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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. It would be nice to put a package together to get another lottery pick and come away with two this offseason. This team is terrible and there is no logical reason to keep it together.
  2. It shows how weak Reef really is. He was probably defending Bruce Bowen.lol the least offensive threat on the team. But hey, the game would have been close had the coach gave the immortal Reef the ball 60 times a game.lol It's way more JT's fault than Reef. But make no mistake, Reef shouldn't be starting either.
  3. It's ok.lol But seriousally, I just can't understand how a team can play this badly. Either Billy Knight needs to do something or get fired. He drafted bad, and re-signed JT was obviousally a mistake. What would the Hawks do with JT, lose? lol
  4. Everybody should be benched....YES Reef included. He still got his clot cleaned tonight...You can yell"get Reef the ball" all you want.....but Duncan had 25 points in 24 minutes and all you can do is cry about Reef not getting the ball enough. He doesn't give effort on defense so he doesn't even deserve the ball on offense.
  5. Well honestly it isn't 100% his fault. But he's getting outplayed so bad it's about 90% yhis fault this game is a blow out. He shouldn't be starting anymore. The Hawks are stuck with him for 3 years. It's sad that Toronto is making moves to get better while the Hawks can continue to make no moves.
  6. I heard BOTH could get done. Atleast Toronto is trying to improve while GM Billy Knight has done nothing to improve the team.
  7. Sign him ad stick JT on the bench where he belongs. JT should be ashamed of himself. Stotts has to do some thing to try and get some effort out of some guys...JT simply isn't getting the job done.
  8. I'm in the process on getting my GED now. But honestly, what's it any of your business?
  9. JT=Hood rat...Or he tries to talk like one.
  10. JT has to be one of the least talented players in the league...He's really getting beat pretty bad. I know the Spurs(even though nobody really cared) won the title, but this is just sad. Tony Parker 16 Points 6 assist JT 2 points. Maybe it would help JT if he didn't talk like ghetto trash.
  11. JT/Dion/SJ/Reef/Theo should all be benched for the backups.
  12. Yeah, looks like the Jazz could have done the team a favor by signing him.
  13. As I have said plenty of times, the Hawks don't have any player that is really worth anything. Just look how bad they are losing for proof. This game shows the players don't have talent.
  14. they are getting their clot cleaned....
  15. He seems like he wants to take a year off to me.
  16. I always thought Leattner was a @sshole. You got to be one in order to be able to get Grant Hill to fight with you.
  17. Didn't it seem like this guy had bust written all over him from the start?
  18. I mean't rebounder....[censored] I need to pay more attention to what I type!
  19. HAHA at the hawks cracking the playoffs.
  20. # October 28 2003 # Boris, you dispute Wednesday your first game with Atlanta to the New orléans. How did you live the preparation of the Hawks? That very s’est well past, lived j’ai a classical preparation. I n’ai been not surprise by the work that we carried out. It was necessary nevertheless that I m’adapte to the remainder of l’équipe and that my teammates learn equally to know me. # But from the viewpoint of the basketball, you found your brands right away? Yes, I find that the upheaval between the Pro one HAS and the NBA n’a been not too violate. One practices here it same basketball to the alone difference that that goes quicklyer, than that goes higher and than STURDIER c’est. But otherwise, a little similar c’est qu’en Europe. # How are you used within this team of the Hawks? I play a small little everywhere. But I am not surprised, I knew qu’ils counted on me for the defense, the rebonds, the pass decisive and sometimes, the points. Wholesale, c’est a little as to Pau. # How is l’ambiance in l’équipe? L’ambiance is very good. J’ai really been lucky to fall in a group composed from guys very sympas. I feel to l’aise, really. And then life NBA pleases me. # That can you hope for this new season? It is difficult to pronounce itself, one does not know really. It is necessary to await that the season begins for in to know more. One will play the games after one another and one will see well this that that will give. # But you think qu’il there has the possibility d’atteindre the play-offs? This that is certain, c’est qu’il there has a true team. One will try to do something together. After, jusqu’où can one to go? I do not know again the response. # That do you think about the game of the Hornets? We not n’avons again studied their game to the video. After, one knows very well qu’ils possess very strong players and all particularly in the exterior sector, with notably Baron Davis. A thing is sure, there will be tubby one. There is the interview
  21. Vaughn has actually be a fairly stable backup surprised to say so...But the team needs a big rounder in the worst way.
  22. You ignored Sheffield's remarks that Andruw doesn't want it bad enough. " Considering Sheffields playoff games the last two years(3 for 30) he probably shouldn't say much. Never did like that @sshole Sheffield anyway. I'd still take Andrew 36HR 110RBI and great defense over Chippers 25HR and 305 average...Not to mention CHipper is a libility in the outfield and 3rd base. Batting average doesn't mean much anyway. Jim Thome hits under .300 but I'd still take him over anyone on the Braves. But neither guys seem to have a knack for getting the big hits. Not to mention it can be argued that Chipper had his worst year this year.....
  23. I wouldn't be too sure on that. Remember, Doc cut Nique in Orlando.
  24. I don't think I'd want anyone on the Blazers other than Randolph...and by looking at him I have to wonder if he's the next Vin Baker. He doesn't seem like the type that can keep his weight off...Just a guess, but I bet he'll have some really good years then gain weight. No I wouldn't want Wells. He was just suspended for cussing out Mo Cheeks. He's a JR Rider troublemaker. Lets no forget, the fans mean nothing to him(even though the fans pay his salary)
  25. He looked decent in the time he played last night. He had something like 5 points and 3 rebounds in 13 minutes. You guys think he can contribute as a 10th man or so? Do you think the team should hold onto him or dumb him the first chance they get? I think I'd hold onto him for a while to see if he can become a Jon Barry or Vashon Lenard type of scoring role player.
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