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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. I still think Josh was a good pick but was it as good as we once thought? Kevin Martin, Jameer Nelson, anderson varejo were all available too. I still think Josh is a great talent but in hindsight was he that great of pick for what we needed.
  2. I hope that's nothing serious. Maybe he's banned from the UK?
  3. I could see him being a really good rebounder though. He seems to have a nose for it. He seems to get good position to grab rebounds.
  4. I'm voting Billy Knight all the way. His hair is waaay better than Ferry's obviously and beats Babcock's christian conservative look by a bit too.
  5. The moves of Billy King vs Rob Babcock vs Danny Ainge. Duh.
  6. Where are the acquisitions and de-acquisitions of Steve Smith and Deke? I'm confused
  7. It would do a lot for attendance i'd think.
  8. Downsizing? that means hanging a bunch of curtains in the upper deck and playing in the new georgia dome on artificial turf. Why can't we have nice things. Reconfig turner field or something but MLS in a football stadium on artificial turf is pretty much what we know doesn't ever work right? I'm no expert by any means. I'm still pissed we are basically going to have another indoor, artificial turf stadium for a billion plus dollars.
  9. Injuries can play a role though. If Teague should go out and Dennis comes in and gives a Rondo impersonation... But i agree with you. Even if that happened they'd probably trade Teague. Of course, i'm in the minority who things Teague will be the better player for the next few years.
  10. No freelancing just freespasing. Throwing it 5 yards forward. Of course the receiver shouldn't have blown by him on the play so not really his fault.
  11. Really a great read. Please click the link as its a pretty long one but here were some highlights for me. Interview appears to be yesterday. http://hoopshype.com/interviews/barrigon/elton-brand-i-want-to-play-and-be-a-part-of-a-championship-team
  12. I'm hoping Mike Scott has a long career with the Hawks. But if I"m going to be snarky i'd say the answer to the question posed is: either get two inches taller or a lot quicker.
  13. Not that i've done it but the interweb says 8 hours. Twice as long as to seattle basically?
  14. I'm not getting it either. Seemed like a pretty good defender and can shoot a legit 40% from 3. Usually that keeps you in the league. Glad he got picked up. I think 2-2 on 3s in his first game with Chicago.
  15. Beat Indy and Houston in the same week and slipped one in the power rankings. Well that sucks.
  16. Still why wouldn't you go out of bounds? I mean seriously. It was so not even close to backwards as if he didn't even know the rule.
  17. Props to Josh. Going to his right even. Can't say i've seen that a whole lot.
  18. What do you mean? I"m right here! But hopefully i wasn't one of the ones saying it was elite. I still think when we improve some positions on this team you will see a much more consistent Teague. Although defense is a different story entirely.
  19. Well obvioiusly i disagree that Teague is not even average. But is that really what this is about? Yeah people were thrilled with the start he had but seems like you are just looking to prove your prediction about Teague right just as others tried to rub your nose in it. at the start. You can be disappointed in Teague but I think you'd be hard pressed to find others around the league who think he is a below average PG. I think he has been good and there is little consideration to how few offensive weapons these Hawks have.
  20. Seriously? Geez man what does it take to get one ounce of credit for the guy. I'm here saying that Teague has been crappy in some games. Absolutely. But he's been damn good in others. I didn't realize that Chalmers was't an nba player? Sorry to use such a laughable measuring stick. Last I checked he was 'an opposing point guard'. We'll see. I just don't understand where this expectation came from that Teague is supposed to be dominating the league all of a sudden and anything short of that makes him hot garbage.
  21. Just to be clear that's a 13 minute video. One game where he pretty much dominated the other team. There again it was a shitty team and that was almost two weeks ago so I guess he really has been hot garbage for a while.
  22. Like everyone I'm fairly well done with this discussion but I just find this a gross exagerration. So for the eye test here is Teague making Mario Chalmers look like a senior citizen. Now I know Teague has had some bad games since but 'hot garbage' and 'eaten alive' are exagerrations.
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