! Sometimes, yes sometimes the nba seems like a setup and that's really the reason it's important to get a star! So our hawks can start getting the lame ass star calls to bail us out when we need it.
  4. Lol like I said I would take both it doesn't really matter in today's nba.I know lebron has won 2 rings but give ME Durant and I would put a better team around KD than what the thunder organization is doing....they still haven't figured out that Westbrook and kd just don't go.
  5. LOL u must not know how dumb Westbrook really is!...Westbrook would almost destroy Lebrons chances cause lebron who clearly needs the ball in his hands will NOT receive the ball from westbrick.
  6. I would take either...doesn't really matter! If KD was in a better system like a spurs like system he would be way better than he is now! It's clear that dumbbrook holds back kd and it's clear that Scott brooks isn't the best coach for KD.Put rondo instead of Westbrook and add Tyson chandler instead of the overrated even at Boston Kendrick Perkins and keep the rest around Durant and u got a championship squad.Lebron is great in Miami along with wade and bosh but he CAN or I should say they CAN be stopped. IF THE REFS WOULD CALL LEBRON ON HIS CHARGES or if all players were able to get the same calls as stars the league would be completely different!******The NBA has turned into a league of physical ability over actual basketball skills!!!!****** (take that to the damn bank)
  7. Niques best point were...when I was playing I dropped 30 plus on guys like Mj and other greats! Not the bobcats.....then nique was right again as he constantly, constantly said you HAVE to make lebron work on the other end of the court!..nique basically is saying when I drop points it was against the greats or other 20 point scorers that you had to be sure to ALSO try your hardest to defend or they will drop the same amount of points on you!....today's nba fans and media just don't understand and I'm young enough to say this is my generation of the NBA, yet I'm old enough to remember the days of MJ, Gary Payton, Karl Malone, David Robinson and so on.There just aren't enough stars in today's NBA and that's the problem! Also they need to bring back some of those old school nba rules to even the game out. It's not fair that lebron can run over all of his opponents or that other players who aren't stars don't get the same calls even when the call is obvious.
  8. Agree to disagree....Teague has shot well from the 3 point line before and I'm sure he could return to decent 3 point line shooting next season.I think the added responsibilities Teague had this upcoming season messed with other parts of his game unfortunately. If we had Teague as the 3rd or 4th option he could easily refocus on his shooting and be a lot better than what he has shown this season.
  9. I've said this before and I will say it again and again. If Teague were on a team with horford and a Kevin love type he would put up all star numbers...it's almost a gurantee!I'm not calling Teague great but I am calling him a great 3rd or 4th option that could put up all star reserve numbers year in and year out.If it were somehow possible to have horford, love, and sap on the same team with Teague...Teague would look like a top 7 pg in the nba. Put Teague on the heat and espn would be all over Jeffery and how good he is! But try to make Teague the Big dog of the team and he will fail you, it doesn't mean he's a bad player, he's just a terrific 3rd/4th option.
  10. Not to stick my nose into this heated argument between you two (Dolf and North) but I agree with both of you.Dolf- your basically saying...hey this Teague guy should be better than this because below/average to average play in buds system just ain't going to cut it.North- your trying to tell us....hey why the hell did you guys expect more from an average point guard?...don't suddenly get all mad now at Teague, blame your GM ferry.Now let me add my 2 cents...if I'm not mistaking I believe from the time Teague was resigned most were happy because Teague was getting a well deserved opportunity to become the BIG dog of the team! He showed some good flashes the last 2 years and the assumption was that he could possibly be the real deal with josh smith off the team as many thought smith was holding him back.So now the season starts and you got a young kid that has the skill set to be a very good point guard and all star talent yet he doesn't become anything close to that...should hawk fans be upset? I think so! Ferry showed faith in a young kid who we know can be a all star talent yet he shys away from WANTING to be good. Do you know how many players would love to get the opportunity Teague has received? The opportunity to be the man, the leader, the star player of a franchise?...Not too many...this explains Dolfs point. We gave a player a rare opportunity and he shys away from it like a bi*chNow north has a good point too...maybe we shouldn't have put so much hope in Teague and now that he has failed our expectations...why not get mad at ferry? See I also agree with Norths point of view. Why aren't we blaming ferry by now? I mean clearly he too was sold on Teague like us fans...does ferry even have a plan? What about a back up plan? Did ferry also think just like us fans that Teague was going to be a all star caliber player?I always thought if Teague ended up failing we would immediately pull him and start developing Dennis but as it looks to me ferry or bud never really had a backup plan! The season has went to hell yet they continue to play Teague over playing a rookie and letting him make his mistakes. You can't tell me that, that's some kind of plan or strategy. The truth is that ferry doesn't even know what to do with this franchise right now!...I'm going to stop before I post a "ferry and his bogus quotes.....should hawks fans believe him?" thread.
  11. Lol.....expect more typos...no but seriously I try to use proper grammar on here best I can (didn't catch this one)...Sometimes when I'm posting from my phone I want to type "u" instead of "you" and I know how annoying that is for some of u! <---LMAOIf I'm not mistaking I think most of you hate when post have the following:"U" for "You""R" for "Are""2" for "to"And so on....
  12. While all of that is true, I'm still happy to see one part of Teagues game start to pick back up! I mean there has been too many games this year where he hasn't given us anything on offense or defense....at the least or if he's going to stay around depending on how ferry feels, he can atleast be sure to put up points on the offense end with a good shooting percentage.
  13. Teague is starting to aggravate me more than Josh Smith. When Smith was here I KNEW he couldn't become a better player due to his basketball logic but that isn't the same case for Teague.This recent aggressive play is very satisfying but it's also dissapointing because we needed this a lot earlier in the season. He obviously has the skills...maybe he's just now getting use to buds system..?Should we hold on to Teague if he continues to impress throughout the rest of the season?
  14. At the end of the day nobody would be talking about Teague if we didn't need him to be our front center go to guy.The spurs system requires an aggressive point guard who can score all day in the paint with pg instincts....Teague unfortunately is none if that.
  15. So Dolf....You don't think a combination of Teague, horford, and Love can make BIG time noise in the east?I understand wanting to trade Teague if the team continues to need his services as a first and second option but I don't believe you are going to find too many better 3rd option players that are better than Teague.With two guys like horford and love around Teagues numbers will sky rocket and he will be considered an all star reserve. That's not to say he's great but he would be considered a great 3rd player to a potential low end BIG 3.
  16. I'm not calling Teague great...I'm saying he's a great THIRD OR FOURTH OPTION. I think that's fair to say! Being a third or fourth option takes all the pressure off of you and Teague could then focus more on his shooting and defense! ....right now we are asking Teague to do things he's capable of but don't have the leadership or alpha dog way to succeed!Teague CAN'T be a playmaker, good shooter, efficient player, and better defender all at once or really at all at the same time BUT what he can be is a good shooter who's efficient, make a couple of good plays here and there, and try a whole lot harder on defense if he's the THIRD OR FOURTH OPTION.That's not a lie! Teague already proved he can be a great THIRD WILL GUY when Johnson and Smith were still on team. We thought he could emerge as the go to guy....everybody including myself wanted Teague to get that shot, that chance to do so and Teague finally received it.But in the event he failed like he is doing right now, most including me wanted to see Dennis get developed but ferry and bud refuse to ride the rookies path to potential greatness...again potential greatness not saying dennis will be great...potential greatness.
  17. Again he's great with a star player and all star player....hell I think he will be in the argument as a reserve all star if he's our 3rd go to guy. I honestly believe most of us wouldn't complain about Teague if he was the 3rd go to guy as I'm sure he can highly succeed. But the experiment of trying to see if he can carry this team should have been put to rest a month ago.I like the fact that Teague can explode as a great player behind other sure all stars cause it makes him look like a worthy player! I don't like that he can only do that if there's talent on the court that's better than him......like somebody said earlier if you put Teague on the heat he will make chalmers and cole look mediocre as I believe he will emerge and make a team like that to look like a BIG 4 simply because the pressure is off of him due to 3 other stars being on the court by his side! That's the kind of player Teague is!And that's not a bad thing for a player to only be really great when he's a 3rd or 4th option cause a lot of players can't do that. This hawks team just isn't in that position yet!...give me Teague,horford, love for one year and I gurantee the hawks make BIG time noise in the east! Simple as that.
  18. I will say this...I agree that Teague is an average point guard but he's also the type of average point guard that CAN make an all star appearance once or twice in his career if there was a star player on this team.Teague is a great role player! Put him with Kevin Love and horford and I gurantee he will average some fantastic stats and shoot around 45%, 15-17 ppg, 7-8 assists. BUT try and make him the leader...the one we depend on....the BETA DOG and he will fail you!I don't agree with keeping Teague cause I don't see a superstar player coming here anytime soon. I ONLY agree keeping Teague if we get a superstar player and if Teagues the 3rd best player on the floor...if you haven't noticed Teagues an absolute beast as the 3rd go to man on offense.
  19. lol maybe...bud did play Carroll at the 5 and Cartier at the 4 at one point in the game! And when they asked him about it after the game he gave such a bullshit answer I saw in his face he didn't even believe in his own reasoning behind that.
  20. Enjoying all of you guys comments in this thread. I guess the real pain is that even looking into the off season most of us still don't see where a major change can happen.I don't feel that ferry is set and ready for this off season for trades or draft and free agency again is just a joke for this franchise.WHAT THE HAWKS CAN DO.... is only two things that come to mind.1. Trade for a star who will become a free agent after the season and do your best to put assets around him so that he may stay (kevin love)2.Throw in the young guys like Dennis and Scott to the wolves and actually start a real rebuild.Most won't like neither but I'm all for either one.
  21. I can argue with one thing you said "Dennis being an intriguing player"...now that's true but you would think Dennis would atleast get 15 minutes a game especially in a downhill season.And just my two cents on the part if you put horford and sap on the table statement you made....I hate to say it but I see more teams trying to get over on us than teams trying to make a fair deal which will ultimately force ferry to keep them both. In other words I don't think you can get back as much as we may want to believe for horford and sap, not because they aren't good players but because recent past trades don't work out too well when one team is giving up their best players and the other team has nothing to offer.If anyone believes we can trade sap and horford for a star caliber player they are kidding theirselves or that star player will be a free agent after the season (which may be a risk to take honestly).
  22. Agreed.....especially with the Jenkins comparison to Dennis. Dennis is just rotting away and hawk fans want to make excuses for him not deserving to get minutes, which is bogus.Also the Carroll over Pittman is just plan out dumb. I'm starting to get sick of coach bud and I really wanted him here. I watched Pittman when he got his chance and he can easily be effective...I'm wondering if this spurs way is just a joke in the making.
  23. Thats what the hell Im talking about Teague….stay this aggressive and you will be going places! Passive Teague….in 3….2….1…..
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