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Education at Western Carolina University

Gray Mule

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Some recent remarks about W.C.U. would lead one to believe

that we, who reside here in this area are nothing.

We have some of the smartest people anywhere that are

proud graduates of this fine school. Currently, WCU

has players in the Major League, the NFL and the NBA.

Let me share a story with you to illustrate my point.

Recently, at a rest stop on the Interstate, three young

men happened to arrive at the same time.

The first man came out of the stall, washed his hands

and used several paper towels to dry. "I'm a graduate

of Harvard. We were taught that cleanliness is next

to godliness."

The second young man emerged, washed and used only one

paper towel. "I'm a graduate of UCLA. We were taught

not to waste our precious resources."

The third young man emerged, passed the sink and towels,

saying, "I'm a graduate of Western Carolina University.

They taught us not to pee on ourselves!"

So you see, as we discuss Basketball, and certainly the

NBA and the Hawks, and as we disagree about a lot of

ideas about what may be right or wrong about our beloved

team, sometimes our remarks carry us away from basketball

into other areas where we are less knowing.


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I've always respected your post, you dont fly off the handle and join in nonsense. I am not implying that people in the area are ignorant. I do stand by the statement that WCU isnt exactly Harvard. That is however not a reflection on the WCU surrounding community. If you are a WCU grad then obviously that says alot for the schooll because you are nothing more than a gentleman.

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Guest Walter



I graduate from WCU on May 6th.

And I have mastered the art of urinating.


BHD hasn't. Even when he tries to piss on someone else he keeps running it down his own leg. What an ignorant self-promoter.

Congratulations MrHonline. Good luck with the job or grad school search. Since you are in the area, I've got a show coming up at the Emerald Lounge in Asheville April 22nd.


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Congratulations MrHonline. Good luck with the job or grad school search.

Thanks! I'll be receiving an M.A. in English...so it's on to

the job search...


Since you are in the area, I've got a show coming up at the Emerald Lounge in Asheville April 22nd.


I looked it up...Mother Vinegar, is it? What kind of music?

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BHD just can't think logically. Facts and data scare him, so he usually avoids using these in his arguments. If you introduce them, he will just fling dung at you, say "yawn", and recapitulate his original, poorly thought out statement.

He ripped on WCU, and now he's trying to suck up to mule so he won't make any more enemies than he already has.

He says he stands by *his* statement that WCU isn't exactly Harvard, even though that's not even close to what he said. He implied that he didn't respect your intelligence because you were a WCU grad. Basically, he was saying that WCU isn't much of a college and that the arguments of its graduates must be discounted on that basis. That's a much stronger statement than "Well, it isn't quite Harvard." Harvard is consistently in the top 2 undegraduate institutions in terms of national rankings. You could say that very nearly any of the countless other colleges in America "isn't exactly Harvard."

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yah, there is grade inflation and ego inflation, but I try not to classify people based on their institution. There's lots of research money at Harvard, and it ranks really high.

A person can get a good undergraduate education at plenty of institutions. The ones that are the most rigorous are not the most prestigious, generally.

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I feel the need to finally speak up on all of these posts since the return of BHD.

First, I go to a very small private undergraduate school and am about to get my BS in Biology. I will then be leaving for Med school in the fall at Mercer University. I am aware that these two schools are not "top" schools, but I feel like I have definately received a great education thus far and will continue to do so.

Just because someone gets high test scores or goes to the "best" schools does not make anyone better than someone else. Some of the smartest people I know didn't even go to college (and most of the others just got their BS or associates degree).

Second, having common sense is also important. Very important. And so is treating other people with respect and being kind and reasonable. Since BHD came back to this site, there has been way too much "discussion" going on here that does not need to happen.

BHD, I want you to know that I have absolutely no problem with you when you come here to post about basketball. You seem to be knowledgable about the sport. But all of this other stuff needs to stop.

I remember when you last got banned. You were posting the same nonsense that you started this time around (and for one of your first posts no less). If you feel the need to continue posting from a seemingly "racial soapbox", please do not continue to do it on this site. I, for one, come here to read posts about the Hawks (or just post about leisure topics like movies) and I am sure most others do as well.

Finally, I am asking that everyone here please not get caught up in the controvery that BHD likes to create with many of his posts. This has happened multiple times in the 3-4 years that I have posted here. I almost left the board once because of the bickering and lack of legitimate posts that persisted for a time. This board provides a lot of enjoyment for many Hawks fans. It does not need to be ruined because of issues that should be discussed elsewhere.

I am sorry that this was long. And I know my voice probably does not mean much to most here because I post little; but the amount of time I spend reading this board (especially the length of time) probably is up there with at least half of the current posters.

I just want to see this board continue to get better and not regress. The good people that run this site put a lot of hard work into it I am sure. Screwing that up for absolutely no good reason just does not make sense in my eyes.

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Guest Walter

I, however, am just doing a solo gig opening for them. Acoustic guitar, singer songwriter stuff. Looking for a few good players now that I'm in Asheville. Any takers?


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I can't really say anything ~ I went to an Ivy League school (swam there) & Harvard was our primary rival ~ there truly are some differences (in general) between peoples at each of the ivy's, but I simply couldn't resist the temptation to stick a little jab in there against harvard...

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