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Everything posted by marco102

  1. You missed Paul saying "Take your loss back to the hotel". In my Terrell Owens voice, that's my power forward.
  2. I can't wait to watch him clap clap clap his soft ass (pause ) out the playoffs.
  3. The Hawks only shot 36% from three. It seems efficient because they were like 1 -40 before this game. I agree about Bud and his rotations as soon as Baze got a little out of control he put THjr in. Dwight played the right amount of minutes. I don't think coach cares if he's pouting or not. Set good screens and played hard defense and they will award him every now and again.
  4. Finally, the good Hawks showed up and showed out! I like that they were a little more classy as they were destroying the Wizards than the Wizards were in their win. So far the Hawks MVP has been Dennis. Kid came to play check this stat line for the series 25 pts, 8 assists, 3 rebounds, 2 turnovers, while going against one of the best point guards in the league. Paul Milsap was a man amongst boys as he should be when going against Morris. Tauren Prince this guy is a PLAYER. I can't wait to see his development in the next few years. Dwight wasn't as stiff as other games. I'm still conveinced his back is bothering him. Finally, where in the HELL has THAT Malcolm Delaney been all year. Maybe coach should be put him for some back up PG minutes. Also, as much as we talk about Timmy's average defense. He really seems to defend Bradley well (when Gortat isn't setting an illegal screen that's never called. )
  5. Horford wanted to leave. Point blank and simple. He was talking to Isiah at the allstar game about Boston. Ownership had nothing to do with that.
  6. Yes, we saw LaQueen taking PG13's lunch money. Although, PG13 wasn't bad, but he shrunk in the 4th.
  7. Dennis is the only player who consistently showed heart in both games. He even bumped Gortat after his dunk. I have a problem when people say Dennis is not passing the ball more. Dennis started out sharing the ball, when he realized (1) No one could get pass their defender to save their freaking lives, (2) everyone was missing wide ass open shots, he took it upon himself to try and score. Sometimes you scratch your head at some of his shots, but he was the only player able to create and score with ease against Washington. I also believe Dwight's back is giving him a lot of trouble. He straight man handled Gortat during the regular season. He was the only Hawks player to perform well against them. You don't see Dwight moaning and complaining when he's been Sat late in games because he knows he's not 100%. Just my two cents and speculation though. If he isn't injured, someone needs to send up to two first round picks to any team willing to take him and Baze.
  8. If the Hawks can get Jonathan Motley and Justin Patton it would be awesome! Jonathan is going to be a really good player.
  9. Oh that note, I think Prince has just as much potential as Jaylen and has played much better in his first playoff series.
  10. Off topic (maybe on topic?). Who do you think the Hawks will select with the 19th pick? Will they select anyone? I personally like Justin Patton and Zach Collins. Patton is supposed drop to around the Hawks draft position.
  11. http://www.celticsblog.com/2017/4/18/15352498/epic-fail-boston-celtics-chicago-bulls-game-2-nba-playoffs - go to the comments section. I love the title Epic Fail!!! Yes, Boston you finally got your "superstar" and he is an epic fail.
  12. Omg, I need to post a link to their blogs. Their tears are delicious and Alice is sucking it up.
  13. All you guys are missing the big picture here. The Hawks were consistent. It was an early Sunday game with more than 2 days of rest! In the Bud tenure, they have always been terrible in those games. I hope they wake the FLACK up! I really hate how cocky Washington is and hope the Hawks curb stomp them tomorrow! On Dennis, I could not have asked for more from him in his first playoff start, except don't take a stupid three when you have two wings running to the basket for a lay up. Other than that, he exceeded my expectations. He wasn't trying to go at John Wall and he for the most part he didn't stop the ball movement until it was clear no one could hit a shot.
  14. So Bud should have played Hardaway more by your logic? You know cause he grew so much during the season and all.
  15. Sap did huddle the team up yesterday which i thought was nice. I may be in the minority but i think Sap was trying to be that angry guy the team needed in the first half and then Wizards attacked him in the third and it completely threw him off. He still needs to play much better as the leader of the team. There is only one inforcer on this team, Dwight, and he did not play tough yesterday either. I don't want to see any of our players losing their cool when certain teams revert to "MMA" tactics to win a game. If they keep their cool and let their play do the talking, no one will wonder who got punked on a dunk. That's playground foolishness to even care. Go out there, be a profeasional and get these wins. Leave the rest up to those punks in Washington. Thats the main reason I've always loved the Spurs even when teams tried to act tough the Spurs let their on court performance do the talking.
  16. That's not my point with your quote of me. I said Milsap HAS to play better. I apologize for my criticism of him not being up to your high standards of negativity. I now know you have an agenda when you refuse to admit Milsap is the Hawks best player. Even a blind Man can see that. I'm done with all further correspondence with you today. Thanks.
  17. Slow your roll homie. How is that being a fan boy when stating facts? If you notice, I said Paul has to play better. Did I say Paul played great? No! What I did say was he is our best player. If he isn't our best player, then who is? Just because I'm not saying over the top things like we should bench Milsap for the rest of the series does not mean I'm in some damn fan club. I don't over react to too much and try to just state facts here.
  18. The Wizard had a plan in the 3rd. Rattle Paul Mislap. They went to Morris often and he hit his shots. They hit him, taunted him, and Paul lost his cool. Paul is our best player and he has to perform better for us to win. I still have faith we can pull this off. The Hawks had 21 turnovers and lost by 7. Cut that down to the season average and we probably sneak one out. On to the next!
  19. I agree it seems like PG wants to be a villain. I just think PG fits Buds' system a little better than Jimmy Butler. If the Hawks can get either, it'll be a Christmas Mircale.
  20. If the Cavs sweep the Pacers, I'm pretty sure the Pacers will be inclined to trade PG13. I'm not sure if the Hawks will have enough assets to get him, but after the way he threw C.J. Miles under the bus after the game (http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/19167326/paul-george-indiana-pacers-upset-take-final-shot-game-1-loss-cleveland-cavaliers), I'm not sure he wants to be there. If the Hawks happen to get to the ECF or even Finals , Atl may be a destination PG would want to go. I know this is a pipe dream, but I believe Bud with PG, Milsap, Dwight, Thjr, and Schröder will find a way to wipe the floor with the Cavs. Hell if things fall right this year, the Hawks may do it. I'm bored and ready for tomorrow..lol Thoughts? Sidenote: The Cavs abused Jeff on the defensive end today. I was sad to see how poor his defense was.
  21. ECF! I was surprised by all the optimism in the poll. Then I realized this was from 2014-2015 season?
  22. I say 10 deep add Moose that. If he's hitting his shots he's an asset.
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