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Everything posted by Flight

  1. Yes, they have Jimmy-Wiggins-KAT. That's enough talent/potential to compete for a low seed for sure.
  2. Flight

    Draft Thread

    I like John Collins for us
  3. Flight

    Draft Thread

    Let's get Malik! Lol
  4. All she said was that he was one of our big free agent signings. Which is pretty obviously true because if he wasn't no one would care. Y'all are jumping to some crazy conclusions just based off her calling him a "big free agent"
  5. Can't really blame the city for loyalty if he wasn't trying to be here at any point earlier in his career. Obviously both sides are just gonna do what's best for them at the time.
  6. This is a Dwight bashing post that almost completely ignored the topic's question. Lol
  7. I think it's a result of teams that aren't good trying to keep players from leaving to better situations. Also over-rewarding players for what they've achieved in the past.
  8. Not really. It hurts but not THAT much, it's not like we did it to Steph Curry or even Dwight in his prime.
  9. If we end up with a top 3 pick I'm hoping for Michael Porter (Baby KD) or DeAndre Ayton (David Robinson 2.0). Maybe even Mo Bamba depending on how he does this year.
  10. Looking at that list I really wouldn't have been mad at one more year of Dwight at all.
  11. Y'all sure y'all don't want Lamarcus Aldridge?
  12. A Miles and Mike center rotation sounds like we'll have a solid chance at the number one pick lol.
  13. So how did feeding Dwight lead to him getting less shots than Baze, Dennis, Tim, Sap and even Ersan? Stop trying to act like everything's Dwight's fault. It's just a weak excuse to use in general. A Tony Parker type player isn't even something you build a team around, it's just a solid system player. IF anything that makes him even less valuable.
  14. You're still over-exaggerating Dwight's place in our offense. Basketball doesn't change as a whole just because of one non-ball dominant player is in your offense. If you really think Dennis is so educated in the "Spurs Way" would it not be obvious to know when to throw a pass inside and when not to? Judging when you can get a pass inside to someone isn't something that changes just because a different player is inside. That's just simple basketball IQ, it's not even that complicated to figure out. The notion of thinking our team played "Dwight Howard's Way" is literally hysterical. In the past I was a bigger fan of Dennis just because of the Rondo comparisons but Dennis seems to be developing at a much slower pace. I'm guessing it's due to his basketball IQ just not being as high as I'd expect.
  15. If we're being honest a Westbrook type won't even win you a championship, you need a team of players that actually enjoys playing with each other or a generational talent at one of your wing spots to really succeed.
  16. Dennis completely unleashed may lead us to a lot more L's, so I guess keeping him really couldn't hurt.
  17. Gonna miss having a good rebounding team. Also gonna miss having a player I can trust that he really wants to be on our team and in our city.
  18. Yeah I don't think any great coach or player wants to be surrounded with a bunch of young players. It's always a good balance of some youth and good vets. Reasons why the Spurs have kept some of their older players so long and LeBron almost never wants really youthful players around him. It just gets you nowhere fast.
  19. Watch them play, they literally play nothing like Marvin. I'm not sure why that's even a go to comparison for you for players with potential coming into the league. In that case every player in the draft is a Marvin Williams.
  20. Yeah neither is anything like Marvin. Chriss is like a young amare, Bender is porzingis esque with his range and size.
  21. So we're going to blame Dwight for Dennis' shortcomings? How did getting Dwight touches take away from Dennis when Dwight was averaging the 6th most attempts a game on the roster. Not to mention I'm sure a number of those came from rebound opportunities. Don't try to make it seem like Dwight was some huge hinderence on Dennis this year, he wasn't even heavily involved in the offense in the slightest. Dennis has been playing under the same coach and system his entire career.
  22. The two they picked up have a lot of potential and they are both really athletic, Sap maybe but Love doesn't fit how athletic the rest of their team is right now.
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