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Everything posted by Yeti

  1. On the plus side, Atlanta has more talent (for now) and is a better place to live. The real question is whether we are willing to pay for a quality coach or do we go for a K-mart special. Unfortunately I think we'll go cheap. But the longer we take the less important it is anyway since we'll have to settle for everyone elses leftovers. Of course, we'll say this is the guy we wanted all along. If you want the best choices, you have to pick quick - otherwise the best choices are gone. I don't understand why this takes more than a couple of weeks to review the info on each potential candidate, talk to some experts, and do an interview. This process should have been planned as a contigency several months ago. Just grow a pair and make a decision - or else everyone else will make the decision for you by hiring the top candidates.
  2. Yeti

    Diesel Speaks...

    Just saw the following headline in the Portland paper: "Atlanta Hawks target Trail Blazers assistant Dean Demopoulos". He has connections to Sund, but I don't know anything about him. Anyone know him? My link
  3. I missed it. What is he good for? I know he's cheap but that's about it.
  4. Red Auerbach. But only because he is dead. Woody can only outcoach dead people.
  5. I had given up on Marvin, but in the last game I noticed he was the only one with a hot hand. So Woody sat him - - - then when he got in, he didn't even touch the ball on offense in the second quarter. And in the fourth, JJ and Crawford kept shooting even though they were not having a good night - and MW was. Just watch, we'll send Marvin somewhere with a good coach and he'll explode. I would not trade Al for anyone except Lebron or Howard. But Woody needs to go into the Woodchipper regardless. And you are right on about getting a coach who can work with PG --- and rookies.
  6. I couldn't agree more. Mr. Potatohead must go. Woody is being totally outcoached and the guys talent isn"t enough to compensate. The team relies too much on 1-on-1, we need some plays. The guys are just frustrated and he has no answers, And its time to give up on Zaza, he's been a disaster in this series.
  7. Diesel - how many anti--Marvin posts have you made? I remember you were down on him before we even drafted him (but you were probably right). At one time I thought it would have been good for everyone to trade Marvin, but now I think it is too late for him. Personally I think if Michael Jordan started his career as a rookie under Woody he would have busted.
  8. Wow. I sat down and watched the new documentary "Sonicgate" last night on line. I finished at 2am. It is heartbreaking to see all the fools, crooks, and politicians that helped destroy that franchise and how little input the fans really have. I would recommend that anyone who is an NBA fan watch this and think about how we could be next. You can find it at sonicgate.org - it's free, a couple hours long, and got a lot of NBA players in it, including the Hawk's Jamal Crawford. I have a lot of personal opinions after watching it but it is better if you come to your own conclusions. Go watch it.
  9. If you mean Smoove, hell no. He keeps taking the 3's, can't play defense, and at times he tries to be MJ by going coast-to-coast. Never learned to play on a team and never will playing for Woody. Josh has all the talent in the world but doesn't seem to be too bright. And Woody doesn't help.
  10. Getting rid of Woodson has to be the top priority. I don't know about Mitchell - just don't know him. But we need a coach with some smarts. Not necessarily an assistant with playing experience. Someone who can develop and motivate players, setup a real offense, and handle the game duties intelligently. The player HAVE to respect him, unlike Woody.
  11. Take a look at John Brockman in the SECOND round. Never seen anyone work as hard constantly - always running the floor and diving for balls. Very strong but undersized at 6'7" 252lb but can rebound like heck, set picks, and defend. Led the Pac-10 in rebounding for three years and had 60 double-doubles. Good around the basket but his jump shot needs work. So watch some video before you jump on his height. Took Big Baby apart in college even though BB scratched his face like a cheap wh#$@ (I loved watching that on TV - I think Big Baby was ready to cry). Tough guy - I think he broke his nose six times but never let it slow him down. May be a good bench player for us and could be an enforcer as well.
  12. Woody could never develop young players. He has no experience with them - he was used to veterans. Look at how Marvin has stalled and how Josh still still has brain farts on the court. These two, with the right coach, could have been much better than they are now. Rookies on the Hawks basically are on their own to develop at their own pace. I'm afraid that is what is happening with Acie now. If I was an owner, I be asking about the return on the investment I've made in these guys. That would be enough to can Woody. They've lost a lot compared to the value of these guys if they had developed them properly. More than what it would take to change coaches.
  13. None of the above. I'd take Mayo. I was not a fan until I saw him play in person and I was shocked at what a good all round player he was. Didn't try to impress or get flashy but he just got the job done and dominated the game.
  14. Yeti

    Marvin trades?

    I still fault Woody the most. Just how much have Josh Smith and Marvin - our two least experienced players - developed over three years. Look at the potential that was never realized. They need something to substitute for those years of college coaching they missed. Horford got that college experience and look what he is doing. Not sure WHAT Woody is good at, but he's not a developer of young talent. I used to have a lot of hope for Marvin, but I'm not sure it's not too late. So trade him - - it might be better for the Hawks - - and Marvin. Smith is such a fan favorite that I don't think he IS tradeable. Personally I would move him faster than Marvin - he just doesn't play smart and evidently no-one is getting through to him. I love the kid, but sometimes he plays like a super AAU player not a pro. Like I said the root cause is the crappy coaching. The NBA now is not like when Woody came into the league and everyone had the fundimentals down, could play team ball, and were confident in themselves. He might work OK with veterans, but Woody still hasn't figured out the youngsters.
  15. Quote: Nah, I wouldn't trade SMoove. If I did, I would have to be considering guys like Tyson Chandler or maybe even Noah (and a 1st). I'd trade smoove. After the game today I would have done it for a basket of roadkill - but I've calmed down a bit. I love him, but that kid REALLY needs some serious help. It will take a big name coach that Josh respects to get through to him. Another great example of why all players need to play some college ball. His value dropped a lot today.
  16. Quote: It's the coach's job to advise their players what they should and should not do. If J Smoove keeps taking those treys, a lot of that is on Woodson for not making him pay when he does something that he shouldnt be doing. "Advise" my ass. They should be doing exactly what he wants or they should be sitting down. Period. -- You're right, it's a Woody problem not Smoove's.
  17. Quote: He started chucking toward the end of his shift and Woody got his ayss outa there thank God. I also noticed when Brandon Wright started outrebounding ZazA Woody went right to Horford. Good job in the 1st half MR. Woodson. I can take Salim, but Woody needs to have a serious discussion with a 2x4. The guy is so far out of his league it's incredible. We could be a dangerous team if we had a read coach who could handle the game time coaching, motivate players, and help all the young guys get better. I just want to cry when I see the potential of Smoove and it being wasted - he's not progressing like he would with a real coach.
  18. Yep, it would be nice if Speedy was healthy. And if Dominique was young again or Wilt was alive or Woody had a brain. But that's not the way life is. We need to cut our losses (Speedy, Lo, Shelhead, Lue, etc.). Some of the proposed trades on our board are laughable when we think we can package all our garbage together for a good player.
  19. Right on. There is no indication that this bunch of Bozos really want a winnning team - they just want "entertainment". It is not very entertaining to me. We have no hope as long as these jokers are in control. Can Belkin be any worse? At least we'd be rid of Billy and Woody.
  20. Quote: Do you by any chance know the net worth of these owners, including Belkin? Their net worth to Atlanta is ZERO !!!
  21. Why do you think that BK is not controlling his own destiny? When you look at how long it takes for Billy to get ANY deal done then it all makes sense. With his history no-one will want to deal with him if they don't have three months to wait for him to make a decision. He is just out of his league and knows it.
  22. I agree. We don't need to argue if it's chicken or steak - if Woody and he thinks it's a tire. All the problems really start at the top. 'till that gets fixed, we are screwed. Good players will have to leave to play on a real team or they will stay here and decay. DrReality is right: Fire Woody. Fire Billy. Settle the owner squabble. Bring in some experience and start fixing things. Just do it.
  23. Yeti


    You asked "What is it that Portland has that allows them to win while the Hawks lose?" Portland drafted to fill the five traditional positions. They did their homework and are very active on trade day - look at the 2006 draft day moves (the lottery took care of 2007). They are a very deep team. And they went out and got an experienced head coach who can work with young guys. Just think how good they can be if Oden comes back. They've got a well-heeled, knowledgeable owner who wants to win. Meanwhile we have some very athletic, very "versatile", 6-8 players who don't have the skills for some key positions, don't get the development coaching, or decent courtside coaching. We had opportunities to get star PGs, Bynum, Branden Roy, etc - but we wanted versatility or "NBA ready now." We've taken other teams leftovers and tried to make them starters and it hasn't worked. We often play more playground ball than pro ball. They can't play like a team, but they can sure dunk and block shots. We took an assistant without head coaching experience who has trouble with international players and seems lost when it comes to developing young players - and gave him a bunch of rookies. We have the second most screwed up ownership (after Seattle) which has said that the team focus is entertainment rather than winning and who can't spend enough money to improve the team. No comparison in any category. Players, coach, GM, owners. But it all starts at the top.
  24. Yes, he may be the dumbest. But we love his game anyway - he is a great representative of Atlanta. He plays hard and is incredibly athletic - but thinks he is a guard. He, Marvin, Joe, Horford, and Chilz ARE the Hawks. Could be something really special. ... if we ever get a real coach. .
  25. The first three quarters they looked like the worst team in the history of the franchise. 30 point half, 28% shooting, no assists, no rebounding, no energy - and against a 2-10 team.
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