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I was right! - thread locked, enough already


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Your giving me a lecture on Black nationalism and economic empowerment...........hmmmm, lets see, your right walter's being from WCU doesnt tell me that he is an idiot, his ridiculous comments do, his institution of learning only tells me he probably had low SAT scores.


How else could he make up for his inferior atheltic ability?

Lets see you make some kind of assumption that because I judge people on more than how many points they score and dont fawn over every overhyped white player that somehow that means that I assume blacks are better athletes. I know because we are dumb gorillas that can only out shine white folks on the basketball court...right? confused.gifNO Their are alot of reasons whites underperform in sports. Blacks arent by right or definition superior athletes, otherwise those European countries wouldnt be competitive in the World Cup. Your assertions are ignorant and misplaced. Yes Afro-Latinos dominate sports in Latin America and Afropeans in Europe just as Afro-Americans here, however Afrikaners (White South Africans of Dutch and German descent....for you WCU grads) dominate sports in South Africa.


The white man has kept you down all these years to make himself feel superior intellectually.

I'm a millionaire,I have two successful businesses, I own three homes, I am about to complete an Ivy leauge mba, I already have Engineering degrees from the University of Florida and Georgia Tech respectively. My brother graduated from Duke and is in Medical school. How in the HELL has any white man kept me down? White people cant stop you from achieving in life, if that was the case China, India, Japan, Korea, Dubai and SouthEast Asia wouldnt enjoy the type of economic success they have seen. Your life is your own and the fact is opportunity can always be capitalized on. I hate hearing that white folks keeping me down bullshhhh, Is there racism, only idiots pretent there isnt, but at the end of the day more people than not are interested in who you are as an individual and what you can offer them......................PS. Inspite of what you read on blackvoices.com not every white man sits in his basement plotting how to destroy black people, racism is a silly complex that people, myself included, have get over, the truth is you can take pride in your cultural identity without browbeating, other cultures and races.


You should get rich to show him who is boss. Everybody knows that wealth is all that really matters. Money is the great equalizer. Jesus said so, himself.


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Your giving me a lecture on Black nationalism and economic empowerment

Was that a question? It's "you're", and no I'm not. I know you think it's insignificant, but when you compound errors in the same sentence, it gets hard to see what you mean. No one has ever demanded any more from you, though, so how should you know any different?


his institution of learning only tells me he probably had low SAT scores

Again, you're applying a stereotype, which you implicitly admit by using the word "probably". Besides, SAT scores? Who cares about high school standardized tests? Please tell us your monstrous score, since you openly mock Walter's (which you don't even know).


Lets see you make some kind of assumption that because I judge people on more than how many points they score and dont fawn over every overhyped white player that somehow that means that I assume blacks are better athletes.

Let's see. You make the assumption that I base my conclusions on your last post. I know you. You've been here before. You were a narcissistic, self-promoting, materialistic black supremacist then, and I doubt you have changed much.


Your assertions are ignorant and misplaced

You don't even know what I'm asserting, if I'm asserting anything at all. If you did, you would know that nearly the entirety of my post was sarcastic.


I'm a millionaire,I have two successful businesses, I own three homes, I am about to complete an Ivy leauge mba, I already have Engineering degrees from the University of Florida and Georgia Tech respectively

1) Materialistic.

2) Please don't throw your degrees at me

3) When people say "Ivy League" without saying which one, it usually means Brown or Dartmouth. It's like saying "in the top 10"...wouldn't say that if you were #2.


My brother graduated from Duke and is in Medical school

At Duke Med? What year?


How in the HELL has any white man kept me down?

He hasn't. Didn't you read *sarcasm* in my post? Actually, the white man has made it easier for you to get into prestigious schools due to affirmative action. If you were white, your butchery of sentence structure would get your application thrown in the trash. That's not to say that grammar has anything to do with ability to succeed in the business world, of course.


Inspite of what you read on blackvoices.com not every white man sits in his basement plotting how to destroy black people

That's a real website? Black people really believe those things?


I hate hearing that white folks keeping me down bullshhhh, Is there racism, only idiots pretent there isnt, but at the end of the day more people than not are interested in who you are as an individual and what you can offer them

Sure, I may be a little too particular about grammar, but even you have to admit that this "sentence" is just horrid. My God, where is the punctuation?


the truth is you can take pride in your cultural identity without browbeating, other cultures and races.

Oh, that's too funny. Hypocrisy, anyone? Are you serious? Are you really buying your own steaming pile?



You should get rich to show him who is boss. Everybody knows that wealth is all that really matters. Money is the great equalizer. Jesus said so, himself.


Again, sarcasm. Is dry humor really that imperceptible to a man with Ivy League credentials? What, do you think Jesus really said that? He said "do not store up treasures for yourself on earth". Hardly the same thing.

The only reason I said that part was I knew you would agree with that and take the bait, despite the obvious sarcasm.

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Well I agree as a #1 pick he is a wash but not as a player, I can easily see him rebounding and playing D which is the most important thing a center can do. I am not impress by 20PPG scorers because they are a dime a dozen.

He's a bust until he proves otherwise. Players being drafted high and end up being role players don't impress me. That's what the mid-late first round is for. And lets get something clear.. Kwame isn't THAT good of a rebounder and defensive player. I doubt he'll ever be a double figure rebound guy and for a PF/C that's the only way I truly consider them good rebounders.

One reason why I don't like Reef, Al Harrington, Eddy Curry and the other 35MPG big men that don't hit the boards.

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Lebron James

Kevin Garnett

Shawn Marion

Amare Stoudamire

Kobe Ballhog Bryant

Elton Brand

Ron Artest, Yeah I Said IT!

Rashard Lewis

Carmelo Anthony

Paul Pierce

Shaquille O'Neal

Dwayne Wade

Dwight Howard, Yeah I Said IT!

Joe Johnson, Yeah I Said IT!

Ben Wallace

Gilbert Arenas

Allen Iverson

Chris Webber

Yoa Ming, Yeah I Said IT!

Tim Duncan

Tony Parker

Oh man, too funny. If you honestly believe that Rashard Lewis, Gilbert Arenas, and Chris Webber are better than Dirk, you're far more clueless than I ever imagined, and I'm not going to waste any time debating anything basketball-related with you from here on out. LOL at throwing Yao Ming in there so it's not an all-black list too.

Rashard Lewis ... that one might have me laughing all day. Has he even made an all star team? Maybe once a year or two ago?

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Thats Easy I'll name 20

Lebron James

Kevin Garnett

Shawn Marion

Amare Stoudamire

Kobe Ballhog Bryant

Elton Brand

Ron Artest, Yeah I Said IT!

Rashard Lewis

Carmelo Anthony

Paul Pierce

Shaquille O'Neal

Dwayne Wade

Dwight Howard, Yeah I Said IT!

Joe Johnson, Yeah I Said IT!

Ben Wallace

Gilbert Arenas

Allen Iverson

Chris Webber

Yoa Ming, Yeah I Said IT!

Tim Duncan

Tony Parker

..................Thats (21).

Players On the same level as Dirk

Chris Bosh, Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Ray Allen, Starbury, Stevie Franchise, Rip Hamiliton

I don't think SOME your list is as crazy as some others.

1.Marbury is not on Dirks level. Marbury can't even get a team to the playoffs. Ditto for Francis, Rip Hamilton.

I think Bosh will pass Dirk in the next year or two.

Shaq isn't as good as Dirk.. He can barely play 30MPG now and only averages 18/8... His FT% is a bigger problem now since he does less to make up for it.

JJ isn't as good as Dirk.. He hasn't ever lead a team anywhere. Ditto for Rashard Lewis. Shard isn't even an allstar really.

Melo isn't better than Dirk because they're equal offensive players, but Dirk hits the boards more.

Dwight Howard needs to improve his offensive game first. Marion isn't better than Dirk.. He can't even create his own shot.

Tony Parker isn't better than Dirk because he's never proven to be anything more than a really good sidekick.

I could see about 13 of those players being better than Dirk.

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I'm well aware that your reasons for not considering him a top 20 player have nothing to do with basketball. I knew that would be the case before I ever read your reply. With the narrow minded, bigoted opinions you routinely dish out. You should be used to people disagreeing with them at this point. I try to avoid them as much as possible. But sometimes even I can't resist questioning the absurdity of some of the things you say.

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He hasn't. Didn't you read *sarcasm* in my post?
Actually, the white man has made it easier for you to get into prestigious schools due to affirmative action.
If you were white, your butchery of sentence structure would get your application thrown in the trash. That's not to say that grammar has anything to do with ability to succeed in the business world, of course.

Your pathetic, Maybe I am in an Ivy League mba program because I had a 3.9 GPA in Graduate school, Maybe I had a 790 on ny GMAT, No its because I am a Ni**er, We just sit around robbing poor whitemen like yourself of all your opportunities. Matter of fact we sit around on Blackplanets.com plotting how we can ruin your lives. The truth of the matter is Affirmative Action was established to force racist instituitons to let 5 or 6 over qaulified black in a year. Result White women get to use a program designed for traditional disenfranchised populations, befenficiary: White Men. .....................This comment actually proves to me that your a useless bigot, who is listening to Micheal Savage @ night, wishing deep down inside he was black so he could rap like Kanye, dance like Diddy Ball like Jordan or have the Mind of Ben Carson ( look him up bigot). grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif I'm the oppressed minority yet your the one who is probably broke and relatively uneducated. Oh well guess I will enjoy the life thet you were supposed to have. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

PS. since I dont live in a trailor wishing they would end Affirmative Action so black folks would stop stealing my life, I dont bother to use proper grammer or spellcheck for a bunch of people I dont know. Its called a life get one.

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The NBA is 80% black and 90% of the white players are just role players, So me have a list that has 20 blacks and 1 Asain at the top is not racist, its realistic. How many white playes are in the top 20, Other than Nash, Gasol, Dirk and Kirelinko, I cant think of any that should even be on the allstar team.

Here is alist you will like top ten players in the League

1 Dirk

2 Peja

3 Nash

4 Gasol

5 Whitey

6 Whitman Jim

7 Whiteman Steve

8 Whiteman Bob

9 Whiteman Mark

10. Whiteman Neal Boortz confused.gif

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If you are at an Ivy League school you should know that students being admitted due to affirmative action programs aren't overqualified (only a small proportion of the student body at any school is admitted due to affirmative action). They are lower performing than the rest of the student body. The Supreme Court justified race based affirmative action in spite of this based on past discrimination and the value to education institutions of having diversity among the student body.

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1 Dirk

2 Peja

3 Nash

4 Gasol

5 Whitey

6 Whitman Jim

7 Whiteman Steve

8 Whiteman Bob

9 Whiteman Mark

10. Whiteman Neal

One of those top 3 won the MVP last year and two of the top three have a good chance to win it this year. Yet neither are in your top 20.

I think that says it all.

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Let see I say Dirk is amoung the top 25 players in the league and thats not good enough, I'm a racist. Everytime a white guy scores more than 20 points in game, people act like he's the messiah. Be relistic, is Dirk better than KG,AI,Kobe,Lebron or T-Mac, no not even close. I'm sorry from now on I will recognize that Peja, Dirk and Nash are the greatest players to ever touch the ball. Your assertion is the same as me saying Aaron Brookes is better than Peyton Manning just because he is above average.

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Nobody has mentioned Peja except you. Why are you even bringing him up?

And since you are such a brilliant basketball scholar maybe you can answer this;

How many of your black brothers has ever averaged 19/10 while shooting 50%+ from the field, 40%+ from 3 and 90%+ from the line?

Since 80% of the league is black, and has been for some time, you should be able to come up with an extensive list.

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You have multiple degrees and are a millionaire. You should know the difference in being a racist and a bigot. I didn't say you are a racist. I KNOW the difference. You are a bigot. Saying that Dirk isn't a top 20 player doesn't make you a bigot. Your reasons for saying he's not a top 20 player are what make you a bigot.

You can dodge the truth in what I say and reply with childish remarks all you want. That shows that what I say hit closer to home than you care to admit. Though I would expect more from one who routinely claims such lofty status as you do.

As for Dirk, he's better than Tmac and he's on par with KG this year. This is the first season that I would have legitimately considered him as high as I do now though. Prior to this he was above average. But my opinion is based purely on what he does on the court. I don't base it on things that have nothing to do with basketball, as you admittedly do.

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