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Everything posted by Yeti

  1. Yeti


    Doesn't he have a year or two left on his European contract?
  2. Is it realistic to think anyone will pick up Bibby and his $6M contract?
  3. I agree. This seems like the long-term result of Billy Knights idea of having a whole team of 6'8 players. Horford is my favorite player, but I think we are going to lose him. Even if he is offered more money by the Hawks, he'll probably end up better in the long run by playing 4 somewhere. He could be one of the best 4's, but his size will not let him be one of the best centers. And his body will probably last longer.
  4. This is all about money. The owners have obviously given up on making a winner. They paid for Joe and seemed to think that was enough. They sold a draft pick for money. They picked the cheapest coach. They gave Chillz away for a salary exception and a throwaway pick. Trading Marvin for a part-time, over-the-hill bench player just saves more nickels. It's all about money. I don't know why I even care any more. Even though I know each year we won't do what it takes to make a winner, I always hope for a miracle.
  5. I'd really like to get Shaq, but not at that price. I want to see want happens to Marvin without the Woody factor. I think he'll be better once he is moving on offense - rather than standing and watching JJ. We are going to trade a young starter for an aging bench player? I really believe we WILL do this trade - not to improve the team but to save money. We are becoming the K-Mart Hawks.
  6. I would love to get Paul. But even if he is available, why would they trade him to the Hawks? I'm sure there are at least a dozen teams that would put up a package of players/picks to get him - including NY, NJ, Phoenix (Nash is getting old), etc. We have a cheap, confused ownership that is not committed to winning a championship and a rookie coach. At least we are not in the same division or conference. Do we have some other advantage that I don't know of?
  7. This would be a very stupid move. Marvin may not be as good as we would like but our options at 3 are pretty poor. Can't see giving up a young starter for an aging reserve.
  8. He looked pretty bad in the Summer League game I watched. It was like he'd never learned the rules. I particularly liked how he brought the ball up and just pushed the defender away with his left hand - of course the refs objected to it.
  9. They could ALL try moving without the ball. I'm tired of seeing them all stand and watch JJ go one-on-one.
  10. Don't think Shaq is going to Miami. Didn't burn a lot of bridges there? Also, I just saw that "Big Z" is going there.
  11. You are mostly right. But its not just the Hawks, it's most teams now. There are a few rich teams and the rest of us are just fluff. Just here to give the "chosen ones" someone to play against. Kind of like the Washington Nationals and the Globetrotters. When was the last time we had a really great team? back when Ted was the owner. He had deep pockets, loved the team, and wanted to win. For most current owners this is just an investment. (Mr.Starbucks (Howard Schultz) nearly doubled his money by selling out Seattle to Stern's buddies. Its all about the money.) Some are struggling just to afford to keep their team - no way can they afford to win. So the question is: does Atlanta have another Ted?
  12. Since we have NEVER gotten anyone usefull in the second round, we have traded a lottery pick to get NO-ONE in return. What do we end up with? A body for a future summer league team and a salary exception? Kind of strikes me like selling a draft pick for cash. What a bunch of cheap-*ss owners, they aren't even trying to compete - just treading water.
  13. This is all strange. Joe should know by now what he wants. He got the max Atlanta can offer and no-one else can match it, there is no reason to wait. He should know what his priorities are and be able to make a decision. If he wants the most money, he goes to Atlanta - if he wants a championship ring or something else, he goes elsewhere. I don't understand why these guys can't just make a decision - they've got the information, just decide. He keeps saying he wants to win but by delaying his decison, he is freezing us out of the best part of the free agent market. The more he waits, the less likely Sund can get him some help on the team and he is LESS likely to win.
  14. What ever happened to all the Chris Paul talk?
  15. What do you think of Charles Garcia? I've seen him play and at times he's extremely impressive around the basket, he started out the season averaging 29pts but that dropped off a lot when teams start double-teaming him. He loafs on defense too much and needs a lot of good coaching. Kind of reminds me of Smoove. Seems like the perfect guy for the D-League.
  16. Maybe Steve Ballmer. We could be the next city to lose a team if someone in A-town doesn't step up. We could compete if the owners didn't run the team like a KMart.
  17. Yeah, but ... we didn't have to pick the German guy - there were other project centers to try like Alabi, Whitehead, and Jordan. It was the Tornado Suckers who wanted the German.
  18. Too old to dunk

  19. Let's not kid ourselves. Some owners want to win and will do whatever it takes; some just want the status of owning an NBA team; and for some it is just an investment. I think our owners are clearly not the first type; I doubt they are the second type because it can't be much fun being considered incompetent cheapskates by the fans; so I think they are just in it for the money. They invest as little as possible to maintain a pretense of being competitive and then collect the TV revenues - but the real profit comes with the sale of the team (just ask Howard Schultz). So now it's time. Please sell the team to someone who is of the first type - someone who wants to win and will do what it takes.
  20. You are completely right. They need to sell the team. I can't support an organization that doesn't even TRY to win. Just watch Joe and others bail now - they aren't going to get a championship team here. The owners just want the TV money and don't give a cr@p about the fans.
  21. I am SOOOOO disappointed. I think between this and hiring Drew on the cheap, the owners are telling us they don't care. It looks like we are getting ready to "rebuild" again. If they lose JJ now, it is all over. Not sure I'll ever go to another game if they decide they only need to be "respectable". We REALLY need some new owners. Yuck Yuck Yuck
  22. Trade Marvin. If he has any chance to shine it will be somewhere else. Drew may make him better but I think he needs a fresh start somewhere where he can start from scratch.
  23. No Sheldon will always be "we coulda had Brandon Roy", just like Marvin is "we coulda had Chris Paul".
  24. Wow. How characteristic of this management team. They went with the low bid - hoping to string the fans along a few more years, just to "give Drew a fair chance". We have no hope until we get an owner who wants to win. As for Drew himself, he stood next to Woody for so long it is hard to be fair.
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