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Any Ultimate Fighter fans here?


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Just wanted to know whether any of you guys follow the Ultimate Fighter show on Spike tv monday nights? I started following the sport of UFC because of the show's first season. I just seemed to have got hooked on it and it's my favorite show on TV besides watching the regular sports basketball&football.

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Yeah they are down to the semifinal rounds. I think they will have 2shows next week, 1 on monday night and another tuesday night. The winners of each weight division will compete live November5th on Spike tv for a contract with the UFC.

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There's basketball, football, and then there's mixed martial arts (like the UFC)...the 3 best sports of all time. I've actually seen every UFC since the very beginning, back in the day of Royce Gracie and the elimination tournaments where you had to fight 3 times in one night.

Bascially, I would recommend the UFC to anyone -- just don't expect viscous knockouts in every single fight. There are some really incredible knowckouts in every UFC, but at the same time to truly appreciate mixed martial arts as a sport it's important to learn what's going on inside the octagon; how an arm-bar works, how a triangle choke works, the importance of hip positioning on the ground, the importance of not giving your back to your opponent -- otherwise some pretty incredible fights may seem a little boring at first, like a pitcher's duel in baseball. Once you understand what's going on in there (and even before that, actually) it's an amazing sport. I'm hoping it will eventually become totally mainstream, with highlights on Sports Center and everything else.

The Ultimate Fighter reality show has done incredible things for the sport in terms of exposure, but if you're interested make sure you get a look at what the truly elite fighters can do during actual UFC events. You can get tapes of old UFC's at Blockbuster, under new releases and also under either sports or special interest. PRIDE Fighting also comes on the TV every now and then, which is about the same thing as the UFC. Spread the word and help mixed martial arts overtake boxing as the most popular combat sport in the world!

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well said. I've got a lot of friends that find it boring when it goes to the ground. But to me, that's the best part. I like a good knockout as much as the next guy. But what I really enjoy are the technical aspects of the ground work. All of those guys are strong enough to put a man down with a well placed punch. But when you see the way a truely skilled bjj/wrestler can completely dismantle and dominate an opponent on the ground, it's an awesome thing. It just takes a slightly more technical understanding of what they're doing than the average viewer has.

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Well the show that comes on weekly is set up like a reality show. You have 18fighters that stay in the same house together. They all train at the same facility. They are divided up in weightclasses and they have two different coaches who are currently UFC veterens. The first season had Chuck Lidell & Randy Coture as the coaches this season they have Matt Hughes and Rich Franklin. I don't know if that answered your question but it is definetly not like Prowrestling. BTW don't miss the last show before the finals tonight on Spike tv at 11:00pm.

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Well the show that comes on weekly is set up like a reality show. You have 18fighters that stay in the same house together. They all train at the same facility. They are divided up in weightclasses and they have two different coaches who are currently UFC veterens. The first season had Chuck Lidell & Randy Coture as the coaches this season they have Matt Hughes and Rich Franklin. I don't know if that answered your question but it is definetly not like Prowrestling. BTW don't miss the last show before the finals tonight on Spike tv at 11:00pm.

So is it reality TV, etc. etc. and then someone fights at the end of each episode?

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Yeah pretty much. They will show how they interact with one another at the house. However, since this is a athletic event you will never see them "Out on the town" clubbing like other reality shows. Each week they choose 2guys from each weight division to fight. After that they will let you get to know that figther at little better. They will show you how they are preparing for the fight and then at the end the 2meet in the octagon at the training facility. The thing I like about the show is that it allows you to get to know a fighter better and if he makes it you already have a favorite you can follow in the UFC. They will have 2fights tonight 1 welterweight semifinal match and 1 heavyweight bout.

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