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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. It'll be interesting to see if Harden is willing to chase Korver around or will they put someone else on Korver?
  2. Anyone have an answer off the top of their head. Who is the best player in the NBA who spent development time in the D-League (not rehab)? I have no idea.
  3. No one gets 100% anymore but I was hoping Maddux would. He is really the greatest pitcher to come through the Braves world for sure. Congrats to both of them.
  4. I just learned of this deal a few months ago. What geniuses these guys turned out to be. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nba-pay-two-brothers-500-165704100.html
  5. That's it for me too. Although DF did go out and get him so did he get him because he liked him or was it simply bait for Dwight to join the all-Atl team as some speculated?
  6. You know we are supposedly 'built to trade' but to get anyone with a pricey contract it can be hard to get salary in there unless you are giving up teague/korver/milsap/horford. Brand and Lou would get us something maybe.
  7. Cost savings. I think they decided they needed to waive one of their non-guaranteed for the cost savings and the roster spot. Once they decided it was Cartier he went to the bench. No since playing a guy who will be gone right? Hopefully we sign him back if we don't make some other moves.
  8. They replaced him with McGrady for the playoffs i believe. If he could keep his head on straight he would really help but i'm hoping we can do better through trade.
  9. I'm going to answer even though I don't really know. I think you either miss ALL Hawks games or none. If they deem you to be in the Atlanta viewing area then you get no hawks at all. If not you would get them all. I'm pretty sure on NBATV home/away doesn't matter. You can work around this with a proxy server i'm told. There is another thread about this. Maybe search nbatv.
  10. That would be awesome if Bynum would come not play for us. We could use the media attention.
  11. The many perplexed faces of the 21st century Hawks coaches. http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/8w749Cj6H9KTKMFoLLSGqQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/sptusnbaexperts/97800741.jpg.jpg] http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/lt/lt_cache/thumbnail/960/img/photos/2012/08/11/b3/6c/hawks-larry-drew_830844a.jpg] http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/461062479-head-coach-mike-budenholzer-of-the-atlanta-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QbVKyELAfogdmIb8Lee5OYRXtBbS73WYXar0Nb84ypW%2F] Now Woody and Drew had to coach Josh. I'm guessing if Josh was still on the team Bud's face would look more like this: http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/lNtK7LhTqOQEQcVBHt8N_Q--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00NTk7cT03NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/gettyimages.com/atlanta-hawks-v-brooklyn-nets-20140107-034241-174.jpg]
  12. Everytime they show him on the bench he looks like this:
  13. I keep mentioning it but i'm still confused by Cartier getting glued to the bench unless he's still hurt. I mean the dude is shooting 40% from 3 last i checked and he looked pretty good defensively.
  14. Exactly. 6 games? I can pull a worse 6 game stretch from probably every PG in the league at some point. Even so they aren't nightmarish stats by any means for a 6 game stretch where we played like crap for the most part. We're talking about how bad the Hawks are after getting beat by the Nets by what 6 points. For the last 7 years we were looking at 20 point losses once a month.
  15. Ok. Well the last three games for Teague have been bad but really they've been bad for the whole damn team. That's a super small sample size to judge him on. Don't you think the loss of the most important player on the team is going to adversely affect him and the whole team. At least at first. Remove the last three games and Teague's stats aren't as astonishingly bad as you state. If he continues to play this way through January then I'll be with you.
  16. Well since you brought it up. I just have to kindly point out that one of you said Dennis was already better than Teague. Like a lot of guys he seems more respected around the league than around here.
  17. Overall I'm happy with his play but as i said he could improve some areas especially with turnovers. But those are exaggerations of his stats. As far as threes go he has shot poorly for sure but you don't see him jacking 6-8 a game. I think our main difference is in expectation. This is an offense with a lot of responsibility on the PG. 17/8. Solidly 3rd best team in the east before we lost our best player. I don't call that a disappointment. We'll see. Ferry and Bud don't seem like guys who will just stand pat if Teague isn't getting it done the way they like.
  18. Come on. Really? So points don't mean jack, his assists don't mean jack because they are too easy and he's not as good a passer as the best PG in the last 20 years. Did I sum that up right. I'm not here trying to say he's an elite PG but I'm still curious what is our expectation here? So should he quit making 'easy passes within the offense' and try throw some behind the back alley-oops to our high flyers? Guys are who they are. Do I wish he played better at times? Yes. But to act like he's hot garbage isn't accurate to me.
  19. How are you giving him no credit for getting Korver and Milsap those easy looks? 20/9 would put him in elite company for point guards. How can that be the expectation when 1. we have no finishers to pass to and 2. we're playing two guys with him that don't really need to be guarded. It seems like anything short of Paul or Rondo makes him a scrub. If you're not first you're last right? Last 8 games PPG: 26, 34, 20, 22, 16, 14, 16, 16 - The last three games being losses. The last two we had point totals in the 80s Frankly I think he was struggling more before Al went down. But why are we dumping on him after our worst two games of the season. Where was the discussion when him punk'd Mario Chalmers and dropped 34/14 on Cleveland?
  20. I'm sure there are other measures but he is 8th in the nba in assists. If his primary focus is getting to the basket he's doing pretty well in the assist dept. There again some posters seem to think he should be driving to the basket more. Seriously, i'm not making any excuses because i don't think he needs any. I think he's playing damn good. But look who we have in the game nowadays. We don't have a lot of offensive weapons in there.
  21. And I remember Pierce going ballistic that Joe was picked for the Allstar game over Ray. They are now jealous of Joe's youthfulness. Despite Joe burying us in the 4th I still loved seeing him get the ball trapped between his legs and Milsap taking it. With Pierce on the same team Joe can't tricky dribble anyone in the league now. I don't miss that crap for sure.
  22. Does that mean we'll be suiting up Dominique soon?
  23. At least he's wearing a tie. Kidd looks like he's managing an Olive Garden. We're definitely in a slump. I don't expect it to last but we need some help. Still not seeing why Cartier and Dennis aren't seeing the floor.
  24. Well Jeff is average 17/8 with nearly 3 rebounds a game. I'm not sure what the expectation is here but it seems like people won't be happy unless he becomes Chris Paul. Korver can't get open easily anymore so what are the options here. Dump it to Milsap and have him drive the lane. Outside of those two he's trying to drive an offense with DMC and Antić in the starting lineup. http://www.csnchicago.com/bulls/hawks-teague-keeps-same-approach-during-breakout-season?p=ya5nbcs&ocid=yahoo
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