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Everything posted by NineOhTheRino

  1. Why on earth are we wasting time talking about a guy who has never made it past the second round? I would not describe his time here as a failure, but I damn sure would not call it a success either. Bottom line is Joe is a so-so player that had little impact on this team's legacy.
  2. Could we please stop using the word tank. Look at it as building. That 13-win team didn't tank. Those guys played their asses off. What you had is a team that didn't have enough talent to compete consistently. That's not tanking!
  3. you act as if none of us never got released from jail for something to do with getting aggressive with a police officer
  4. I say build around Pape Sy or Randolf Morris
  5. I don't see what you guys see. Sure he's a nice player, but is he really the type of player you build around? He can't create offense and is nothing special on the defensive end.
  6. Only the Hawks would build a team around a mediocre PF.
  7. Jazz has a hella-good SF I wouldn't mine seeing in a Hawks uni...I don't know his name, but heard he's been known to go by Duck Booty.
  8. Teague still mumbling.Schultz giving Ferry too much credit for that trade. NJ wanted Joe as much as Danny wanted to trade him.
  9. Teaguehttp://media.790thezone.com/Podcasts/2512/Jeff%20Teague%207-27-12.mp3Jeff Schultzhttp://media.790thezone.com/Podcasts/2448/jeff%20schultz%207-26-12%20for%20web.mp3
  10. Pape Syand...how about doing one of Joe Johnson's final shot airballs. There has to be at least 50 on Youtube.
  11. I'll sit back and wait for this to turn into an anti-Josh thread.
  12. The original question was, "Did the fans understand what we had in Joe?"I think the fact that most fans jumped for joy when they heard the news he was traded answers this question
  13. Don't know if I'm okay with my overpaid center spending his spare time book learning. He needs to be in a gym practicing finishing at the rim.Next time I suggest enrolling in Hakeem's big man camp. I'm sure the Hawks would reimburse the tuition.
  14. can't wait to see if John Jenkins' story end better than Salim Stoudamire's.
  15. He may be the backup to start the season, but there is no doubt in my mind he'll finish the season the starter.
  16. I don't disagree. The guy never played with a decent PG or another player on his level. It was not his fault he was sold to the fanbase as something he's not. ASG and Billy Knight should have never marketed him as a superstar. A real superstar does not need to be surrounded by talent to play like a superstar.
  17. I'm not fighting this fight today. I'll say what I feel. Joe is slow and boring. Joe is boring and slow. Some of us were sick of seeing that guy dribble and shoot lazy floaters. That product the Hawks were putting out, esp for the casual fan, was damn near unwatchable at times. I'm happy he's gone. I was at the point where I would rather watch the Hawks go 0-82 than suffer through another predictable JJ season. Predictable since we knew the season would end with JJ sucking in the playoffs and the team getting bounced in the second round.
  18. You know what else Joe never did? Lead this team past the 2nd round. and... If he's so special why does he have to be surrounded by other stars to shine? He's a good player but relax making him out to be anything more than that.
  19. "Marvin Williams named Summer League MVP!"http://slumz.boxden....813/index2.htmlNuff said
  20. The Miami Heat model will make fools out of many. Honestly it should be known as the Lebron James model..
  21. LD lost me in the Celtics series. He completely blew it when he did not tell Al to miss that second free throw. And the fact that he tried to bs us by saying, "we wanted to take our chances on defense" only increased my skepticism.LD has brainwashed this fanbase into believing he's a good coach. You have been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! Not me. I saw his, "I'm a good coach because I'm better than Woody", trick from a mile away.
  22. Don't be surprised if Mike D'Antoni is here by mid season.
  23. "rearranging mode".good lord I hope this is not the case
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