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Everything posted by Crank

  1. no one one can defend Rose thinking Teague can is a surefire way to get swept .
  2. Im so glad this series is over they made it way harder than it had to be
  3. I cant wait either lets get this started now !!!!!!!!!!! I find it amazing that they are doubling OUR FRICKIN SIXTH MAN !!!!!!!!!!! Joe ,Al ,Josh should be feasting .....actually I would feel so disrespected that they would think they could leave me at any point if I was either on of them . But to be honest I think thats the issue with this team for our best players winning and losing is .. its not personal ....and it should be .
  4. Im behind them 100% . I really want them to put it to them good though. I put this loss on LD simply not being able to push the right buttons last night pregame because I guarantee you that many of us here wouldve known exactly what to say to get them focused.
  5. Im not nervous The Magic fought hard at home like we all knew they would . In the end they still only shot 41% as a team the problem is our offense just disappeared and squashed any kind of comeback . But after seeing How the magic were dancing around the bench and Dwight was posing and everything after a dunk . Its not if we win but by how much . This is the time when you put the foot on the throat and dont let up to the horns sounds.
  6. After finally watching the second half this morning after passing out at halftime last night I must say our biggest problem was that we didnt match the Magics energy. I also thought that LD shouldve did something a little bit different in spots like play Teague and Damien early off the bench . SVG made all these adjustments thinking we werent gonna do anything different well last night is when you toss your wrinkle into the equation and you tell both along with Zaza no layups. IMO it wouldve been enough to throw them completely off in the first half when they made there run. I also think that at this point we need to look at the assistant coaches because its obvious there is no tell it like it is guy on the bench alongside LD and I dont see anyone doing that
  7. People have blown by everyone on this team at one time another . Everytime I see one of these threads touting someones defense that player gets his butt smoked all game . There simply are no lockdown defenders in the league there are simply players who can make you work harder than others . There are no more PippensJordans ,Paytons etc who can remove a player from the equation . For as much talk of Artests defense I saw Ariza eat his lunch all night and Ariza is not known for his offense . Team defense is the way to go and teams that can get this philosophy installed and ran properly tend to do very well. I think Joshs defense is overall pretty good but hes very undisciplined and gambles too much .
  8. I saw these numbers posted on a game preview and yet the Hawks are catching major flack
  9. so a team with Rudy Gay would trade a productive scoring guard for a player who plays the same position as Gay ? I want Marvin to do well but Ive never see a top ten pick as bad as Marvin last this long with one team .By now you have normally your niche in the NBA but Marvin simply hasnt done that . I think this team has held him back just as it has done for Josh.
  10. Winning in 5 helps the Lakers chances of getting Dwight not ours .
  11. exactly JJ Reddick is a good spot up shooter Crawford is a starter caliber sg that comes off our bench . can people not see this difference. We dont have a Dwight or CP3 creating insanely good open looks for our team . Jamal would be averaging 30 in this series if he actually could some open looks . Jamals has his warts but there is not a coach in the playoffs that would not take those couple of errant shots a game to reap the benefit of what he brings . Both Al and Smoove do because I dont think considered how hard you have to work to consistently carry a team offensively from the post. They have to work on there footwork and positioning both in the low blog and on the pick and roll
  12. Except that jamal very rarely plays 40 minutes for us so I take it as another off the wall comparison,Hes always within the 29-33 minutes range no matter what . Jamal Crawford is not a good bench score who talent restricts him to a the bench he is a starting caliber scoring guard who happens to come of our bench . Ben Gordon is a Vinnie Johnson type as Johnson was only 6'2 and jamal can give you minutes at both guard spots
  13. I dont watch them for expert analysis I watch them for entertainment purposes. Just listen to what they say about each team throughout the playoffs and you find they contradict themselves all the time . They pick favorites and they adjust there analysis accordingly . If we win tomorrow they will expect Derrick Rose to run all over us. If anyone watch there analysis of the last two bulls game and how they played and then listen to how they call us out you know they are biased
  14. With the way Kirk and Jamal are shooting the basketball and the way we have been able to pick up fouls on dwight that would actually play into our strategy. It worked in game two because Al was out for extended stretches
  15. When jamal checked into the game were were up 12 -9 at the 4:01 mark of the first quarter . I think people see those couple of nice plays in the start of the game and assume we were rolling when we are not . We scored 12 points the first 8 minutes of the quarter without jamal and 13 points in final 4 minutes of the quarter with jamal was on the floor The same thing applies to the second half when we were up 56-50 at the 5:11 mark . We scored 8 points the first 7minutes of the quarter without jamal and 10 the final 5 minutes which includes 3 missed free throws I must say though that Im ok with what Joes done so far I thought last night he finally kinda got in terms of how he made his move quick decisive and attacked . He could do better but overall I felt hes brought it when needed .
  16. except he was leading the team in assists and you saying Marvin should be in the game means you havent seen a game this series .
  17. My only problem with JJ is that he doesnt make his moves quicker and kinda helps the defense guard him . Other than that Im not gonna be upset at him when hes putting the ball on the floor and driving it like he was tonight .
  18. and that ball movement that you are speaking doesnt create points wake up !!!! When jamal came in we had 12 points after 8 minutes and points after 11 minutes. The reason he can say that no one else would make those shots is because we go through stretches where we dont score period turn it over and never get a shot . Are you telling me that watching this game you were saying throw the ball to Powell or Armstrong so they can create ? I bet you were one of the ones who said we were gonna get swept out of the series now you are gonna tell us that something bad is gonna happen ? maybe Ill just keep cheering and hoping for the best and being pleasantly surprised instead of panicking and hoping for the worst and being disappointed when you dont get it .
  19. I was hoping no one would notice until we were actually there :protest: :)
  20. When Crawford came in during the first half we had scored 12 pts as a team in 8 minutes When Crawford came in during the second half we had scored 8 pts in 7 minutes This offensive is stagnant alright but it aint because jamal enters the game. Ill take these ugly wins because we play better in those and it never allows the team to get big headed because they dont handle success very well.
  21. I wanna say 4-8 for 50% he also had 4 assists .
  22. oh that last shot was a bad shot but he basically kept us in it up to that point . I felt that since because he had a bigger player in Qrich on him he shouldve drove it to the basket because that jumper let Qrich off the hook.As soon as jamal wouldve turned the corner Qrich wouldve fouled him . .
  23. 25 and 6 on 55% shooting ....yeah he is killing us ......
  24. Id rather that we try not to put the refs in a situation where they have to choose between the defensive player of the year or giving Joe or jamal a foul call . I have way more confidence in jamals ability to make tough shots then I do for us to get a foul call against Howard and co in that situation
  25. again you dont get it if someone doesnt play any defense it doesnt matter who is guarding them they can score . ....JJ Redick cant shoot ? roflmao
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