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Everything posted by BigDog90

  1. Thankfully they got a winning record so they can easily turn it around. It makes me wonder should they get into trade talks since we're now at the point of the season where you should have an idea of what your team is looking like.
  2. It's too early for all that. Now if they don't make the playoffs this year, some big moves need to be made.
  3. It'll be interesting to see what happens this off-season. Al and Bazemore got to get paid. Teague, Dennis, Korver, Thabo, Millsap (ETO) next summer. This summer may need to explore to see what he could get for Teague/Dennis to get Horford to stay. I'm sure an older core of Teague/Korver/Thabo/Millsap isn't that appealing.
  4. I wouldn't say he's looking out for himself, I think his new playing style is something him and Bud compromised towards. It's been known Al doesn't want to play center but Bud found a way for him to still play center but not to play a style like he has in the past where he'd be subjected to wear and tear from banging constantly against bigger bodies. It wouldn't surprise me if he leaves, he isn't getting any younger and the Hawks don't have anybody under 25 that the older starters could pass the torch to like how the Spurs had with Kawhi so pretty much who he's playing with now is what he has to hope lead them to a title. Hawks owe him a big payday for his loyalty. He never bad mouthed the organization, didn't command a high salary on his first contract and always been a great guy in the locker room and community. If they want to low ball him, I don't blame him for leaving.
  5. Same here. The core Teague/Korver/Thabo/Millsap/Al isn't getting any younger. Next summer - Teague, Dennis (RFA, Millsap (ETO), Korver, Thabo could all be in FAs which makes this year very important. As for replacing Al, not too many players in this upcoming FA with his skillset. Maybe they could sign Motiejunas, start Splitter (to be a big body in the starting lineup) and Motiejunas gets more minutes with the starters to give Bud a starting five with a legit 3 point shot. True. I'd love for ATL to get somebody like Harrison Barnes but his price tag may be too high. You think so about Splitter vs. Whiteside? Splitter got size.
  6. I miss him in ATL. I can only wonder how good this team would have been if him and Millsap took paycuts like the Spurs star players do. Healthy Millsap, Thabo, Korver and Carroll in this year's playoffs might have gave the Cavs some problems.
  7. Nique was part owner of the Hawks when the Atlanta Spirit was owners?
  8. It's too early to tell. I don't really expect Splitter to be valuable during the regular season, more like the playoffs when the game slows down and you got to face bigs like Mozgov, Pau and Whiteside. You really can't judge Bud until like 2 years from now, give him time to make his mark as GM.
  9. BigDog90

    Pau Gasol

    He can't shoot 3's.
  10. Yeah I was expecting more out of WAS, Wittman may have to go especially after losing to the Lakers.
  11. BigDog90

    Free Edy

    I guess he needs more time. Worse case he could get traded like Payne.
  12. Good publicity for the Hawks.
  13. If they can continue playing like this, especially Teague, they could be a wildcard in the playoffs.
  14. BigDog90

    C-Viv AJC Chat

    Good Q & A. Vivalamore doesn't sound anti-Hawks for once.
  15. I had no idea. I always wondered why Diaw got so much minutes in SA.
  16. Makes sense. I'm sure he got a better basketball IQ than Scott.
  17. Best case, they make it past the first round and could make it back to the ECF if they can avoid Miami/CLE/CHI in the 2nd round. Worse case, they lose in the first round.
  18. If things don't get better in a month, I'd say move Horford. Hawks need to embrace positionless basketball like the Warriors. Start big with Teague/Korver/(SF Hawks trade for)/Millsap/Splitter but play mostly the small ball lineup of Teague/Korver/Thabo/(SF Hawks trade for)/Millsap.
  19. BigDog90

    Do We....

    If all goes well with Edy I think he'll be Splitter's replacement. The cost of starting and backup centers went up this past offseason and next summer when the cap goes up it'll be even higher. I couldn't see ATL paying Splitter starter money to come off the bench like the Cavs are doing with Thompson when they got to pay Horford, Bazemore plus Teague, Korver, Thabo, etc in the next few years.
  20. Monroe has a better post game than Al but Al is a way better shooter. The way the Hawks' system is I doubt having an elite rebounder like Andre Drummond could work unless he was a great passer and can shoot but finding 7 footers who can shoot mid range, go out to the 3 point line and pass are hard to find.
  21. He's playing so well. I'm sure other teams are noticing. I wonder could he get a deal starting at 13+ mil a year like Carroll.
  22. BigDog90

    Edy Tavares

    I hope it works out and not be like how Bebe is in TOR (keep getting sent to D League but got nothing to show). I assume long term Edy will be the backup center of the future, Splitter's replacement?
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