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Everything posted by thescout5

  1. Coud still get rid of mack or Scott or both and get a small forward.
  2. Mack and Scott are luxuries but if you can get a starting small forward instead would be better.
  3. Interesting. See the Cavs would rather sign their big free agent rather than lose him for nothing. Hawks couldn't go over cap with Carroll but the Cavs could thus they keep Love and could get something for him if traded.
  4. Sounds like musical chairs what the Cavs do to acquire their players. In all seriousness sounds like the perfect storm how the Cavs are acquiring their players and they now can acquire more talent with the exception on the Haywood contract if they unload it I believe. Our GM needs to smarten up and start taking notes on how the Cavs work the system. It pisses me off that the Hawks are not prepared to make manuevers yet the Cavs always seem to have another card to deal and acquire more talent. Hawks need to get rid of some dead weight on the bench to free up money. Yeah we need bench players but those who don't play well need to be gone.
  5. Interesting... doubt there is any legs to this still Hawks need a sf.
  6. Yes I was thinking that maybe Splitter moved. If there was some way to get a big and small forward back that has potential worth doing.
  7. It's a sign of disrespect making only 12 million a year. I can't survive on 12 million a year.P-L-E-A-S-E. After the taxes in Canada probably comes out the same. 12 million a year is still rich.
  8. ESPN predicting Cavs salary will be 95 million but have the Haywood exception of 10 million meaning the Cavs can make another move to bolster their team. This is absurb way over the cap and yet can still bolster their roster if they deal Haywood. Hawks at little over 68 million and can't make any moves.
  9. Huh? you always want to measure yourself against the king of the hill. No one is saying cheer for the Cavs. As a fan you want your team to be better and I don't see the Hawks closing the gap. I guess we should be happy just making the playoffs like the Hawks do about every year and getting bounced out at some point.
  10. Don't forget Milwaukee will be better, Pacers about to get Ellis and have their own star back healthy. Plenty of competition just to have a decent season let alone worry about trying to beat the Cavs.
  11. Picked apart other teams signing your players.All it takes is one owner dishing out a ridculous amount and you lose that player. Orlando is trying to take Sap.When do we see the Hawks trying to go on the offense and taking players from other teams?
  12. Even though I don't like paying Sap 20 million a year I guess you got to anti up or else this team is cooked. Not many options out there to take Sap's place.
  13. Doesn't look like the Hawks have cut the gap between them and the Cavs. So much for winning 60 games and proof Atlanta is legit. I want to be wrong but I don't see free agents knocking on the door and other teams want to pick apart the Hawks taking players. Scott and Mack need to go to clear cap space. The team needs to be stronger.
  14. The key is to get the player on the team some how some way then you can overpay beyond the cap when their contract is due. At this rate doubt if the Hawks land a superstar in the near future.
  15. Thompson just got 5 yrs 80 million and Love making max. Not sure what Irving will get plus the Cavs have to resign Shumpert,Delly and the big kohoona Lebron to a max. They just keep printing money in Cleveland. At least players making 16 million plus. Hawks might retain Sap which will give them just one player max and yet Hawks can't make any more moves.
  16. No way Green leaves Golden State.They'll give him a max deal.
  17. So much for winning 60 gamesl last yr and keeping core together.
  18. How bout Snt Milsap for Harris and sign Kostas Koustas?
  19. This is how you get in salary cap hell overpaying players just look at JJ. So does this mean Bron makes as much as Sap this year?
  20. 15 mill/yr ridculous.Still don't want to pay Sap 20 million per year.
  21. Sap not worth 4/20 move on. Don't forget how he got manhandled vs the Cavs.
  22. Cross Davis off the list of would be free agents in a a few yrs. Durant will be the big name next yr with everyone gunning for him.
  23. Well I guess will have to agree to diagree with the current Hawks. Some see the glass half empty the the sees the team half full. One side will be eating crow after the season.
  24. Jeff and Dennis together I hope both our working on their jump shot. Eventually down the road a year or so one will have to be traded.
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